Chapter 198: Providence!!

“This is… What’s going on? ”

I don’t know how long it took, Lei Hua and the others gradually woke up, and at this moment they were still confused.

“Not good, map!”

Lei Hua is also very confused, but soon she remembered what was going on, she and others fainted in this kind of place inexplicably, so Ken ~, someone must have moved their hands and feet.

Sure enough, this check, the map is gone, which directly makes everyone dumbfounded, this is the legendary map of kitchenware, it is so gone, this crime is big.

“It’s over, we’ve been calculated, yesterday the people of the Dark Cuisine World deliberately mentioned the map, and we were shot by them!”

Chef Long quickly reacted, as an old jianghu, he also figured out what was going on after thinking about it carefully.

As soon as he reminded him of this, the others also gradually woke up, and it seemed that they were indeed shot by themselves and others.

At this moment, everyone’s face was very ugly, if this map was placed in the Ten Perfection Master, then Xia Ming would still need to take his own shot if he wanted to get it, but now he was directly brought out by them.

Xia Ming didn’t need to get the map in his hands on his own, and the most important thing was that Lei Hua and the others were still useless even if they knew that the map was in the hands of the Dark Hopper Realm.

After all, they don’t have any evidence, so now they can only eat this dumb loss.

At this moment, Lei Hua no longer knows how to explain to the Bright Cuisine World, although she is an unintentional mistake, but this unintentional mistake has caused them to lose a lot to the people of the Bright Cuisine World.

This kitchenware was originally in their hands, so it would not be easily taken away by the other party, but now that it is good, the kitchenware is directly gone.

“Go back, this matter must be clearly explained to others, even if the mistake is ours, it must be clearly explained.”

Lei Hua is a responsible person, so now she does not leave, but plans to go back and tell others about the situation.

After hearing Lei Hua’s words, the others looked at each other, but if you think about it, you can’t escape the first day of the first year.

People in the dark cuisine world will definitely go to find kitchen utensils after getting the map, and the kitchen utensils will inevitably appear in each other’s hands.

And they don’t have a map in their hands now, so when the time comes, they can check it out that there is a leak in their place.

Now they are the side of the calculation of the unintentional mistake, if they get to the back, their problem will be big, so the long pain is not as good as the short pain, Wang crisp directly went back and explained it clearly to the others.

In this way, Lei Hua returned with a group of people, and then found the Ten Perfection Master and others to explain the beginning and end of this time to them.

“It’s over, the map has actually reached the hands of the dark cooking world, and those kitchen utensils can’t be saved at all!”

Elder Guan and the others were all confused, and they never expected that everyone had been counted twice.

“It seems that the kitchen utensils have always been out of touch with us, and it has been thirty years since the old man got the map, but in the past thirty years, not only have there been no news about other kitchen utensils, but even the Yongling knife has not found a suitable owner.”

“Now that the map has fallen into the hands of the Dark Cuisine Realm, plus the situation when they recognized the Lord Eternal Spirit Sword before, it seems that God is on the side of the Dark Cuisine Realm!”

“You can’t be blamed for this matter, you can only compare it with the will of God.”

Master Ten Perfection shook his head, his words also silenced Lei Hua, and the others listened to the clouds, but Lei Hua knew very well what Master Ten Perfection was saying.

There is a providence in this world.

Such a statement appeared in the original work when Yajian and Liu Zhuixing were duelling.

At that time, Yajian’s cooking skills were completely stronger than Liu Zhuixing, and he could definitely defeat Liu Zhuixing as long as he made the second dish.

After all, Liu Zhuixing’s two dishes are only equal to his one.

However, while preparing the second dish, it rained directly from the sky, which limited the ability of the Asian magazine, and the fire was gradually extinguished, so that it was impossible to continue cooking in the well.

In fact, Yajian only needs to make another dish casually, and it will definitely be able to crush Liu Zhuixing.

But Yabian knew very well that it was Providence who was on Liu Zhuixing’s side, which is why there was such a situation as heavy rain from the sky extinguishing his flame.

Providence is like this, so even if Yabian continues to cook, there will be some special lover who will hinder him.

Although this level of the Asian journal does not know much about such a thing as providence, it also knows some…

So at that time, he did not continue to make the second dish, but directly counted it as a draw.

At the level of Master Shiquan and Lei Hua, they also know more or less such a thing as Providence.

So now after Master Shiquan talked about it, Lei Hua didn’t say anything more, it seems that it is indeed the will of heaven over there.

Otherwise, she should have been able to take the map away unharmed last night instead of being intercepted by the other party.

It’s just that what she can’t understand is why Providence is on the side of the Dark Cooking Realm, which is unreasonable, according to historical records, Providence has always been on the side of the right path.

Therefore, their light cooking world has been suppressing the dark side, no matter how the dark side changes, the light side will eventually win.

Now that Providence has shifted to the other side, it is somewhat difficult for people to accept.

“What kind of place is the Dark Cuisine world?” It may have been that filthy place before, but now the changes in the dark culinary world are all in our eyes, so let’s keep looking down. ”

The Master of the Ten Perfections himself knows very well what the current bright cooking world really looks like, and the kitchen union here alone is a group of people who are disdainful, and even his granddaughter can be used as a test product.

Therefore, he naturally did not have too much good feelings for the kitchen association, and Elder Weng was even easily bribed by outsiders, and the whole kitchen association could be described as a black smoke.

In addition, it is also true that the court is corrupt, coupled with the changes in the dark culinary world.

He may know why Providence has shifted, which these people have done themselves.

In the original work, there are Liu Pleixing and other people to support the field, but now it has not grown up, how to support the field?

Not to mention what Master Shiquan and the others thought, Xia Ming and the others on the other side left directly to find kitchen utensils after getting the map and code.

Maps and codes are not omnipotent, such as holy bronze, this thing was dug up, and almost melted directly.

Therefore, the place to store the kitchenware is indeed very critical, it can only be said that the age is too old, and it will cause some problems, which is also quite reasonable.

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