Chapter 308 Another Miraj!!

Mirage broke through the limits with his huge magic power, just like the magic that Gildas unleashed against Naz on Sirius Island, but now the magic that Mirage unleashed was even more terrifying.

In the original book of Gildas, in order to let Natsu see fear, he released his magic power with all his might, and the huge magic power formed a pillar of skyrocketing light that made the entire Sirius Island constantly shake.

The mana strength of Gildas should be the old Saint Tenth level, but it has not yet reached the Four Heavenly Kings level.

Wo Luode, who ranks fourth among the four heavenly kings, can directly send people to a place two thousand kilometers away in a short period of time, and I have to say that the more the fairy tail reaches the later stage, the more exaggerated the combat power is.

This is also the reason why the black dragon and the tooth king belong to the same level of existence, because the combat effectiveness in the later stage is indeed too high.

The magic that Miraj was now unleashing made the whole earth tremble constantly.

Moreover, the continent of Adras still belongs to the continent of lack of magic, such a strong magic reaction, but anyone who has a little perceptual ability perceives it.

“The world is even more fragile than expected, and Miraj’s magic burst alone has caused unstable fluctuations in space.”

Everyone looked at the space around them that was distorted and recovered for a moment, a little speechless, too fragile.

“It’s normal, these two worlds belong to parallel time and space, and the most important thing is that it is not the external world barrier, so this is very fragile, which is why I can easily blast the barrier with one punch.”

Xia Ming explained simply, and then everyone went to the Fairy Tail Guild of this world.

To be honest, the Fairy Tail Guild of this world is also relatively strange.

In this world, Fairy Tail belongs to the Dark Guild, and the reason why they are included in the ranks of darkness is solely because they use magic privately.

Due to the lack of magic, the king ordered that only the king’s army could use magic, and as for other organizations, it was not possible.

The tail of the world goblin directly violates this, not to mention whether there is any problem with such disobedience.

Let’s talk about the consequences of being caught, people actually stipulate that magic cannot be used, and it does not say that they cannot be organized into such a guild organization.

They could have found a place to settle down instead of being chased outside by goblin hunting.

You must know that Elusa in this world also belongs to the iron-faced selfless kind, but if she is caught, the consequences naturally need not be said more.

Compared with the consequences, the insistence of the fairy tail of this world is a little ridiculous, after all, this is a life in exchange for the right to use magic, why bother?

The group soon came to the goblin’s tail.

“Although I already know that there are goblin tails in this world, it is really surprising to suddenly see such a mark!”

Miraj was a little emotional, even though Xia Ming had told her that there was another her in this world, she still felt a little incredible, and when the group entered the fairy tail, the people inside were also confused.

After all, now that their group of people are fugitives, it is natural to be surprised that someone suddenly comes in, and most importantly, there is also a Miraj among these people.

At this moment, the people in the guild looked at Miraj on Xia Ming’s side, and then looked at Miraj on their own side.

Both sides were dressed exactly the same, and they even thought they were hallucinating.

“Miraj? Two? Could it be that I’m drunk? No reason! ”

Many people are beginning to doubt themselves.

“It’s not drunk, it’s another Miraj, you’re here to find Lisana!”

Miraj of the Edras Continent smiled and spoke, she basically already knew why there was another Miraj.

As Lisana’s sister, she and Elfman have long noticed that Lisanna is wrong.

The rest of the guild didn’t notice it, but they were different, but Miraj also knew very well that although this Lisanna was not his own sister, she was the same person and a very kind child.

So she also chose to accept Lisana, and now that another Miraj appeared, she instantly guessed the reason why the other party was here.

“Sister Mira!”

Lisanna who heard this was also shocked, and when she fell into this world, she was shocked at first.

But because Miraj and Elfman saw the world at that time, she felt that this was also her brother and sister, so she had been hiding her origin…

But I never expected that I would have been seen through by others long ago.

“Well, after all, it’s our own sister, and if you don’t recognize or admit it wrong, it wouldn’t be great, but you’re also a kind child.”

“Elfman and I can feel your concern for us, but you are never our sister, you have your own relatives, and now that your relatives have come, it is time to go back!”

Mirage of the continent of Adelas smiled and said that although there was some sadness in her eyes, it was also her choice.

“Yes, it’s time to go back to your real loved ones, thank you so much for all these years!”

Elfman next to him also smiled and spoke.

“Hey, hey, what the hell are you talking about?” Tell me clearly! ”

Lucy, who is the equivalent of a big sister in the continent of Adelas, can’t see it anymore, can’t hear what Mirage is saying, and always has a feeling that she is completely excluded.

She wondered that Miraj and the others had not left the guild all these years, after all, they had been being hunted, and as a result, this sudden incident made her feel as if she had experienced a lot less.

“Here’s the thing…”

Miraj of the Edras Continent quickly recounted what had happened, and after speaking, the entire Fairy Tail people were silent.

“I should have thought of it a long time ago, after all, Laxus didn’t resist, and Lisanna had no reason to come back alive at that time.”

Everyone sighed helplessly, what happened back then they thought Lisanna was dead at first, but soon Lisanna found it on her own, and they were all carried away by surprise.

But I didn’t expect that this Lisanna was indeed Lisana, but it was a completely different Lisana.

“So, now you’re here to take your sister home, it’s hard to believe that there really are two such similar people in this world.”

Lucy looked at the two Miraj and was also extremely emotional, this looks exactly the same, even if the two of them leave for a while, come back and don’t talk and so on, she can’t tell who the two of them are on their side of Miraj…

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