Chapter 181: Secret Realm Sky Vegetable Field!!

Xia Ming naturally knew what this secret realm really was, and this time the secret realm was the Sky Vegetable Field.

That’s right, the sky vegetable patch with the ingredients in the way.

Soon, the group entered the secret realm, this time there was no new person, the place where everyone was located was above a huge green vine, and under the feet was the endless sea.

“The secret mission is to capture ozone grass, is it the ozone grass called the tripping ingredient?”

Hu Die Kanae’s eyes also lit up after seeing the mission introduction, and everyone except Mira was a little excited after hearing her words.

The reason is very simple, such a fetter ingredient as ozone grass is explained in the information, and two people need to bite it at the same time.

In the original work of Ah Yu, it is not surprising that he was also pit by his own people, no one explained the situation of ozone grass to him, IGO has completed the cultivation of ozone grass, but does not tell Ah Yu anything.

It was also Komatsu who heard the 29 sounds of the ingredients, otherwise it would be rutted to someone else.

Ozone grass is generally a must-have ingredient between partners, because it must be eaten by both parties, and such ingredients naturally make everyone a little excited.

After all, except for Riveria, everyone else’s favorability towards Xia Ming is very high, even Mira, after all, Mira is an artificial child’s heart, so it is too simple, and it is easy to get along in the second period of time.

After all, Riveria is an old river, and she is not so easy to be emotional, but she also has a slight favorability for Xia Ming, but not to the same extent as others.

Others basically belong to Xia Ming’s kind of dead heart.

“It is rumored that close partners will find ways to catch ozone grass, which is located in the sky vegetable field, but I draw their current location.”

Looking at the surrounding environment of herself and others, Alice was also a little confused, and it seemed that there was no so-called sky vegetable field around.

“Sky vegetable fields, as the name suggests, vegetable fields in the sky, which is also a very rare category in the secret realm.”

“Along the vine man continue to go up, there is almost a distance of tens of thousands of meters, you can reach the sky vegetable field!”

“To be honest, I can take everyone straight up with me, but I’m not sure if there’s any danger, so the old rule is to wait seven days!”

Xia Ming said, anyway, the vine man here is big enough, and it is not a problem to camp here.

Just as everyone was talking, suddenly a group of strange birds with ten evil looks flew over.

“Ugly strange bird, it seems to be very fierce, I remember it seems to be called a mimetic human-faced bird, when I was a child, I was obviously very cute, and when I grew up, I was crippled, but there was no danger!”

Looking at the strange birds that were close to him and the others, Tian Sohui also recognized that they had seen the picture book and basically memorized the picture book.

This imitation human-faced bird capture level is only level 2, although the appearance is very fierce, but it is not dangerous, but it is very docile, but it is indeed bumpy to look at the right way.

“The mimetic human-faced bird when I was a child was really cute and cute, why do we have to grow up?”

Looking at the mimicry human-faced bird with a huge gap between the two, Erina, Sagiri is also a little powerless to complain, this is the so-called long disability.

For the next few days, everyone lived at the bottom of the vine, until the time of seven days was up, everyone planned to go up, originally Xia Ming planned to bring everyone directly to it, but was rejected by others.

According to them, climbing this vine man is not a troublesome thing anyway, you can just take a look at the scenery along the way, so it’s better to climb it.

In this regard, Xia Ming did not refuse, it was better to come out for a vacation, anyway, this creature on the vine man could not pose any threat to them, and the only thing that needed to be protected was Mira.

With not only landing, the higher it goes, the lower the temperature, and the oxygen content will continue to decrease.

The most important thing is that there will be some powerful beasts around, which are fierce beasts that live above the vine man.

“Sky gorilla, the meat quality is not good, and the most important thing is that the level is not low, coupled with such a height and the limitation of the range of vines, it is indeed a group of difficult creatures to deal with!”

Hu Di Kanae looked at the group of sky gorillas blocking the way in front of them and said don’t look at their high ranks, but the environment limits their combat effectiveness, of course, it does not mean that they are not the opponents of the group of sky gorillas in front of them, the level of this group of sky gorillas is only level 40.

The gap is too big, and although their combat effectiveness will be affected to a certain extent above Fujiman, it is not comparable to that of the sky gorillas.

“It’s not just the Sky Gorilla here, with the appearance of the Sky Gorilla, the Predator has appeared!”

Xia Ming’s perception was very clear that he could perceive a strange thing coming here along the vine.

This guy Xia Ming also knows, evil bean tree.

A plant life parasitic on the vine man, the capture level is 46, the body parasitizes on the vine man, can constantly move above the vine man, and because it also belongs to the plant life, so the hidden ability is second-rate.

If it weren’t for Xia Ming’s perception against the sky, he really wouldn’t have been able to discover this thing.

The evil bean tree is constantly moving on the vines, looking for prey.

Among them, the sky gorilla is a creature that is often captured by the evil bean tree.

Fortunately, gorillas in the sky have strong reproductive ability and fast growth rate, otherwise they would have been eaten clean by the evil bean tree.

But now Xia Ming is also eyeing this evil bean tree.

This thing is said to taste excellent when boiled in soup, which is much better than some sky gorilla.

With the probe of the evil bean tree, many sky gorillas were directly swallowed, and the remaining sky gorillas could only flee in embarrassment.

At this moment, Xia Ming directly started, and the evil bean tree that Manyan came out was directly cut clean by Xia Ming.

Feeling that Xia Ming was not at all something he could deal with, the remaining evil bean trees quickly lurked behind the vines and ran away, and they were not stupid, knowing that Xia Ming was not easy to provoke.

“Evil bean tree, a very rare ingredient, I didn’t expect to see it here!”

Looking at these parts that were directly taken down by Xia Ming, Hu Die Xiang Nae also came over.

The evil bean tree is also useful to her, it can be used to breed, maybe she can breed three of its own.

Although it has no effect on them at this stage, it can be used to cultivate the guardian tree after breeding, which is a very good nourishment, and Hu Di Kanae naturally will not miss it…

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