Chapter 307 Heading to the Demon Tail World!!

“The meat of the four beasts is really good, whether it is taste or texture, and no matter what method is quite matched, there is no need to worry about what kind of cooking method to use.”

Even a few chef girls who make dishes are shocked by this meat, completely universal meat, there is no need to bother how to make it, whether it is simple or complex.

No matter what the side dishes can be matched to each other, this ingredient is undoubtedly the chef’s favorite.

“Unfortunately, it is not a very special ingredient, otherwise our cells should be able to activate quickly, but such a grade of meat, even if it is not possible to activate the cells at the first time, it is not a problem to have enough time.”

Xia Ming nodded, you know, the meat of the four beasts is quite delicious even if it is eaten raw, although Xia Ming rarely eats raw food.

“Then let’s go to Miraj’s world, there is not much danger there, everyone can go together.”

Xia Ming spoke, and then everyone nodded quickly, they were also very curious about the world where Miraj was located, it was a completely fantasy world.

And there is such a thing as the Magus Guild, according to Miraj, the Magus Guild is their home, it can be said to be a big family, of course, this is only for a few guilds.

Just like the cyan pegasus, the fairy tail and other guilds will appear in this situation.

As for those dark guilds and guilds like the Sword Bite Tiger, there is no emotion to speak of, of course, the Sword Bite Tiger is not completely useless, to put it bluntly, it was all made by Jemain.

Otherwise others are still okay.

Entering the Goblin’s Tail Guild also requires Mirage to go back first, after all, everyone enters the Goblin’s Tail World from where she is, and the number of people is a bit large, so naturally it is necessary for Miraj to find a place first.

And now to be honest, going back is a bit strange to Miraj, after all, this time in the secret realm for more than five years, more than five years is enough to forget a lot of things.

Although Mirage will not forget the guild, it is inevitable that there will be a sense of strangeness.

Ten minutes after Miraj returned, the crowd entered the Demon Tail World as agreed.

Then the group appeared in a forest.

“Welcome to my world, guys, so let’s go to our guild first, by the way, this is my sister’s thing.”

Mirage said and took out a piece of jewelry, this is Lisana’s jewelry back then, there should be a residual smell on it.

The reason why he took out this thing is also a pretense that Xia Ming needs, first of all, although he knows where Lisanna is, he can’t say it directly, so he needs something.

And he has the five senses of God, and the five senses of God can easily allow him to see the different breaths of everyone.

Miraj has quite a few of them, but Charming is not sure who Lisana’s is.

So now some medium is needed.

Now seeing this thing, he was also sure, and his perception directly let go, and he found the breath of Lisanna left by the whole world.

Even Xia Ming could easily sense that this aura spread beyond the space.

The spatial barrier between the continent of Edras and the continent of Aslandon is very fragile, and Xia Ming discovered it as soon as he entered this world.

After all, the spatial barrier is generally very hard, and the world of death is created by the Spirit King because the three realms are created by the Spirit King, and there is a layer of worlds outside the three realms, and this layer of the world is the original world.

After that is the dimensional barrier.

Xia Ming did not have the ability to break through the dimensional barrier, he broke through the world barrier condensed with the power of the spirit king, not the outer dimensional barrier.

Now that he came to this world, his keen perception immediately sensed this extremely fragile barrier, and he only needed a little strength to break through this barrier.

And now the breath sensed directly spread to the Edras continent, and Xia Ming’s perception was also directly transmitted.

And located Lisana’s location.

“Found it, it seems that the means of resurrection do not need to be distressed, your sister did not die, but went to another world, this world is a subsidiary world born based on your world.”

“The people over there are similar to you guys, except that in one way they are completely opposite, and there is no such thing as magic in the people over there.”

“But I found a group of cats over there and a person with magic in their bodies, that person’s body has the breath of this jewelry, according to what you said, your sister disappeared after the accident that year, it should have been inadvertently inhaled into that world,”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, although this is the plot he already knows, but to be honest, he himself did detect these things.

“Lisanna is still alive, so how do we get to the world over there?!”

At this moment, Miraj felt that he was about to die, and originally wanted to use Xia Ming’s power to find his sister’s body, and then find a way to resurrect him, but he did not expect to be alive.

She didn’t know how to describe her mood anymore.

“It’s simple, just use a little force!”

Xia Ming said and punched out, the terrifying force bombarded the void, and a huge void appeared in front of everyone…

On the other side is a place with floating islands.

And the void that blows out is constantly being restored.

“This world is a parallel world of your world, this world barrier is too fragile, you can easily open, let’s go!”

Xia Ming said as he used the calorie support to prevent it from recovering.

After that, the group also quickly entered the continent of Edras.

“Strange, my magic can’t be used!”

After entering this world, Miraj found that his magic was unusable, as if he was restricted by something.

“It should be because of the scarcity of magic in this world, but with your strength, you should not be bound like this.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, there is indeed such a situation in this world, and the original Natsu and others can use magic through drugs.

But Miraj’s strength is too strong, and it stands to reason that such obstacles should be useless to her.

Just like the ultra-magical soul of this world can directly penetrate into the other side of the world, as long as this restriction is broken, then magic can also be used here.

Now that Miraj’s magic power is very terrifying, plus there is a second source of magic, this should not happen.

Also as Xia Ming said, such a restriction was directly broken after Miraj’s full burst of magic, and there was no need for any drugs to assist the righteousness…

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