Chapter 193 Guan Qiulan’s Revenge!!

Another imperial chef made a court dish, Qing Palace Wanfu Meat, although no one here made Shou, but this dish still appeared.

“Mrs. Leihua, can you see who can win this game?”

On the side of the elders of the Kitchen Association, Elder Guan whispered to the thunder flower next to him, after all, the name of the thunder flower was placed here, and the person was also brought by the thunder flower, and the eyesight of the thunder flower was also very terrible, so he inquired.

“From the current situation, although the boy named Wren is very good at knife work, and overall is good, he is always too young.”

Lei Hua’s judgment is that Wren will lose, after all, the current Wren is not the Wren who followed Liu Pleixing everywhere in the back, as long as he is a person at a high level, he can actually see it.

In this game, Wren has already lost, after all, this is the chef of the imperial dining room, and the cooking skills are indeed quite good.

However, after both dishes were served, in the end, Guan Qiulan painted the result that Wren won.

“How is this possible, there is no reason!”

After getting this result, Lei Hua also frowned, and Chef Zhao of the imperial dining room was even more confused, after all, in his opinion, he should be victorious.

This dish is his best dish, and there is no reason to lose to the hairy boy opposite.

“Sure enough, revenge has begun, but the kitchen union should not sit still!”

Xia Ming is a little funny, and the people on their side can also see that Wren lost this time, and even Wren himself has this feeling, and the pressure brought to him by the opponent is indeed very large.

But I never expected that the final result would be like this, and he even won.

In the end, the two dishes were also delivered to the elders of the Kitchen Association, and after tasting them, everyone concluded that Chef Zhao had won.

“Elder Guan, is there really no problem with your granddaughter’s sense of taste?”

Lei Hua frowned and asked, if only one person feels that there is a problem, then it may be that the other party has some preference for the Tao, some problems in taste, and now so many of them have reached the same conclusion.

This is definitely an unselfish evaluation, so Lei Hua’s conclusion is that there is a problem with Guan Qiulan’s sense of taste.

Otherwise, it would not have given such a result, which is really too surprising.

“No way, Qiulan’s sense of taste has always been very good since she was a child, and after our training, her sense of taste has become stronger, so there can be no problems in this situation.”

Elder Guan shook his head and denied it, after all, Guan Qiulan was the existence of the tasting dishes they made, and he had an absolute advantage in terms of taste, how could there be a problem.

“Then can you explain what the hell is going on?”

Lei Hua pointed to the two dishes in front of him and asked, the second game is now called the pavilion, after all, if the judges have problems, they must solve them.

Xia Ming and the others were not in a hurry, waiting to see the play, waiting to see how this Elder Guan was intimidated by his own granddaughter.

This time it was mainly too obvious, there was a clear gap between the two sides, but Guan Qiulan deliberately favored one side, in this case, the other party would not let it go, and soon Elder Guan and Lei Hua and others came to Guan Qiulan and asked Guan Wang why she came up with such an answer.

“There’s no reason, I just think Wren’s food is more delicious, what’s the problem?”

Guan Qiulan is also very tough, anyway, now the judge is her, what she says is naturally what it is, as for professional ethics, don’t be funny, she has been used as a test object, and she also needs to have professional ethics, isn’t this nonsense?

After hearing Guan Qiulan’s words, the experienced Lei Hua already knew that Guan Qiulan had a problem, although he didn’t know what was going on, but looking at Guan Qiulan’s attitude towards Elder Guan, he knew that there must be a contradiction between the two grandfathers and grandchildren.

After that, Lei Hua also brought people to Xia Ming and others, and she needed to negotiate.

Originally, this one was an inevitable victory, although in her opinion, even those who lost could come back, but it was necessary to communicate with Xia Ming and others to ask for advice.

After all, the judge of this game, Guan Qiulan himself, was arranged by Elder Guan and others, and according to the reason, this is the person on their side, but now Guan Qiulan is obviously in trouble.

They must consult with Xia Ming and others, people are chosen by them, and naturally they cannot directly change people when there is a problem, so now they must negotiate and deal with it.

This also made Lei Hua very helpless, originally the legendary kitchen utensils were very important things, but now Elder Guan and others actually dropped the chain at a critical moment.

The person who arranged it had such a big problem.

“Change the judges, and the result of this game, it is okay for us to make concessions, two points, the first point, let Guan Qiulan say the reason why she did this, the second point, the person of the game is Wren, if he has no opinion, then he can change the result!”

Xia Ming was very crisp, and he also wanted to see this group of kitchen association elders ugly, after all, in the original book, he saw that these guys were not good.

All day long, the whole cloak is draped, a complete villain’s style, even his granddaughter can do it, according to Guan Qiulan’s words, eat until she vomits and let her eat, he has not treated his granddaughter as a person.

This kind of garbage Xia Ming naturally wants to make the other party ugly.

“I knew what my level was, I should have lost this one.”

Wren also spoke, and his words were very clear, so there was only one condition left, let Guan Qiulan say why he did this.

Originally, Lei Hua was still wondering if someone from the dark cooking world had taken the worm and bribed Guan Qiulan, but now that people say such conditions, it means that Guan Qiulan’s problem lies in herself.

To be honest, now Lei Hua is also very curious about how Guan Qiulan became like this.

Under everyone’s questioning, in the end, Guan Qiulan finally broke out unbearably.

She said something about Elder Guan and the others and her past, which was also heard by all the people watching the battle.

“Raising your granddaughter as a pig is really not human!”

“Yes, you have to eat until you vomit, even if it is the most delicious thing, you can’t eat it.”

“No wonder Miss Guan Qiulan is not interested in any kind of food, and is also an elder of the Kitchen Union!”

After listening to Guan Qiulan’s words, the audience couldn’t help but start complaining one by one.

People say that tiger poison does not eat children, and for their junior children, the elders are naturally extremely concerned, but it is estimated that Elder Guan can not find much in the whole land to raise his granddaughter as a pig like this…

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