Chapter 191: Battle for the Eternal Spirit Sword!!

“Master, don’t promise him, look at the back of his hand!”

After hearing this, he also spoke quickly, and the first time Wren returned, he noticed the Black Cloud Qi symbol on the back of Wren’s hand, which was a symbol that only the dark cuisine world had.

“The old man has already seen it, but Wren, the old man just said that when you return from your studies, if you are qualified, the old man will give you this opportunity, instead of really handing over the Immortal Sword to you.”

“The legendary kitchen utensils such as the Yongling Sword will choose their own master, and whether they are worthy of the owner of the Yongling Sword depends on your own!”

The Ten Perfections Master opened his mouth and said that he was also right, when he thought that he could definitely get the approval of the Eternal Spirit Sword after returning from studying with Ren’s talent, he would give such a promise.

But he also did not expect that Wren would choose to join the dark cooking world.

And according to the information he received, the dark cuisine world has been in turmoil in recent times, and even many members of the dark cuisine world hidden in the shadows have actually come directly to the front.

And these people in the dark culinary world are recruiting new members in a big way, and some of the wanted and problematic people who were wanted before have disappeared.

They saw the people of the dark world come to the front, but they couldn’t do it, because they let them search even if they searched people’s homes.

Now the dark cooking world doesn’t do those shady things, so you can check it however you want.

Moreover, people in the dark cooking world don’t know where to get a lot of money, constantly selling imperial court officials and kitchen associates, although this practice is secret, but it is not completely airtight.

But they knew that there was nothing they could do.

Because the person who received the money also did not do anything shady, but only gave priority to the dark material hopper in terms of his own authority.

Such a spring forest itself is owned by themselves, so they can’t find fault at all, which makes everyone unable to start, just watching the dark cooking world come to the front and stand firm.

Now he also saw the Black Cloud Qi logo on the back of Wren’s hand, but he couldn’t help it, after all, what he said back then.

“In that case, let’s have a cooking showdown, five people on each side, three wins in five games, and finally the side that wins three first will try to obtain the approval of the Eternal Spirit Sword, how?”

Wren directly put forward such a statement according to Xia Ming’s explanation before.

“Three wins in five games? Yes, then the time will be set for three days, and the competition will be held on the square in front of the Daisenji Temple! ”

Master Shiquan also nodded after listening to it, which was actually nothing to hesitate.

After all, even if the other party wins, it needs to be recognized by the kitchenware, and the legendary kitchenware is quite harsh on the selection of heirs.

Otherwise, it would not have been sealed in the Great Immortal Temple for so many years, and over the years, many young talents here want to obtain the recognition of the Eternal Spirit Sword, but what is the result? It didn’t end in failure yet.

Therefore, as long as the other party is not recognized by the Eternal Spirit Dao, then it is impossible to take away the Eternal Spirit Dao.

Now Wren took the initiative to propose such a way of dueling, and even gave them the opportunity, how could they refuse, so Master Ten Perfection also agreed to it at the first time.

After getting the answer that he and the others wanted, everyone left.

“Master, are they really good horses when they are so tolerant?”

And the first asked with some concern.

“This is the only way now, only to defeat them head-on, and even if you lose, the Eternal Spirit Sword will not recognize the Lord without accident, after all, after joining the Dark Cuisine Realm, Wren is not the Wren we knew back then!”

Although the dark cuisine world is constantly changing, and there are also characters such as Ya Journal, for the Ten Masters, the dark cuisine world is still mostly garbage.

In such an environment, he couldn’t believe that Wren was still the same Wren.

“So how is the person who will participate in the competition decided?”

Others couldn’t help but ask, after all, this game is crucial, and there can be no straight poop.

“This needs to be discussed between the old man and the elders of the Kitchen Association, but there will be no accidents and the first will definitely be on it.”

After Master Shiquan finished speaking, he left directly and went to discuss the next thing with the other elders of the Kitchen Union, and this series of changes really caught him off guard.

Now the Kitchen Union is already very chaotic, after all, the affairs of the dark cooking world make the Kitchen Union constantly investigate, plus everyone does not know whether the people of the Kitchen Union have also been bought.

So now mutual suspicion.

Originally, buying this kind of thing is not so simple, but after buying others, people in the dark cooking world just let others open a convenient door in the aspects that their duties can involve.

There is no abuse of power either, so even if it is found that it has been bought, there is no way to do it.

So that during this period of time, many people would like to be bribed by people in the dark cooking world, not only do not have to worry about being investigated, but also get a large amount of money, such a good thing is really difficult to find with a lantern.

This has also caused the current kitchen union to be chaotic.

Now that Master Ten has brought and this news, the already turbulent kitchen association has become even more turbulent.

“Have the people of the dark culinary world already set their sights on the legendary kitchen utensils?” No matter what, they can’t get the Immortal Spirit Sword! ”

Elder Guan opened his mouth and said that this product was Guan Qiulan’s grandfather, the one with the largest voice in the local kitchen association.

The power of the kitchen union in this place is quite high, just like the little boss in the original book, the kitchen union can even easily execute the little boss.

And Elder Guan’s granddaughter Guan Qiulan should be the source of the real characters of Erina.

Many of the characters in the Spirit of Halberd Eater coincide with the characters of the Little Master World.

“Although the probability of them being recognized by the Eternal Spirit Sword is not very likely, they must also stop them.”

“That’s the problem, now you need to find five people who can compete with each other.”

Several elders kept talking.

“If you want me to see, it’s really not possible for you to go up to the perfect master, and you should be able to win two victories, and as for the remaining three, it shouldn’t be difficult to guarantee one victory!”

In the end, Elder Guan simply didn’t want to be faced, and it was good to say that the first master, but Master Shiquan was a veteran chef, and his cooking skills were also quite terrifying, but now he didn’t care about things, so he really bullied the small.

But in order to win, they don’t care so much, just thicken the skin…

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