Chapter 189: How to Eat Ozone Grass!!

The ultimate pre-attack process is completely different from the other skills that Xia Ming has acquired, this is just a set of actions, it is not difficult to learn, and with everyone’s talent, mastering it is also a very simple thing.

This and skills such as point-and-point and knife casting cannot be generalized at all.

So this set of actions can be taught to everyone later, and soon, Mira will also fuse the gourmet cells, after all, the next step is to eat ozone grass, so it is necessary to fuse the gourmet cells.

After Mira fused the gourmet cells, everyone began to taste ozone grass.

“Ozone grass needs two people to eat together, but we now have seven people Tasoe Hui said, the main points of eating ozone grass everyone knows, two or two groups, now there are seven people.”

“This is simple, in fact, there is another way to eat ozone grass, but this way of eating needs the support of strength!”

Xia Ming said with a smile that he knew very well how the old strong men in the original book ate, including the blue Nitero who also ate it, although after eating it, the goods spit out.

This is also something that cannot be helped, after all, the Nitro family is not human, so nature and the practice of thinking are completely different.

And the Nitro family basically has no feelings, before meeting Acacia, Pai even treated tears as saliva, thinking about it is no one to respect the ingredients is even more impossible for them, they call themselves gourmet aristocrats, what they eat must be good things, the level of ozone grass is just that, it is naturally not worth mentioning for these guys who are used to eating good things.

It is precisely because of this that although they are appetites, and they will never die, even after death, they will be reborn, but the upper limit is also here.

Blue Nitro’s strength is directly capped, and it can’t catch up with the eight kings.

The reason why they can survive in the universe is entirely because of their own technology and knowledge, plus they will not die, which is very important, so the blue nitarrow can live in the universe very moist.

Otherwise, to be honest, as far as the cosmic situation of the food’s captive world is concerned, they can only do things on the planet, and once they run into the universe, the risk of being destroyed is too high.

After all, there are hundreds of thousands of levels in the universe, and there are so many millions of existences that stellar creatures the size of stars are all running alive in teams of Chengjun.

“Another way to eat? What is that? According to the booklet, you must eat one bite left and right at the same time, otherwise the taste of ozone grass will be very unpalatable. ”

Butterfly Kanae asked a little stunned, she has a lot of knowledge, the habit of ozone grass is placed here, so how to eat it at the same time?

If both sides are not forced, oxygen grass will often become unpalatable.

“I’ll give it a try, but I’m not really sure if I can get the ingredients!”

Although Xia Ming’s strength was very terrifying, he couldn’t compare with the older generation, but he felt that this ozone grass level was placed here, and with his current strength, it should be possible to cheat on such a level of ingredients.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes were on Xia Ming’s body, staring intently, and then they saw a shocking scene.

Xia Ming’s head suddenly split into two, one left and one right, and he took a bite at the ozone grass.

Ozone grass also has two gaps on the left and the right.

“Well, good, delicious, looks like it worked!”

Xia Ming did not eat any unpleasant taste, on the contrary, the taste of ozone grass was very good, and the blue niterot would be willing to spit out such an ingredient, and he could not bear to replace it with Xia Ming.

“This… How exactly does this work? ”

Erina, Nagiri, asked with a confused look.

“It should be a bite on both sides at a very fast speed, because the speed is too fast, forming an afterimage in our eyes, so it gives people the feeling of two heads appearing in an instant.”

Butterfly Kanae could see what was going on.

“What a speed, even the car ingredients and pigs have arrived!”

Everyone has nothing to say, this operation is indeed amazing.

“In fact, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, even if the ingredients have the ability to react, there is also an upper limit, just like us, our strength is far beyond ordinary people, but there is also a left upper limit, not invincible.”

“But as long as you exceed the upper limit of the perception of the ingredients, so that the ingredients cannot react.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, although the explanation is very clear, but this practice cannot be done by others except Xia Ming, and they have not reached the level where they can deceive the ingredients…

“Well, Xia Mingjun is really, obviously can share it with everyone, although it is seven people, but you can eat a bite from everyone.”

Alice also complained.

“Allah, that’s what I said, Xia Mingjun can eat a bite with each of us!”

Butterfly Kanae also spoke generously after hearing this, and as for Tashoe and Erina, she blushed and didn’t say much.

Riveria’s face also became a little unnatural around her waist, and as for Mira, she nodded very naturally, after all, it was a child’s heart and followed her heart.

Everyone’s reaction is different.

“Ahem, you can do it if you want!”

Xia Ming said that they have been getting along for so long, and he is not a log or a stone, so the relationship is basically determined, and the only thing that is difficult is Riveria.

After all, Riveria is different from others, her own experience is placed here, plus she is an elf family, so it is normal to be difficult.

It’s just that Riveria has a very good relationship with him, and it’s basically a little interesting, but it will take some time for Xia Ming to win.

As for the others, everything that should be taken down has already been taken.

After that, it was needless to say that Xia Ming and the others ate some ozone grass, and then Pu got a part of it in the space and left the secret realm.

Then you need to rest for a while.

The next plot of the Eater World has basically changed nothing.

In addition to participating in a little activity inside the left school, it is difficult to cut Alice and others to do anything.

In this way, after staying for a few days, everyone has once again entered the world of small masters, and for them, in fact, continuous learning and growth have become a habit.

During this time, the crowd also went to Eurari’s side to renew the favor.

The growth rate of the favor also surprised Hestia, but after all, there is a secret realm to ensure the bottom, so after several consecutive times, Hestia has become calm, and the existence of the Biyi secret realm is indeed special…

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