Chapter 183: Arriving in the Sky Vegetable Field, Vegetables Everywhere!!

This was the most surprising time for Kanae Hu Die, for the simple reason that the number of Lightning Fire Phoenixes was too small and too small.

And there is no absolute good luck that cannot be seen, and the Lightning Fire Phoenix itself symbolizes absolute luck.

In addition, the Lightning Fire Phoenix has another place that all girls can’t ignore, that is, the feathers of the Lightning Fire Phoenix.

The feathers of the lightning fire phoenix are completely free from the erosion of storms and thunder, and they are gorgeous in themselves.

And it is said that if the feathers of the lightning phoenix are made into a wedding dress, then the girl wearing the wedding dress will be happy forever.

Although there is no actual research on such a statement, it can also show how precious the feathers of the lightning fire phoenix are, and in such a situation, normal girls are basically unable to resist each other’s feathers.

Although the butterfly Kanae was so excited when she saw the Lightning Fire Phoenix In addition to her, others were naturally no exception, only Mira was a little ignorant, after all, she didn’t know what the Lightning Fire Phoenix meant, and everyone else was very moved even Riveria.

Xia Ming saw the expressions of the crowd and knew what everyone was thinking, but just when he was about to get some feathers, suddenly the feathers fell directly.

There was no need for Xia Ming to take it, and the feather would automatically fall off, adding up to a few hairs.

The feathers of this lightning fire phoenix are quite huge, and one hair is enough to make a wedding dress.

The feathers fell in front of everyone like this, which is probably because of food luck, otherwise Xia Ming really can’t explain it.

After the feather fell, the lightning or brilliance disappeared into the thunderclouds again, coming and going quickly.

However, Xia Ming is not worried about not finding the other party at the moment, first of all, the breath has been locked by him.

After that, if Xia Ming wants to find the other party, he only needs to dangle in the secret realm with his perception.

The secret realm is not a complete world, but is divided into pieces, so Xia Ming only needs to look in the secret realm, and it is easy to find and receive each other.

Since a lightning fire phoenix has appeared, then maybe there will be more, to be honest, Xia Ming really wants to raise a lightning fire phoenix, after all, it is gorgeous enough.

Although the level is not high, Xia Ming does not expect the other party to be able to help him in terms of combat.

It’s like in the original book that Ah Yu raised a double-jawed dragon in addition to Telly, and he kept it at home.

But this is also a matter for later, and now Xia Ming’s primary goal is to go to the sky vegetable field first.

At the beginning, he sensed the sky vegetable field in his perception, after all, this height is tens of thousands of meters full, so it is not difficult to perceive.

He didn’t perceive the danger, but just in case Wan Er waited seven days to fight before starting to modernize.

“Such a beautiful feather, whether it is fierce wind or cold or thunder and lightning will not come near this feather, it is really powerful!”

Holding the feathers of the Golden Mountain in her hand, several girls liked it very much, and even Riviera had a feeling of love for it.

After all, this is the feather of the lightning phoenix.

“One piece for each person, I will put away the others first, and after arriving at the sky vegetable field, the others will also be handed over to me, after all, you are not good at taking, such a big thing!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that he could use the feathers as a shield now, but it was better to save them after going up, after all, he had space, and then gave them after leaving the secret realm.

To be honest, Xia Ming didn’t have any feelings for this feather, after all, he was not a girl, and what he was most interested in was to see if he could directly raise a Lightning Fire Phoenix.

With feathers as shields, everyone was completely unafraid of any extreme environment in Cumulonimbus clouds, and soon left the Cumulonimbus area and came to the sky vegetable field.

“It’s really unimaginable that an entire continent is floating in mid-air, and the root system of this grass is directly rooted in the clouds!”

Looking at the picture of white clouds and green space intertwined in front of them, everyone was stunned again, although Xia Ming knew the situation of the sky vegetable field, but seeing it with his own eyes was another three things.

I have to say that these miraculous scenes of the captive world of food are really powerful, completely spectacle within a spectacle.

“Let’s go find the vegetables first, the name of the sky vegetable field is not for nothing!”

After the following is finished, I took the lead and passed in one direction, which has a large number of vines intertwined into a curtain-like thing, and after entering it, you can also see three hills climbing on the ground.

These earthworms can be said to be extremely beautiful among earthworms, in addition to having facial features, they are also very smooth, and they crawl on the ground and look a little humble.

“Mineral earthworm lead, it seems that the land here should be very fertile, perhaps suitable for cultivating the guardian tree!”

Butterfly Kanae inspected her surroundings and said that this place is indeed two botanical gardens that are often good.

“More exciting is yet to come!”

After stepping out of this huge vine curtain, everyone saw that the vegetables and vegetables everywhere were large and small, the huge cauliflower was almost tens of meters high, the millstone-like tomato, the whole land was covered with vegetables, and the second eye could not see the whole thing at all.

It’s just a gorgeous carpet of vegetables.

“Such a big pumpkin, this pumpkin should be more than ten meters in diameter!”

“And this, Wandou, who is taller than a human!”

“This side is also, and there is a fountain of French fries, which is full of French fries, which is really incredible!”

Looking at the vegetables all over the place, and some even processed ingredients, everyone didn’t know how to complain.

Alice also said that if these ingredients were sold to the outside world, people in their world would probably go crazy.

The point is that there are so many ingredients here.

There is no need to catch the same as the Baron Islands, and picking up a large handful of various vegetables can be described as shaking everyone’s eyes.

“This cucumber is so delicious, and it has a beauty effect after eating!”

Sakai Rina is looking in the mirror with a mirror, the vegetables here are very good, just eat a cucumber, immediately have a beauty effect, than what mask and the like can be much better.

“Xia Mingjun, isn’t there any danger in this drink?”

Tian Sohui asked.

“No, at least I don’t feel it now, this time is also unexpectedly smooth, after which I will check the sky vegetable field, if there is no problem, then stay here for a while!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, he really didn’t feel any danger, these two times the situation seemed to be very friendly…

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