Chapter 187 The Horror of the Heart of the Naked Son!!

After testing the equipment, Xia Ming gave everyone a calorie dagger and a food transport shield.

It can be regarded as arming everyone to the teeth, and now there should be no big problem with their safety.

After completing these weapons, Xia Ming also rested for a while, and then continued to develop tricks in terms of point points, after all, this was the strongest means he could study at present.

In this way, time flew by, only this time it was no longer a year, but two years.

After all, the biggest lifespan problem for everyone has been solved, so it is not bad to stay in the secret realm for a while.

The progress of the century bisque is steadily advancing, and Riveria’s combat effectiveness has also improved.

Although she is a magician, she has been learning some tricks with Xia Ming every inch during this period of time.

Xia Ming also developed some long-range attack moves for her according to Riveria’s request, and Riveria itself is not suitable for standing in the front row, and it is enough to have Xia Ming and Butterfly Kanae in front.

The master naturally has to take the route of the master, and I have to say that Riveria is indeed very suitable for taking this route, and she has researched some calorie use herself.

After all, calories are also a kind of energy, and they can be used externally to use various tricks, generally gathered into kitchenware.

But Riveria directly became a battery queen, she used some spell casting skills to act on calories, although the released tricks did not have the attachment of elemental attributes, but the simple calorie burst formed a terrifying impact which also caused Riveria to go farther and farther on the road of remote output, and it can only be said that the master is worthy of the master.

Butterfly Kanae’s guardian tree has also been cultivated several times during this period of time, and it can now withstand the attacks of normal level 80 creatures.

The improvement of the guardian tree also means the growth of the butterfly Kanae, and she has mastered more and more things in terms of regeneration.

Although Mira’s strength has not improved much, but the cooking skills have gradually followed, and the heart of the child has completely exceeded everyone’s imagination in comprehending the meaning of food.

Mira’s food progress is estimated to take a little more time to catch up with everyone or even surpass, and the angle of this progress is quite exaggerated.

But unfortunately, the price of obtaining the heart of the child is too great, and among so many experimental objects by Kaiyu, only Mira is successful.

This is irreproducible, and Kai Yu did not use the heart of the child after creating Mira, it can be said that his operation made Mira completely limit his growth of the heart of the child, if you allow Mira to grow freely and give the right path guidance, then there is no doubt that Mira can achieve the realm of the Supreme Dragon Chef in the shortest time.

Mira in the original only knows how to copy, which completely restricts development, but with the wrong path Mira stands in the position of the Five Tiger Stars, which shows how strong Mira is.

After all, the Five Tiger Stars are the strongest five in the entire dark cooking world, and they are known to be undefeated, after all, once the Five Tiger Stars fail, the result is death.

This is also one of the cruelest rules in the dark cooking world, and this position is not so easy to sit in.

Now Mira has someone to guide the right path, and with the bonus of the child’s heart, this speed is faster than everyone else.

She could even hear the sound of ingredients more easily than Tasuoe.

This growth rate also frightened Alice and others, of course, although they had envy, but they did not envy.

They all knew exactly what kind of thing Mira had experienced to have such a childlike heart, so they were envious and at the same time very sad for Mira.

Several people took care of Mira as a little sister at all.

Now for Mira, there is a lack of a gourmet cell, as long as there are gourmet cells and enough time, Mira will not only grow rapidly to the strongest in terms of cooking, but also rise in combat effectiveness.

This is the horror of the Pure Heart, of course, although the Heart of the Naked Child is terrible, it is not as good as Xia Ming’s opening and hanging.

After all, his absolute adaptation completely overrides the heart of the naked child.

Both can be said to be auxiliary skills of the increasing type, but if you quantify the two, it is really the gap between the water drops and the mouth of the sea.

In the past two years, Xia Ming has also continued to explore the secret realm and turned over the entire secret realm.

Finally, he also found the lair of the Lightning Fire Phoenix.

The Lair of the Lightning Fire Phoenix is located in a place similar to the Sky Vegetable Field, except that place is completely shrouded in thunderclouds, and the wind and thunder are constantly raging inside.

I have to say that the Lightning Fire Phoenix is really a natural darling, and such an environment cannot be stayed here all the time even if Xia Minglai is here.

But the feathers of the Lightning Fire Phoenix can resist these things and are completely uncorroded.

In this lair, Xia Ming encountered a total of more than a dozen lightning fire phoenixes.

In terms of quantity, it is very small, and Xia Ming does not have the idea of getting the other party, he just wants to raise one, not plan to eat the other party directly.

The meat price of the Lightning Fire Phoenix is very high, but Xia Ming can’t really do it to tell the truth, this Lightning Fire Phoenix is too gorgeous, and he has given feathers before, although he also has the credit of food luck, but this is undeniable.

Therefore, Xia Ming naturally would not go directly to the Lightning Fire Phoenix.

However, the Lightning Fire Phoenix itself represents a lucky existence, perhaps because it sensed the food luck on Xia Ming’s body.

Xia Ming’s appearance did not arouse the vigilance of the Lightning Fire Phoenix, on the contrary, the Lightning Fire Phoenix behaved very closely after seeing Xia Ming.

This also made Xia Ming a little unexpected.

Even the other party handed over a newly born Lightning Fire Phoenix to Xia Ming.

Although this Lightning Fire Phoenix was not large in size when it was a cub, it was almost the size of a large adult rooster.

The golden feathers are gorgeous and very supple at the same time.

To be honest, Xia Ming was quite confused at that time, after all, the other party directly handed over the child to himself, and there was no danger in this.

Shouldn’t this routine happen when the mother is dying?

Although he couldn’t figure out why, since the door was delivered, Xia Ming would naturally take good care of the other party.

Don’t look at the adult Lightning Fire Phoenix level is not very high, but Xia Ming is just planning to have pets.

And maybe there is a way to make the Lightning Fire Phoenix stronger in the future? Breaking the restrictions in the captive world of food also exists, just like the eight kings, the existence of the eight kings itself is also a manifestation beyond the restrictions of race, and the individual strength of the eight kings with ethnic groups is completely above the members of other ethnic groups…

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