Chapter 179 Xia Ming, who was treated as an immortal!!


Ya Jian did not refuse, he also wanted to see what Xia Ming would do.

As for whether it is his betrayal or not, don’t be funny, now Kaiyu is under control, and the dark cuisine world pays attention to absolute predatory.

Under Kai You’s order, soon, the members inside Liang Shanbo were all gathered in the hall.

Of course, just some important people, can also be regarded as management.

“Lord Yajian, what are you doing when you suddenly summon us here? What about Lord Kaiyu? ”

Generally, such gatherings indicate that there is something very important, and similarly, such a big event is usually presided over by Kai Yu as the leader, but now Kai Yu is not there, but Ya Magazine is there.

Although they also have respect for Yabian, the fact that the leader is Kai Yu will not become this.

“Your Lord Kai is here!”

After the people gathered, Xia Ming directly threw Kai You out, and Kai Yu, who was pointed, did not change his expression even if he fell to the ground, not that he didn’t want to, but that he couldn’t do it.

“Kaiyu? This… What’s going on here? ”

Seeing Kaiyu being thrown to the ground like this, a group of people were shocked and quickly helped Kaiyu up, but after lifting Kaiyu, everyone found that Kaiyu was still a wooden person, without any change or speak.

“Just as you have shrunk, Kaiyu has been defeated, not in terms of cuisine, but now the person who defeated him intends to master the Dark Vault Realm!”

The Asian magazine said this sentence expressionlessly, and suddenly the people below were noisy, and more disdainful.

The leader of the dark culinary world is not a casual person!

However, before they could say a few more words, a wave of terror and coercion was pressed on these people, and the coercion did not bypass Ya Jian and Li Ke, but the coercion that acted on the two people was very fan.

But what happens to other people is completely different.

Except for Ya Zhuan and Li Ke, the others in the dark cooking world were directly pressed to their knees by this coercion.

This kind of coercion is not only useful for beasts, but also for people, just like Komatsu was scared when he faced Ayu’s coercion for the third time.

Although Xia Ming did not use his full strength now, this coercion is not something that these people can resist.

The pressure lasted for almost a minute, and seeing that someone could not hold back and fainted, Xia Ming withdrew his pressure.

“Do you have any comments now?”

Xia Ming asked, but no one answered Xia Ming’s question, and they were all about to collapse under such coercion just now.

Now the coercion has finally dissipated, and I don’t even have the courage to speak.

“It seems that no one has an opinion, Ya Journal, who among these people is not against Kai Yu?”

Since there is no objection, then naturally it is time to clean up the garbage.

During the conversation, a series of golden chopsticks appeared above the crowd, and this scene also stunned Ya Magazine, who had planned to speak, and the others were the same, this means is no longer a human hand.

After a moment’s hesitation, Kaiyu began to make a name for these people, but whoever was hit, the chopsticks would fall directly through their hearts.

Xia Ming had many ways to kill them, but it was too bloody to be good, and there were other people watching next to them, so in this way, the effect was good and there was no need to worry about making it too bloody for others to accept it.

“Immortal… Immortals, immortals don’t kill me, I…”

At this moment, Xia Ming had already been regarded as an immortal by everyone, after all, such a means could never be done by human beings.

This is also the reason why Xia Ming used this trick, after all, the world is still in ancient times, so it is actually better to use such a gimmick.

These named people kept begging for mercy, but Xia Ming would not spare the people named during their period who also wanted to run, but the coercive effect just now was still there, they couldn’t stand up, and they could only crawl out embarrassingly when they ran, but did this work?

Soon, most of the people in the entire hall were cleaned up by Xia Ming.

These people were all dead and unworthy, and this number of Xia Ming was not surprised, after all, in the Dark Cuisine World, Kaiyu was the leader, and most of the people naturally followed him.

“Clear these corpses, I won’t move you if there are no evil people, then the others will be handed over to you, and you will cooperate with her door to clean up these three damn people!”

The people who have been cleaned up below are always only a very small number, the dark cuisine world has a huge force, among which the personnel are naturally indispensable, Xia Ming is cleaning up the management, as for the others, it will be handed over to others.

“Yes yes yes, the immortals command us to obey!”

These people have already been frightened, and they believe that now all this is because of the misdeeds of Kaiyu and others, attracting the immortals and cleaning up the dark culinary world.

“By the way, Chana, there should be a lot of people here who Kaiyu uses to do experiments, and these people need you to heal!”

Xia Ming suddenly remembered that there were probably many people here who had encountered the same thing as Mira before.

“Leave it to me!”

Hu Die Kanae herself is a very kind person, she naturally will not shirk such a thing, or she will do it without Xia Ming saying.

“Riveria, you look at a few of them, after all, they are also doing this kind of thing for the first time!”

Several other people, Xia Ming, handed it to Riveria.

“I know, use it and let’s go!”

Riveria also nodded, and the others looked at Riveria with more respect, after all, Riveria’s ears themselves are completely different from normal people.

Before, they were just deformed, but now the people who follow the immortals will naturally be a little different, so they are now in awe of Riveria.

“Immortal, how does Kai Yu deal with it now?”

Ya Jian asked, Xia Ming’s performance just now is no different from the immortals, no matter how powerful he is, he is also a person, such a divine means he can’t understand that human beings can do, so he also treats Xia Ming as an immortal.

“Don’t call me an immortal, just call me an adult, Kai, just find someone to throw him to the place where you dispose of the body!”

Xia Ming did not directly kill Kaiyu, but planned to let him die slowly.

His point is not something that Kaiyu can break free of, and Kaiyu needs to pay for everything he does.

“I see!”

Ya Jian looked at Kaiyu with some pity, this punishment is to let Kaiyu watch everything he has done slowly die, he can already imagine Kaiyu’s despair is right…

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