Chapter 196: The Eternal Spirit Sword of Successive Confession of the Lord!!

The fourth game, without a doubt, was still a fiasco, without any suspense.

Five games according to the rules, five games of three wins, now the dark cuisine side has won three, so the next game does not have to continue.

“Guys, how about we make another bet?”

Just when the Guangming Cuisine World was extremely frustrated, Xia Ming spoke again.

“What do you mean by that?”

Lei Hua frowned and asked, after the previous matter of Guan Qiulan, now as soon as Xia Ming spoke, she was a little flustered, who knows what Xia Ming will come up with?

“Very simply, you must be very unconvinced, I know that you have the legendary map of the kitchenware in your hand, the bet of adding the map is the last game, you win, even if the previous result is invalid, we will not touch the Eternal Spirit Sword, we won, how about the map belongs to me?”

Xia Ming asked, although he himself knew that the probability of the other party’s consent was very small, but he still mentioned it.


Sure enough, without hesitation to refuse, these people simply could not take out the map as a bet, then they could only grab it directly later, anyway, the map was known to him in the master of the Ten Perfections.

Now the purpose of mentioning it is also very simple, he wants to test whether he can let the other party take out the map directly.

It’s not that it was sent directly to him, it was naturally impossible for Master Ten Perfect to save the map and carry it directly, God knows he would hide there.

Now Xia Ming mentioned this, the other party will definitely have a sense of crisis, people are actually like this, it is difficult for Master Shiquan to protect the map by himself, it just so happens that now Lei Hua is also there, then it is very likely that they will transfer together.

Now that there are Xia Ming’s people in the Kitchen Alliance, Xia Ming’s big fanfare transfer will inevitably know, and secondly, there are people who are secretly staring at the Ten Perfection Master, and once the map appears, Xia Ming will receive the news.

The reason why he said this was to stimulate these people, and to be honest, the panicked look of these people now is really interesting.

“Since you don’t agree, forget it, now you can take out the Eternal Spirit Knife, Xia Ming doesn’t care about their attitude, but directly steps into the main topic.”

After hearing Xia Ming’s words, although Elder Guan and the others were ten thousand unwilling, they could only do so now.

“There is still a chance, as long as they are not recognized by the Eternal Spirit Dao, then they can’t take away the Eternal Spirit Dao, and few people in our Bright Cuisine World have been recognized by the Eternal Spirit Dao for so many years, let alone their Dark Cooking World.”

Elder Guan comforted the others, and his words also lifted the spirits of the others, indeed, as long as they were not recognized by the Eternal Spirit Dao, even if they won the competition before, it would be for nothing.

It’s just that after these few games, to be honest, it is indeed a shock to the side of the Guangming Cuisine world.

Simply comparing cooking skills is not someone’s opponent, even if the first game won also broke out Guan Qiulan’s affairs, the reputation of the kitchen federation has plummeted, it can be said that this wave they really lost to their old hometown.

Soon, the box containing the Eternal Spirit Sword was taken out.

“Let’s start, if you get the approval of the Eternal Spirit Sword, then the Tyrannosaurus pattern will appear on the body of the sword, which means that the sword holder has become the heir of the Eternal Spirit Sword.”

Elder Guan and the others sent the Yongling Sword to Xia Ming and the others, and Admiral Li was also watching from the sidelines, surrounded by officers and soldiers, and it can be said that they had taken protective measures.

“Which of you will come first?”

Xia Ming looked at several sisters and asked.

“I’ll come first, I’m quite interested in the kitchenware of the legend Yu!”

As Alice spoke, she directly grasped the handle of the Eternal Spirit Sword, and at the moment she held the Eternal Spirit Sword, a golden light flashed, and a golden dragon flew out of the sword body, and then fell into the body of Alice Difficult.

The Tyrannosaurus pattern also appeared above the Eternal Spirit Sword.

“Appeared, the Eternal Spirit Dao recognized the village successfully!”

The people on the Guangming Cuisine World who saw this scene were shocked, and Elder Guan felt that his face was even hot, after all, he had said that there was hope before, and as a result, the first person in the family was recognized by the Eternal Spirit Dao.

In this regard, Xia Ming is not surprised at all, you must know that Alice and others are people who have mastered the meaning of food.

They can also be recognized by the ingredients of the captive world of food, and the ingredients are willing to guide them directly, not to mention the current Eternal Spirit Dao.

“This is the Tyrannosaurus pattern, it does look gorgeous, you guys should try it too.”

Alice gave the Eternal Spirit Knife to several other people, and the knife passed through the hands of Megumi Tashi, Erina, and Mira, and then unsurprisingly, all of them reproduced the Tyrannosaurus pattern.

You know, this knife will only appear if the holder is recognized, and the tyrannosaurus pattern will be lost if it is not recognized.

But now, several people in a row have been recognized by the Eternal Spirit Dao.

“How is it possible, why are so many people recognized by the Eternal Spirit Dao, Lei Hua and the others are completely confused, it is quite difficult for the Eternal Spirit Dao to recognize the Lord, otherwise it would not have been sealed in the Great Immortal.”

But now they continue to confess the Lord, which is simply outrageous, and their three views have now been washed away.

In the end, the Eternal Spirit Knife arrived in Xia Ming’s hands, and unsurprisingly, the Tyrannosaurus pattern reappeared, you know, Xia Ming is also a good cook, although he usually does not show much cooking skills.

And the most important point is that he is a solid super strong sword caster, and the Yongling Dao can sense the aura of a sword caster on Xia Ming’s body.

Both the first and second generations of Melk can hear the sound of a kitchen knife, just as a chef can hear the ingredients.

Now Xia Ming also heard the sound of the Eternal Spirit Knife.

The Eternal Spirit Dao cheered in his hand, because the Eternal Spirit Dao knew very well that Xia Ming might have a way to strengthen himself.

At this moment, the Eternal Spirit Sword in Xia Ming’s hand was even constantly vibrating, and everyone could clearly read a message from the Eternal Spirit Knife, which was cheering.

“Master, has this happened before? I actually read the emotions of the Eternal Spirit Dao! ”

And the first face asked in confusion.

“No, there has never been such a situation in the past, and in the records since the birth of the Eternal Spirit Sword, there has never been such a situation, who the hell is this guy?”

The Ten Perfection Master was also completely confused, this scene was indeed too frightening, the Eternal Spirit Sword would be so excited that it even released its own joyful emotions and infected the people around it.

“Incredible, the legendary kitchen utensils have confessed the Lord, and it seems that we must congratulate you on the dark cooking world!”

Admiral Lee also spoke at this time…

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