Chapter 309 Back to Aslandon!!

After everyone chatted for a while, they finally understood the situation of the two worlds.

“I really envy your world, not only everyone has magic in their bodies, but the world is also full of magic, unlike our side…”

Lucy is very envious of the continent of Eislanden, after all, it can use magic endlessly.

“In fact, there is no need to be so envious, after all, there are magic and there are actually bad places, I once sensed the magic situation of the continent of Aslandon when I came.”

“On that big road, there are not many creatures with the power to destroy the world, in comparison, although there is a lack of magic power here, at least there is no need to worry about being destroyed at every turn!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, he knows the plot of the fairy tail world, although the magic power is abundant and strong, but all kinds of troubles are constant, if it were not for the protagonist’s aura, the fairy tail would not know how many times it was destroyed.

Basically, most of the powerful villains on that side of the continent are staring at the fairy tail.

“Is it so dangerous? But we’re about the same, after all, we’re wanted now. ”

Everyone was also a little helpless when they thought of their situation, and now they were also chased everywhere by the kingdom’s army.

“This time we are also here because of Miraj’s affairs, in that case, let’s give you something to save your life!”

Xia Ming said, the white breath on his body reappeared, after this breath appeared, Xia Ming deliberately leaked a little breath out, but the moment he felt this breath, the entire goblin tail people trembled, cold sweat, and weak.

“How… What’s going on…… Body…… The body is out of control! ”

This feeling makes them talk badly, but this breath comes and goes quickly.

At this moment, Xia Ming had completely trapped his breath in the Goblin’s Tail Guild, and those who would avoid the Goblin’s Tail would now include the members of the Guild who were not near the Goblin’s Tail.

Xia Ming could sense that there were several people outside around him, and the breath was the same as here.

It’s like the footprints of the horse king for a thousand years can still frighten Ah Yu and others into trembling, although Xia Ming can’t do the same as the horse king, but his current power is not weak.

And most crucially, he didn’t need to deter Ah Yu and others.

There is no magic in the human body of this world, so it is not very strong in itself, and it is all with the help of some special weapons.

There was not much resistance itself, and Xia Ming’s breath that was stranded here could easily deter these people.

After telling everyone about his breath, everyone was also relieved.

“What you sensed just now is only a small part of my breath, and the real breath left behind will be directly stunned as soon as others get close to a hundred meters near you.”

“Of course, the breath I leave behind cannot be retained forever, it will become weaker and weaker, and it will disappear completely in about twenty years, which can be regarded as a little help for you.”

Xia Ming didn’t plan to interfere too much in the affairs of the Edras Continent, and it didn’t have much to do with him.

As for the soul attacking the goblin tail later, Miraj himself can handle it at that time, so he doesn’t need to be nosy, and now it’s nothing more than leaving a little guarantee so that the goblin tail of this world can survive for a while longer.

“So thank you so much!”

Something like this is undoubtedly a good thing for the current Fairy Tail.

After all, what they are most afraid of is to encounter goblin hunting, and now goblin hunting does not need to worry.

They also had enough time to escape, of course, don’t think about it when they collided with each other, after all, people also have long-range attack capabilities, so Xia Ming’s breath is just to let them have enough time to escape.

“Then we’ll leave first, and I’ll take Lisanna home, after all, there are still a lot of family waiting for her.”

Mirage took Lisana’s hand, and at the moment there was no intention of letting go, she hadn’t seen it for too long, she was reluctant to let go, she was afraid it was a dream.

“That’s the same thing, then remember to visit us when you have a chance in the future!”

Miraj of the Edras Continent said with a smile, and after that, the group returned to Eslandon through the passage opened by Xia Ming.

“It’s really an incredible means, a single punch opens a channel, and the breath released alone makes us completely unable to resist.”

Looking at the disappearing passage, Lucy also sighed a little.

“Who says it’s not?”

Mirage laughed too, but the next moment, a man knocked straight through the door of the guild.

“Goblin hunting, goblin hunting is coming, quickly transfer the position.”

The person who broke in was the one who was guarding outside, but he was not able to find Xia Ming and the others, and the strength was always too different.

However, the goblin hunting people are not small, so they can detect each other.

“I know, I’ll go transfer the public right now… Rumble! ”

Before Rebby finished speaking, there were several loud noises outside, and when everyone looked over, they found that the famous goblin hunting was lying directly on the ground.

The huge monster that was originally flying in the sky also fell directly to the ground and smashed out a big pit.

“Mr. Xia Ming’s breath deterrent has worked, great, right, quickly take away their weapons, that is a fairly advanced magic guide.”

Lucy and the others who saw this scene were also surprised, and then quickly took away the weapons of the unconscious goblin hunters, including the super powerful gun of the world’s Elusa.

That is the foundation of Elusa in this world, and as a result, it has now been directly taken away, although Alyssa can also exert good strength with other magic guides.

But it certainly wasn’t as good as this gun, but now, it wasn’t hers.

After quickly collecting what they wanted, a group of people ran away.

If Xia Ming saw their operation here, he would definitely shake his head helplessly, these people were still a little too kind.

You know, once Elusa of this world catches them, then they will be in danger.

In this case, killing Alusha is the best choice now, but this group of people simply took away their weapons and did not kill these people, and it has to be said that they have not done enough.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Xia Ming, after all, he has already helped these people a lot.

Now, Xia Ming and the others have come to the Fairy Tail on the side of the Eslandon Continent, and at this moment, the people with the Fairy Tail are also completely dull…

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