Chapter 194 Guan Qiulan Joins the Dark Cuisine Realm!!

“You… How can you think so, the old man is obviously for your good. ”

Elder Guan was also shocked, he didn’t expect that the source of everything was on him, and he couldn’t stand it when he was accused by so many people.

“For my good? Are you really good for me? Check this out! ”

Guan Qiulan raised her arm, and by the way, wiped the handkerchief on her face and directly wiped off a thick layer of foundation.

“Why does my face look unchanged, it’s all because of makeup, if you really do it for my good, then you should have found out that there is a problem a long time ago, why do you think I keep drinking every day?”

Guan Qiulan’s face is full of tidal irony, after wiping off the foundation, it can be seen that Guan Qiulan’s face is relatively emaciated and waxy yellow, which is caused by long-term malnutrition and alcoholism.

“Wonderful, really wonderful, thank you for letting me see such a scene, Miss Guan Qiulan, interested in joining our dark culinary world?” After all, these things you broke out today, it is estimated that life will not be better after you go back! ”

At this time, Xia Ming spoke, the world of small masters is actually biased towards the dark type, and comics and anime are completely two styles ~ grids.

In order to highlight the strength of Liu Zhuixing’s cuisine, these people will be directly fried by Liu Zhuixing.

But that’s an anime, now this is reality, where can reality be solved so easily with one dish, plus there is no Liu Zhuixing now, Guan Qiulan is estimated to be unhappy after he goes back.

“Join the Dark Cuisine? I agree if I can! ”

After hearing Xia Ming’s invitation, Guan Qiulan agreed without saying a word, joking, now that she had torn her face, she did not treat Elder Guan as her grandfather.

After all, this grandfather only treats his granddaughter as a tool, so why should he care about such a grandfather when he is a granddaughter?

Joining the Dark Cuisine Realm, no matter what the consequences are, will inevitably hit Elder Guan and the others hard.

In order to take revenge on Elder Guan and the others, Guan Qiulan didn’t even eat anything, and even made herself look like this malnutrition.

You know, this era is not modern, with her situation, if it continues for a few years, the body will not be able to bear the direct collapse, and then the little life will not be guaranteed.

She didn’t know that there would be a person named Liu Zhuixing in the future, so this was completely revenge with her own life.

Even your life can be taken out to retaliate against the other party, how about joining the dark cuisine world now?

The reputation of the dark cuisine world is indeed very bad, but in Guan Qiulan’s opinion, as long as you can take revenge on Elder Guan and others, it doesn’t matter.

“No, it’s impossible, you’re my family keeper, you can’t join the Dark Cuisine World!”

Elder Guan was furious at this moment, as an elder of the Kitchen Federation, he was also the eldest of the elders of the local Kitchen Federation, and his granddaughter had joined the dark cuisine world in front of so many people, and his old face was really lost.

“That said, you don’t look qualified to interfere with Miss Guan Qiulan’s own choices, as long as she is willing, we welcome her to join, and you can’t stop it!”

Xia Ming’s words were already very straightforward, even if Elder Guan and others blocked it, it was useless, although in this era, these people’s behavior of restricting their families was indeed beyond the control of others.

But as long as Guan Qiulan is willing, no one in the dark cuisine world can say anything more if he takes it away directly, and the government is useless.

After all, this was voluntary, and as soon as these words came out, Elder Guan’s face turned black, and the faces of the others were not good-looking.

Originally, the scandal broke out enough to make people helpless, but what about the result now? There is still such a thing.

But they can’t take care of it, they can only watch.

After Xia Ming’s order, several people from the dark cooking world came directly to Guan Qiulan’s side, and it was useless for others to want to block it, what is the reason?

And if they really started to move, they knew very well that they were the one who suffered losses, and in the end, several people from the black hopper management world directly brought Guan Qiulan to the car camp of the black food industry.

“Elder Guan, let’s talk about your affairs later, this is also your family affair, now focus on the overall situation, several elders of the Kitchen Union will serve as judges, of course, you must be eliminated, and you also need someone from the dark cooking world to serve as judges!”

Lei Hua’s approach can be said to be quite fair, and now the judges must be replaced, but naturally the elders of the kitchen union cannot be completely responsible.

Therefore, people from the dark cooking world are also required to send people as judges, so it is fair.

In Lei Hua’s opinion, although the other party is from the dark cuisine world, after the previous matter of Guan Qiulan, the elder of the kitchen union has plummeted and is not enough to convince the public, so it must be judged by the dark cuisine world.

As for the final outcome, the question of justice should be resolved if both sides are in charge.

“Wait, how about I do the judging of this Liu Bisai?”

Just when Lei Hua was about to reorganize the review, suddenly a voice sounded, and then the people surrounding outside were directly separated, a team of officers and soldiers appeared, and then another person riding a high-headed horse appeared.

“Commander Li!”

After seeing this person, the elders of the Kitchen Union and Lei Hua and the others were shocked, and then hurriedly saluted, after all, this is not only the chief of the imperial dining room, but also the direct governor of the Beiyang Navy.

“If Governor Li comes to serve as a judge, we naturally have no opinion!”

After seeing Commander Li, Xia Ming said with a smile, this person has helped Xiao Dangjia many times in the original work, and the most important thing is that the other party is not a gang that abuses his power, but helps under his own ability.

This person Xia Ming is not very disgusted, and this person will definitely not do anything unfair, so his evaluation is naturally extremely credible.

Xia Ming’s side said that there was no problem, and there was naturally no big problem with the others.

In the end, Commander Li directly served as the judge.

In the second game, he was also a royal chef, and his opponent was Mira.

“This girl looks very strange, and I have never heard of this figure in the dark cooking world!”

Due to Mira’s ethereal temperament, everyone around them could not avoid being attracted by Mira, whose skin was relatively dark, but for a period of time in the Ice Hell, coupled with the maintenance of the Sky Vegetable Field, it had long since returned to normal skin tone, and even whitened.

Coupled with this ethereal temperament, Mira is now very eye-catching.

At the moment of seeing the other party, Mira has already parsed the other party almost, very incredible ability, but Mira can do it to this point beggar…

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