Chapter 180 Dark Secret Skills!!

The clean-up of the Dark Cuisine World was completed within a day, of course, only for those in Liangshanpo, as for the rest, it will have to wait until the recall.

In this day, several other girls have also grown a lot, at least if they encounter human enemies in the future, they can not hesitate to make a move, without worrying about not being able to bear it.

After that, it took them a few days to gradually recover, and as for the clean-up work, it was naturally carried out by Yajian itself.

He is actually very unhappy with these behaviors, but he is not a leader and cannot control so much.

But now, since it was the order of the chief, he was naturally happy to clean up these guys.

After a few days of slowdown, everyone who gradually recovered also began to learn the dark secret technique, which is a special technique such as the fierce bull green dragon slash.

Unlike the people who capture the world of food, the people of the captive world of food have a strong physique to support cooking because they have gourmet cells, but the people who are small in the world are completely different, because the force has a limit, so from the aspect of continuous development.

Such techniques are not only useful now, but also useful even as strength increases.

So these dark secret techniques are quite good skills, and they can even be used not only in cooking, but also in combat.

“Such a powerful skill, such a physical fitness can completely cut a cow in an instant, it’s incredible!”

After seeing the fierce bull green dragon slash demonstrated by others, everyone was shocked, how far must the development of this skill be to achieve these three steps.

You know, although there are a series of special abilities in the small boss world, but excluding these special abilities, the strength of a person’s body can reach the level of cornices and walls.

This is only third-rate in the martial arts world, but such physical qualities can support them to use such magical skills.

“The most important thing is not to shed a drop of blood, and completely seal the blood in the living body!”

Looking at the fierce bull and green dragon slash completed by others, everyone constantly felt that after all, the people present could not do it before learning the righteousness of food.

Only food can surpass such secret skills, but now you can completely combine the secret skills and food meanings to create your own secret skills, so that the cooking skills will also be greatly improved.

As for Xia Ming, he didn’t need to, the abilities he developed were basically based on fists, and his body was the strongest weapon, and he didn’t need to use other weapons.

Now his development in the fist is not much better than holding a weapon, so such a skill is useless to him.

It can play a certain auxiliary role for others.

“In addition to these dark secret skills, there are some special kitchenware, and sure enough, each world has its own uniqueness!”

After knowing a series of dark secret techniques, everyone is also very impressed, after all, in addition to these skills, there are also kitchenware, but they basically can’t use them now.

After all, with such strength and food support, naturally these are not needed, but the legendary kitchenware still arouses everyone’s curiosity.

After all, that thing has incredible power.

“Is there really a dish in this world that can be eaten and immortalized?”

For the effect of the legendary kitchenware, to be honest, everyone is skeptical, not only them, Xia Ming is not very convinced.

Compare the favors created by the gods of the wrong world, even the gods have spent a lot of effort and continuous improvement of the favors to break the lifespan limit.

But what about the world of small masters? A kitchen dish made from an extraterrestrial meteorite that is approved can live forever?

This is strange no matter how you look at it.

Of course, it cannot be completely denied, after all, some world power systems are not high, but they can make such things.

Just like the mythical world, although the mythical world exists through time and space immortal medicine and other things, but the power system is indeed very low.

However, there was one thing that Xia Ming could be sure of, that is, there should be some drawbacks to such an eternal life.

It’s as if the effects of the elixir of the mythical world would be eliminated.

Perhaps the eternal life of this world does exist, but there are certain limitations.

At this stage, Xia Ming is not rare in the immortal power of the legendary kitchen utensils, after all, it is something that has not yet been determined…

The immortality of favor is recognized by Loki and Hestia, so it is better to have no question or favor.

“Maybe it exists, but there is no need to pursue this kind of thing, after all, we have no worries about life expectancy.”

“But the legendary kitchenware is not bad in hand!”

Xia Ming himself will not look for kitchenware, but he will let Yajian and others find it, and he knows the general location of the legendary kitchenware, but only the general location, and he also needs the map code.

It’s not difficult to get these things, Xia Ming is not a simple cook, he has specific information, and then let others pick it up.

As for whether the other party agrees to this, there is no need to worry at all, even if the people in the Dark Bucket Rational Realm are not capable enough, but here is Xia Ming, the magic sword of the dungeon world, and these people can be invincible at will.

The same is true of the razor-sharp weapons, which can be easily obtained with kitchen utensils, of course, until the garbage of the dark cuisine world is removed.

For the next period of time, everyone was constantly wandering back and forth in the secret realm and the small home world, what to do and what to do.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye, and the cleaning of the Black Sound Department’s hopper management side has been carried out for most of the time.

Since there was no good means of communication in this world, coupled with the deterrent power of Xia Ming, an immortal, the matter of cleaning up the dark cuisine world was not transmitted at all.

The people in the dark cooking world outside are also not clear, so they are recalled one by one, and then the problems are directly disposed of.

During this period of time, because of a series of things and learning various skills, no one went to other places to see, which can be regarded as some relics.

But when the new secret realm is over, you can go around this world.

The world of small masters is a real world of food, and it is completely incomparable to the world of eclipse.

For everyone, there is still a sense of expectation, but during this time, they really can’t afford to go three times.

“A new secret realm is about to open, and I don’t know what secret realm I will encounter this time!”

For the secret place, everyone is a little expectant and a little worried…

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