Chapter 188: Capturing Ozone Grass, the Ultimate Pre-Strike Process!!

“Let’s go, Mira!”

Everyone has gained a lot in this period of time, and now they plan to leave, ozone grass has always been in the sky vegetable field, it grows here, as long as you don’t tear the leaves casually, there will be no problem.

The biggest feature of ozone grass is that it must peel off the outer leaves in the order of the ingredients themselves, and if there is any order error, it will directly retract into a seed.

After retracting the seeds, you need to grow again, which is the magic of ozone grass, but now, there are several people who can hear the sound of the ingredients, so it is not a problem at all.

Now the people in charge of Pu Zhuo’s ingredients are Mila and Xia Ming, Xia Ming naturally needless to say, he is the core, so naturally it is mainly him.

As for Mira, first of all, Mira is a newcomer, and as a newcomer, she naturally wants to find a way to get her food cells.

According to the situation of the previous time, this time there is also a chance to obtain food cells, and to be honest, even if everyone competes fairly, no one can compete for Mira except Xia Ming.

Mira’s childlike heart allows her to hear the ingredients more easily, which is completely above everyone else.

Of course, if she really wants to compare, she naturally can’t compare with Xia Ming, not to mention that Xia Ming has food luck.

Even if he didn’t use food luck, Xia Ming could easily test out the order of ozone grass.

This is another more crude and crisp way to get ozone grass.

Ozone grass is only easy to peel off when choosing the right leaves, but if the wrong leaves are chosen, it can be very difficult.

Although it is two pieces together, as long as the speed is fast enough, it is easy to try out the order.

Therefore, with his strength alone, Xia Ming can win the ozone grass.

Of course, now that there are other people, naturally there is no need to use such a troublesome method, just let Mira come.

Soon, Mira heard the sound of the ingredients and began to follow the instructions of the ingredients to guide the leaves to be continuously recorded and peeled off in two pieces.

It didn’t take long for a huge sphere several meters in size to turn into a very small leaf fruit.

“So small, the edible part of so many leaves is so small!”

Looking at the ozone grass blades that appeared in front of him and others, everyone was also a little surprised, it was too small.

“The outer leaves of ozone grass can also be used to make tea.”

Xia Ming smiled and said that the leaves on the outside were not useless, but there was only such a small part that could be eaten.

The Ozone Grass was captured by Pu Yan instantly, the task was completed, and everyone left the secret realm, but the next second was pulled back by Xia Ming.

This is also a helpless thing, after all, the mechanism of the secret realm is like this, and now everyone is used to it.

“See what the rewards are.”

Xia Ming checked her reward for the first time, and the reward she received was a food knight’s battle preparation action.

Since the final harvest was obtained by Mira, the Mira occupied the largest part and obtained a portion of the gourmet cells.

All the others get is the level reward.

In the past two years, the level of Butterfly Kanae, Tasho Megumi and Nangaki Kiri Alice has increased from level 66 to level 74, of which 5 levels are rewarded, and the extra 3 levels of the king are accumulated over two years.

Erina, Erina, and Riveria have changed from the original level 58 to level 68, and the same level 5 rewards level 5 for two years of accumulation.

The only one whose level has not changed is Mira, after all, she has no gourmet cells, and she has not learned anything else in the past two years, her status has not been updated, and her strength has basically not changed.

But the realm of cooking is progressing rapidly, this speed can be said to be quite scary, and the cell level has not changed Xia Ming, the higher it is, the more difficult it is to improve, unless it is to encounter some special ingredients, now Xia Ming is in this state, and the ingredients in his hands are simply not enough to support his improvement.

However, the battle preparation action he obtained was indeed very useful.

Gourmet Knights are a very, very small group in the captive world of gourmet food, and there is no comparison at all with chefs and gourmet hunters and the like.

There are too few people, mainly because of the style of food knights, who are, to put it bluntly, a group of ascetics-like existence.

It might be better if it were in a normal world, but the philosophy they adhere to is basically not to eat good things.

The world they live in is a captive world of food, their concept eats coarse food, does not eat good things, even if the food is in front of him, he will not touch it.

Even the leader of the gourmet knights, Aimaru, did not have a full-meal menu level higher than level 2, two of the eight ingredients reached level 2, and six were only level 1.

And it’s all some very simple ingredients.

It’s hard to imagine how such an existence developed in the captive world of food.

Gourmet Knights have their own set of moves, which will increase their concentration after using them before the battle, thus increasing their combat power.

This feels like a temporary food sense, because food meaning is also to improve concentration, control of power, and thus do more with less force as well.

Now what Xia Ming got was not a basic set, but the set of ultimate pre-attack procedures that Ayu used when fighting with Starjiu.

This set of moves is Aimaru’s unique skill, which Aimaru taught to Ayu before he left for the food festival.

After this set of actions is used, the distractions will be removed, and finally only the thought of success will be left in the heart, which can also be regarded as a kind of hypnosis, so that self-confidence swells to a certain extent, so as to achieve the effect of greatly increasing combat power.

In the original work, Ayu was originally not as strong as Starjiu, but when using this set of ultimate pre-attack processes, he briefly suppressed Starjiu, if he didn’t talk a little more nonsense, he wouldn’t let Starjiu learn this set of moves and cores.

It can only be said that for these completely unreasonable geniuses, other people’s tricks can really be learned if they want to learn.

This set of actions has also improved Xia Ming a lot now, even if he is proficient in food and righteousness, such tricks are very useful.

To be honest, Xia Ming can only feel that he is worthy of being a captive world of food, and anything really exists.

This kind of trick is completely hypnotic, but it can make your combat effectiveness continue to improve.

And this kind of hypnosis is still hypnosis that completely retains self-awareness, it is indeed a divine skill, and now Xia Ming can also pass it on to others…

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