Chapter 190 The Legendary Kitchenware!!

The information about everyone’s upgrades was also not reported to the guild.

Such news could not be hidden in the original book because Bell would definitely go down to deeper floors after upgrading.

At that time, this kind of thing will be broken at a moment’s notice, but now Alice and the others are not planning to go to the dungeon.

So there is no such thing as exposure, moreover, in Eular, the fastest upgrade record is held by Ace, Ace’s time is a year, the original book except Bell this goods to break this record, everyone else thinks about it.

By the way, because Hestia had dependents, he did not go to other dependents, so that Bell did not meet Hestia with this goods.

He was eventually accidentally discovered by Freya, after all, Freya stared at the people on the street all day long to see people’s souls, and it was too difficult for Bell to escape the eyes of the other party.

So in the end, Bell joined the Freya family, in fact, this is not bad, after getting the favor of the goddess, you can also get a lot of resources support, so the next Berber takeoff speed can be faster.

You know, Freya is one of the keys to Bell’s upgrade in the original book, most of those trials are from Freya’s hands, without Freya’s promotion, Bell’s upgrade speed is definitely not as fast as in the original book.

It’s just that after Bell joined the Freya family, the only trouble was that he needed to resist the internal strife within the Freya family.

The people within Freya’s family fought one by one in order to win Freya’s favor.

After entering Olali again, Xia Ming found that the other party’s gaze often appeared on his own and others’ side, and most importantly, the other party’s gaze was not directed at Xia Ming, but at Mira.

It’s normal to think about it, who is Mira? That is the heart of a child, even Bell’s soul purity cannot be compared, such a soul to attract Freya’s attention is inevitable.

And this attraction is a little greater, causing Freya to stare at this side when there is nothing to do, so Xia Ming and the others did not stay here for long, and they quickly left after the update.

After coming to the world of Xiaodangjia, the collection of legendary kitchenware is also proceeding in an orderly manner, although some kitchenware needs maps and codes to find, but some do not.

For example, kitchenware such as the Demon Saint Bronze Ware only takes a little effort to find it with the manpower and material resources of the dark cooking world.

As for other kitchenware that requires maps and codes, you need to get the map first.

Originally, according to Xia Ming’s idea, it would be over if he went directly to grab it, and there was no need to go so many twists and turns.

However, Alice and others are very interested in the cooking of this world, and they have also benefited a lot after fighting with Yajian and others, so it is indeed a very good choice to plan to go over and walk around this land in person.

It didn’t take much time to rush to the destination, it was Xia Ming who took it directly, after all, they would enter the secret realm once a month, so there was no need to waste time on the road.

As for seeing the scenery and the like, to be honest, because the world has not been overly polluted, the scenery and the like are definitely much better than the modern world such as the halberd world.

But compared to the wonders of the captive world of gastronomy, the difference is not much bigger.

Therefore, the crowd did not waste time, and the portraits of Xia Ming and others had already been transmitted to the various branches of the dark cuisine world.

After the cleansing is basically completed, although the remaining people are insufficient, as long as there is enough money, it is natural to recruit enough people.

As for things like money, Xia Ming really wanted how much straight.

Many of the ingredients in the gourmet captive world have all kinds of precious gold and precious stones on them, which is all too common.

These things can be made by taking them out at will, so there is no need to worry about the dark cuisine industry breaking the capital chain due to the abandonment of most industries.

Therefore, the dark cuisine world has recruited many people, and the current dark cuisine world is not afraid of things.

What’s more, as long as the wanted part of the people don’t go out on the wave, the others don’t have to worry about it even if they say that they are people in the dark culinary world.

After all, Kai Yu even went to that competition in the later stage.

As long as they are not wanted, others have not withdrawn them at all, what about the dark cooking world, as long as they are willing to throw money, there will always be people who can’t help it…

Just like the kitchen association incident encountered by the original Xiao Boss, as long as there is enough interest, you can buy the people inside.

The people in the dark cooking world are naturally very moist, and for Xia Ming, the immortal leader who let them live in the light, it is even more respected.

After arriving at the destination, everyone lived in the branch on this side of the Black Sound Hopper Realm.

In addition, there is actually one more person brought, and this person is Wren.

Wren has not yet obtained the Seven-Star Sword, after all, in the original book, he obtained the Seven-Star Sword and learned the true situation of the Dark Cuisine World and ran away directly.

But that hasn’t happened yet.

The reason why he brought Wren was also because only Wren could justifiably obtain the Immortal Sword.

Because the Ten Perfections Master had promised that when Wren went out to study and returned, he would give him the opportunity to obtain the Immortal Spirit Sword.

To tell the truth, if he wanted the Eternal Spirit Sword, Xia Ming could go directly to get it, and no one could stop him, but this time it was a few girls who wanted to kill each other for a cooking duel.

So that requires an excuse for the game to take place, and Wren is that excuse.

On the second day of coming here, Xia Ming took Wren tired to Yangquan Restaurant (basically using the name in the anime, everyone is most familiar)

Yangquan Restaurant is now the first chef, among the special chefs, he is also a leader, of course, the ultimate goal must be the ten perfect masters.

After Wren returned, he also shocked the entire Yangquan restaurant, and naturally alarmed others after that.

“Master Ten Perfections, according to the agreement of that year, I have already returned from studying abroad, so can you hand over the Eternal Spirit Sword to me?”

Wren asked, now he only has a kitchen knife on him, but this kitchen knife is better than the Seven Star Knife used in his original book, because this kitchen knife is from Xia Ming’s hand.

After all, if you want to let the horse run, it is naturally necessary to graze the horse.

Although Wren is a member of the Dark Cuisine Realm, as the leader, it is indeed okay for him to order the other party, but in comparison, luring is a better way.

Because this allows the other person to do their best instead of yang and yin…

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