Chapter 178 Control Kaiyu!!

On the way to find Ya Magazine, I also met some people, although there was Mira, but because the clothes on the people were so strange, Xia Ming finally directly controlled these people with dot holes.

“Mira? Who are you? ”

After seeing Mira, the Asian journal naturally recognized it, although he was not interested in Kaiyu’s research and experiments, but for the successful example, he did pay attention to the heart of the Mira is an artificial child, and this talent itself is very good, and the Asian journal naturally paid attention to it.

But now Mira had actually come to her place, and there were some strangely dressed people, which surprised both Ya Jian and Li Ke.

After all, in addition to dueling with people, Mira usually stays in her room and will not go out at all.

“Introduce yourself, my name is Xia Ming, I am Mira’s companion, and I came here for only one purpose, to clean up the garbage in the dark hopper management world!”

Xia Ming introduced himself.

“Mira’s companion? Clean up the garbage? ”

Hearing this, Ya Zhan and Li Ke were even more puzzled, Mira was obviously experimented on by Kai Yu when he was a child, and it has continued until now, what kind of companion?

“What the hell do you want to do?”

Yajian no longer figured out what was going on, so he could only ask.

“Literally, in the dark cooking world, I see that some people are unpleasant, and I plan to clean up these people, only the dark cooking world is controlled by Mira, of course, her situation is relatively special, so I need you to control the second cut at that time!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that he was basically not interested in the dark cuisine world, but Mira was from this world.

Although he can take Mira out of this world and settle directly in the Eclipse World, he will come to this world later.

He is also quite interested in the legendary kitchen utensils, and the people around him also need to understand the cooking system of this world, so the Dark Bucket Theory Realm is indeed necessary.

“Do you know what you’re talking about?”

Before the Asian Journal could speak, Li Ke opened his mouth with a strange face.

You know, the strongest person in the entire dark cuisine world is Kaiyu, and likewise, everyone listens to Kaiyu, and under such a premise, no one can handle Kai.

“Of course, now we will go to Kaiyu, you can also come here or wait for the news, I came to you first just to give you a preventive injection!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that he did not intend to make enemies with the two men, so it was not good to make it clear in advance that there would be no misunderstanding when the time came.

After speaking, Xia Ming took the lead and left here, as for Kaiyu’s location, Xia Ming found it, in fact, it is nothing if he does not look for it, and what Mira Wei knows is estimated to be Kaiyu’s residence.

“Lord Yajian, shall we follow up and take a look?”

Li Ke asked.

“Go and see what confidence he has to take down Kaiyu, and even if he wins Kaiyu, how to make others obedient!”

Yajian is well aware of Kaiyu’s prestige in the dark cooking world, and it is difficult to make others obedient.

“Your Honor, these people are…”

Along the way, the two also met some people who had been directly punctured, and these people could not move at the moment.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s the other party’s special ability!”

Yajian himself is a person with special abilities, and this high temperature can instantly incinerate a person, so it seems normal for the other party to have some special abilities, otherwise he would not have said such a thing.

“I can’t move at all, but I should still be awake!”

Li Ke’s hand shook a few times in front of one of them, and found that the other party’s pupils would move with it, but the others did not move at all, which indicated that the other party was still awake.

There is no such thing as a point in this world, although the force value of some people is indeed quite high, such as Wren and others.

Their strength is beyond the scope of normal people.

But this kind of thing that is generally found in the martial arts world, this world naturally does not exist.

Along the way, all the way to Kaiyu, the people I met were directly pointed out by Xia Ming, until everyone saw Kaiyu.

“Who are you? Why would Mira be here? ”

Kaiyu asked the same question as Ya Magazine, after all, it was indeed a very strange thing that Mira suddenly appeared with a group of people.

Even he was now more surprised than Ya Chuan, after all, Mira was made by him, and he knew very well who Mira was, and he did not expect that his work would bring people to him.

“I’m not your puppet anymore!”

Mira shook her head, her answer surprising Kaiyu even more.

“Incredible, obviously your state was not like this yesterday, what exactly made you like this?”

Kaiyu doesn’t feel threatened by the others, after all, this is his lair, and he is more concerned about Mira’s degree.

After all, Mira was completely beyond his imagination, which was quite strange.

“What a load of nonsense!”

Xia Ming clicked in the air, did not need to use calories, the force of the air vapor directly hit the opponent’s six positive to complete the point six.

After all, Kaiyu is strictly speaking just an ordinary person with some special abilities, and he doesn’t need a calorie weapon yet.

Before Xia Ming used calorie weapons to point out those creatures, mainly because those creatures were large and had strong defenses, such a simple induction of air could not complete the point at all.

But it is enough to deal with Kaiyu, and there is no need to use other unnecessary means.

At this moment, Kai Yu was also terrified in his heart, because he suddenly couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, but his consciousness was awake, and he could only watch everything in front of him Kai Yu this person, he liked the feeling of dominating other people’s lives after poisoning others with poison.

Although it is true that those few people are to blame, it is their actions that release a demon, but now that the small life is in the hands of others, this contrast makes Kai Yu frightened again.

He didn’t know how long it had been since he felt like this again.

“Even if you control Kaiyu, the people of the Dark Cuisine World won’t listen to you!”

At this time, Ya Magazine also arrived, and when he saw Kai Yu, who was easily controlled, he shook his head, the black sound material hopper world is not so easy to control.

“You don’t need to bother with this, but I need you to use your authority now to gather all the members of the Dark Cuisine World Headquarters.”

“As for those on the outside, we’ll talk about it later!”

Xia Ming planned to master the people here first, and then the others slowly bed…

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