Chapter 182: Food Luck Breaks Out, Lightning Fire Phoenix!!

“It is worthy of being called the evil bean tree, which does have a very strong bean aroma, it feels the same as drinking soy milk, but the taste is more intense!”

Except for the evil bean tree left a part for Hu Die Kanae to cultivate, the rest was boiled and drunk by everyone.

The original flavor without any other seasoning is the key to the evil bean tree cooking, so now it tastes really good.

The soup produced in this way is a very rich soy milk-like soup.

After eating, everyone continued to go up, this Fujiman to tell the truth, ordinary people really can’t climb up.

If nothing else, let’s say that some parts of this vine man are completely vertical, so it is very difficult to climb, and you can only climb up like climbing, and the key is that this thing will continue to shake slightly.

And once you get rid of it, then Zhuo will be sad.

Of course, even Mira here is powerful, so there is no need to worry about such problems.

However, this vine is indeed quite firm, although it looks very thick, but compared to this length, this thickness is very average, such a length is logically estimated to be very exaggerated.

But this thing will only shake slightly, the amplitude is not large, these two points are indeed very strange.

“It should be a cumulonimbus cloud above!”

After climbing to a certain height, the crowd saw a large cloud of cumulonimbus rain.

“It is indeed a cumulonimbus cloud, but this cumulonimbus cloud cannot be treated as a regular cumulonimbus cloud, otherwise it will die very well!”

Xia Ming looked at this cumulonimbus cloud and said, this cumulonimbus cloud has suffered a lot even in the original book of Ah Yu, if it were not for the lightning fire phoenix in the middle, it would not have been possible to rush over.

At that time, Ah Yu’s strength was not weak, so now this cumulonimbus cloud had no effect on Xia Ming, but it was not necessarily for others, but Xia Ming was also thinking about a question, that is, whether he and others could touch the lightning fire phoenix.

Xia Ming completely distributed his food luck to Alice and others, and did so so that they could more smoothly study the recipe of Century Soup.

Although Xia Ming himself would come much faster, Xia Ming naturally couldn’t have done everything over.

Therefore, focus the food luck on the few of them, so that they with good food luck can hear the sound of the ingredients more smoothly and find the cooking method of the ingredients.

These food fortunes were concentrated on Alice, Megumi Tasho, and Erina, Sakukiri, Mira was always too weak, and the last secret realm did not stay long, so she could not keep up with the three.

It’s still a little too early for her to touch this, so take your time.

“Change into environmental clothes, the next place will not be so good!”

Xia Ming reminded, and after that, everyone didn’t say anything, and directly entered the tent that Xia Ming took out and changed into environmental clothes.

The extreme environment in the cumulonimbus clouds of the sky is even more than the ice hell.

Therefore, environmental clothing is a must, and only Xia Ming is fully adapted to such an environment, so he is not afraid at all.

After the group changed their clothes, they directly entered the cumulonimbus clouds, and it was fine that Ganggang had just entered, but with the continuous movement, soon two streams of fearful cloth could blow from top to bottom.

In addition to the terrible storm, it also brought a very terrible extreme cold, and fortunately, everyone had environmental clothing, and there was basically no ice formation.

You know, in the past, the fire suit would freeze in places like the Ice Hell, and as the ice covered area became larger and larger, it would soon be impossible to hold.

It’s more terrifying than the hell of ice.


Just as everyone was continuing to move forward against the cold wind, suddenly a bolt of lightning directly cut down, but Xia Ming had an early warning, so he avoided it in advance.

“Xia Mingjun, is the food luck useless?” Why is that? ”

Alice asked with some doubt, according to the food luck problem explained by Xia Ming before, it is reasonable to say that this lightning should not be in Xia Ming’s position.

Although Xia Ming has divided the food luck, but his own food luck has been constantly generated, so his food luck is endless, even if it is weaker, it should not be directly struck by lightning.

“Maybe it’s food used in other aspects, and then it depends on whether our food luck is qualified to see each other!”

Xia Ming has a certain guess that food luck can indeed avoid danger and let people find ingredients.

But when you find ingredients, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be danger, just like Komatsu, although the food luck is exaggerated, you can often find some rare ingredients, but you will also encounter danger.

It’s just that when there is danger, food luck will still bring people to solve the danger or other things.

This is the case now, the position of the lightning split before Xia Ming does not mean that the food luck is useless, it is more likely that the food is used in other aspects, such as the lightning fire phoenix encountered by Ah Yu and others in the original book.

The capture level of the Lightning Fire Phoenix is not particularly high, at least not for Xia Ming now, and the capture level of the Lightning Fire Phoenix is 75.

This is a thunderbird that inhabits thunderclouds.

It also symbolizes luck in itself.

Xia Ming guessed that food luck might attract lightning fire phoenixes, of course, this was just a guess, otherwise with their food luck, they should not encounter such cumulonimbus clouds.

For Xia Ming’s explanation, although everyone did not particularly understand, what to do now is to get rid of the cumulonimbus cloud directly, and the rest will be talked about later.

Continuing to climb up, the wind speed is getting more and more terrible, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and the frequency of lightning attacks is constantly increasing.

In the end, Xia Mingdu was too lazy to dodge, and directly made a spoon shield to block the front, not only blocking the wind but also blocking the attack of lightning.

“Here it comes, and sure enough, the food luck is used in its other worlds!”

Xia Ming suddenly sensed a powerful life entering his range of perception.

“Coming? What’s coming? ”

The crowd looked around with some confusion and found nothing.

“My perception range is relatively large, so it will take some time for the other party to fly over, let’s go, continue to move forward, with the other party’s flying speed, it should be touched after a while!”

Xia Ming said with a smile, he sensed the other party, but it would take some time for the other party to fly over.

After walking for a while, three golden rays of light suddenly appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

This light was not particularly dazzling compared to the flash of lightning, but instead emitted a soft burst of golden light.

In the blink of an eye, the golden light had already flown in front of him.

“Phoenix? Could this be the legendary Lightning Fire Phoenix? ”

Seeing this scene, Hu Hu Butterfly Kanae exclaimed…

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