Chapter 199: Kitchenware Collection!!

The map is in hand, plus the code, finding kitchen utensils becomes very fast, as for the jade dragon pot in the palace, that thing is even more interesting, after all, Xia Ming and their squad can easily enter the palace to do things.

If they want, they can even go directly to become emperors, but there is no need to do this, the center of gravity cannot be mistaken.

“The ability of these kitchenware is really incredible, but the greedy wolf pot and the like are more embarrassing.”

After the eight pieces of kitchenware are gathered, everyone has been recognized by the kitchenware, and now these kitchen utensils have appeared on the two different imprints of the Tyrannosaurus pattern and the Fengrui pattern, but the eight kinds of kitchen utensils are against the sky and embarrassing, such as the rejuvenation of the Yongling knife, the purification of the ingredients of the Jia Lou Luo knife, the instant cooking of the dragon pot, and even the sauce that needs to be marinated for a long time can be easily completed.

There are also magic bronze artifacts that instantly send out all kinds of dry goods, in short, these are quite anti-heavenly.

And the position of the wolf pot in this is very awkward, this thing can be processed completely in an instant, that is, cutting and so on, such as cutting pieces, shredding and the like.

But to be honest, which of the people who are recognized for the ingredients is not a super chef, so the role of this thing is almost equal to nothing.

The rest of the kitchenware is useful even for the Spirit Vault, although it is the role of a refrigerator.

But this refrigerator is not comparable to those cold storage, the ingredients in it can be placed for a long time, and it does not damage the original taste of the ingredients at all, which is completely impossible to do in cold storage.

Needless to say, the jade dragon pot is related to cooking, and the most important thing is that the two jade dragon pots are the core of the eight kitchenware, and other kitchenware can only be used if the two jade dragon pots are approved at the same time.

“It’s really embarrassing, but regardless of these, let’s use eight kitchen utensils to make some dishes to see, after all, the legendary kitchen utensils are rumored to have the power of immortality, and I don’t know if it’s true!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that the probability of fake is very large, but it is certainly not empty, after all, this kitchen is indeed very magical, and it is not a simple thing to get the approval of eight kitchen utensils at the same time.

After hearing Xia Ming say this, several chef girls rushed directly to the kitchen with kitchen utensils.

Soon, dishes appeared on the table, and Xia Ming’s perception was also opened to the extreme.

His perception was mainly focused on a few of them, and there was certainly no harm in eating these dishes, but he needed to know what benefits he would get.

After the dishes were served, everyone couldn’t wait to move their chopsticks.

I have to say that the ingredients processed by the legendary kitchenware are indeed much more delicious than the original, but there is a limit to such improvement, and the ingredients themselves cannot exceed the kitchenware too much.

The ingredients used by the crowd range from ordinary to from the captive world of cuisine.

Ordinary ingredients have been greatly increased, but as the grade of ingredients continues to increase, this increase gradually decreases.

The increase in ingredients over level 50 is even rare, even negligible.

Sure enough, there is a difference in the world, the upper limit is here, and no matter how magical the kitchenware is, it is useless.

However, Xia Ming could clearly sense that there was an extra breath of life in the human body, and this breath of life did not strengthen the ability of the cells, but gradually slowed down the aging speed of the cells.

“As it turns out, the so-called eternal life is this, this is indeed the effect of delaying aging and death, it is indeed normal to say that it is prolonging life, but to say that it is immortal, that is completely nonsense.”

Xia Ming is also clear, but if you think about it, it is right to think about it, after all, the ancients would exaggerate many things, such as the situation that tens of thousands of troops may eventually be exaggerated to hundreds of thousands of troops.

In short, it spreads through human words, and after a few times, it will change its taste, but one thing is certain, although it is exaggerated, it is not empty.

Now Xia Ming is also aware of the benefits of this life energy to the body, so this thing can prolong life and delay aging, and the cooking made by eating eight kinds of kitchen utensils for a long time is definitely much longer than others.

It is not even impossible to increase the life expectancy to several times the normal, so there is a saying of immortal cuisine.

I have to say that the means to prolong life in the world of small masters are indeed quite incredible.

And this kind of life extension is not a few years, more than ten years, but several times the life span of ordinary people, and the effect is quite terrifying.

Whether for ancient or modern people, this is absolutely tempting to see…

Of course, for Xia Ming and the others, it can only be regarded as better than nothing, after all, they have obtained the key to open the door to eternal life.

Although Xia Ming did not join the dependents, the reward given by the system was enough for him to easily reach that level.

Others still need to constantly improve the favor, but now with the addition of this kind of thing, the favor seems to have the effect of delaying aging in the later stage, such as Finn.

And the high-level adventurers on the Freya clan’s side are the same.

Under a variety of superpositions, the problem of life expectancy can be completely ignored.

What is the situation of this kitchenware Xia Ming is not clear now, and when it is clear, there may be a chance to strengthen, in short, this time it can be regarded as a lot of gains, everyone’s division has been greatly improved in this world, as for several combatants plus medical staff, then there is no idea, after all, there is a lot of time in the secret realm.

But Riveria’s side also needs to take care of her dependents.

Originally, she was the main output position in the dependents, and it was good to have her less in normal times, but she still needed to go on expeditions.

So after the matter on this side was dealt with, everyone also came to Olali’s side, and the expedition of the Loki family was about to begin.

In order to gag the guild’s mouth, the Hestias also participated in the expedition this time.

This also makes other dependents a little speechless, although other dependents will invite foreign aid during expeditions, but not many.

After all, expeditions generally expose the full combat power of the dependents, and it is not good to invite too many people from other dependents under this kind of invitation.

Therefore, even if the expedition invites people from other families, it is only a small part.

But now the two families can be said to be completely merged into the dungeon, which is indeed quite rare.

It’s just that this is a matter for the Loki and Hestia clans, and they can’t control it, so they can only watch the play.

However, the expedition of the Loki clan is indeed very eye-catching, after all, now the Loki clan and the Freya clan are one of the two kings, plus the Liveria claims to reach LV7, which makes people even more curious about where the Loki family can go…

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