Chapter 197: Capture the Map!!

“Thank you, since there is nothing to do, then we will leave first.”

After taking a look at Commander Li, Xia Ming led people away, he knew very well what kind of person Commander Li was, and people who could climb to this position would naturally not mess around casually.

Even if the Eternal Spirit Sword reached their hands, Commander Li could only say a word of congratulations, and other than that, he couldn’t do anything.

“Lord Li, just watch them take the Eternal Spirit Sword away?”

Elder Guan is still a little unwilling, if they can use the hand of Li Tidu, then they may be able to recover the Eternal Spirit Sword, although they can’t use the Eternal Spirit Knife, but they don’t want to see the Eternal Spirit Dao fall into the hands of the people in the dark cooking world.

“Since you lost, you are willing to gamble and lose, and what reason do you have to recover the Eternal Spirit Sword? Don’t forget, this competition was promised by yourselves. ”

After Li Tidu finished speaking, he directly took people away, and he didn’t think about getting the Eternal Spirit Dao back, but for what reason? He naturally has to go through the process when he is an official, but now no matter what the process is, it is useless.

You know, there are still many people staring at him, in such an officialdom, the slightest mistake will be targeted, so he naturally will not do such an irrational thing.


Watching Admiral Lee leave, Elder Guan was now angry, and the most important thing was that his granddaughter had also run away with the family.

After all, Guan Qiulan was a person, and people could naturally decide where they were going.

If the force value on his side was enough, he could find a way to bring Guan Qiulan back, but he was facing the dark cooking world, and such a family official would not help, only he could come by himself.

However, he could not fight the dark cuisine world, and the things that Guan Qiulan broke out caused the reputation of the Kitchen Association to plummet now, and he couldn’t find someone to help, so he could only watch Guan Qiulan leave.

At this moment, Guan Qiulan was also extremely comfortable in her heart, after all, she had retaliated against Elder Guan for a wave, which she was happy to see.

“By the way, that guy just said about the map, and the map is in your hands!”

Lei Hua suddenly opened his mouth and said, the map of the legendary kitchenware just mentioned, so now Bicai must find a way to save the map.

“Indeed in our hands, what does Mrs. Thunder Flower mean?”

Master Shiquan asked in a low voice.

“It’s not safe for the map to stay here now, and everyone must be clear about the methods of the Dark Cuisine World, so they will stop at nothing to get the map of the earth.”

“If you can, please give me the map and take it back to the palace, it is much safer to store the map in the palace than to stay here!”

Lei Hua opened his mouth and said, just as Xia Ming thought, these people were trapped, and they began to think about how to transfer the map.

If it was changed before, Master Ten would naturally not transfer the map, after all, the map had been placed with him for so many years, but now people have determined that the map is here, and he is also Alexander.

Holding the map is equivalent to him having to face the entire dark cooking world, and this pressure Master Ten Perfect said that he could not bear it.

Now that Lei Hua has spoken, then he will hand over the map along the way, anyway, he has no idea of seizing these kitchen utensils, the old man is alone.

At that time, he had not tried to take charge of the Yongling Sword, but it was a pity that the Yongling Sword did not recognize him, so he had long since lost such an idea, and the kitchen utensils in the legend of Biyi were not something that anyone could take.

Even if you can’t confess the Lord after taking it, it is useless.

The only person who can use eight kinds of kitchen utensils in this world is estimated to be Liu Pleixing in the original book.

As for others, in fact, Xia Ming once inquired about some things when he came to this world, about the world of tai chi cuisine, and after Yi Yi, the world of Xiao Dongjia came out with a sequel.

However, Xia Ming did not get any relevant news, and even the name Jade Qilin Code Flow did not appear.

There are also some characters who appear in subsequent works that do not appear, so this world is just a simple small master world, and there is no sequel world.

So naturally, there is no Tai Chi cooking world.

At nightfall, Lei Hua and the others secretly came to the side of the Ten Perfection Master, and the Ten Perfection Master also took out the hidden map and painted it with Lei Hua and the others.

“These few maps will be handed over to you, to tell you the truth, thirty years ago, when I was in charge of managing the Eternal Spirit Sword, I also got these maps, but unfortunately, I don’t know what these maps are all about!”

“There is only one place above that can be left out.”

After Master Shiquan handed the map to Lei Hua and others, he said helplessly, he has seen the map many times, and he has not been able to find where it is for so many years, the only thing he knows is the general location of the Dragon Turning Pot, but it is only the general location, and the specific location is still unclear.

After all, what is the difference between looking for a piece of kitchenware in such a large area and looking for a needle in a haystack?

If it was really so easy to find, the legendary kitchenware would have been taken away long ago, and the man might not seal these places.

“These maps are really completely incomprehensible, but no matter what, these maps can’t fall into the hands of the dark cuisine world, thank you master for handing over the map to us, let’s go, let’s leave overnight, save trouble.”

After Lei Hua finished speaking, he took the map and left, in order to prevent the people of the dark cooking world from eyeing them, he had to leave as soon as possible.

Soon, Lei Hua and his party left the city, but when they were on the road, they suddenly felt that the sky was spinning, and then people fainted directly.

Someone had been staring at them for a long time, and after they got the map, they were directly stunned in the wild.

After searching the map, the people of the Dark Cuisine World quickly left, as for the Thunder Flower Girls, they were not very far from the city, and there would be no beasts here, that is, just sleep here for one night.

The map thus fell into the hands of Xia Ming and others.

“The map is in hand, the secret code is also in hand, and the legendary kitchen utensils that have no trace are not difficult to find!”

Everyone is very interested in the legendary kitchenware, after all, this kitchenware is indeed too special and has incredible power.

Just a single Immortal Spirit Sword can bring it back to life.

You know, this kind of skill is not uncommon in the captive world of food, but it belongs to very advanced skills, such as Su lettuce knives and the like.

It is indeed incredible that such kitchenware can exist in the world of small masters, and these legendary kitchenware are very powerful.

In fact, Xia Ming also thought that maybe he could strengthen some of these kitchenware, but not now, he must be able to figure out the situation of these kitchenware before he can start, otherwise rashly strengthening may waste these kitchenware…

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