Chapter 310 I feel like a false magician!!

“Rei… Lisana! ”

After a short sluggishness, the entire goblin tail people boiled, after all, a person who had been dead for a long time reappeared in front of him, which was incredible no matter how you looked at it.

“You bastards, get out of my way!”

Before these people rushed up, Elfman on the side directly received a steel arm, and then blasted a group of people directly out with a punch.

“Lisana, it’s really Lisana, you still live to watch!”

After bombarding a group of people, Elfman cried directly, originally Elfman was a relatively cowardly person, after Lisana’s incident, he became a vicious person who shouted manhood in his mouth all day.

Of course, his style of acting has completely changed, and he has no cowardice at all, but now such a strong man is crying like an eight-hundred-pound child.

“Okay, Elfman, don’t cry, shouldn’t Lisanna be happy alive?”

Seeing Elfman’s appearance, Miraj couldn’t help but smile, after all, Elfman is different from her, she was prepared in advance, so she controlled her emotions, Elfman was not the slightest bit prepared, crying is normal.

“Sister, what the hell is going on, why is Lisanna still alive? And where has Lisanna run all these years? ”

Now Elfman can be described as a belly of doubts.

“Yes, yes, where has Lisanna run all these years?”

A group of people surrounded again.

“Bastard, don’t squeeze me, get out of the way for me!”

Because a group of people crowded too much, someone soon blew up, and one person blew up, and this group of people naturally couldn’t help it.

Then the eyes of the entire guild shifted away from Lisana, and a group of people began to fight, and even directly used magic to fight, causing the entire guild to become chaotic in an instant.

“Allah, it is still the same as always, by the way, don’t misunderstand, although the fight is quite fierce, but their relationship is still very…”

Before he could finish speaking, a bottle of wine was thrown directly on Miraj’s head.

“It seems that you still need to be educated!”

Mirage is also a little hanging on the face, if only an outsider is fine, just like Lucy in the original book.

And at that time, her strength had not been restored, and Lisana was not there, but now the group had actually punched themselves in the face in front of their squad companions and sister, which made Mirage can’t help it.

Although the expression on his face was still gentle, the clear-eyed man could see at a glance that Mirage was angry.

After a burst of magic, Mirage directly entered the Demon Man State at this moment, which was the one who appeared during the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Period, and it was also the strongest Demon Man State.

“You bastards, give me the right thing to do!”

Under the impact of a dark magic force, everyone was directly blasted away.

“M… Miraj’s magic is restored, and the demon Miraj is back. ”

The group of people who saw this scene widened their eyes again, you know, Miraj was the biggest gangster leader in the entire guild back then, but Lisana’s matter became gentle after that.

But it is still very dark, and now that Miraj has recovered, their group of people dare not continue to be demons.

“Well, I’ve seen Miraj’s magic many times, but I look like a fake magician no matter how you look at me!”

Riveria was a little speechless and complained that the magic of this world was completely different from the magic of her world.

The magicians of their world are all holding wands or other spell-casting equipment, such as a crystal ball and the like as a medium to release magic.

Moreover, it takes time to chant when releasing magic, except for a very few people who can fight and chant while chanting, and the other magicians are standing in place and chanting.

Leave your own safety completely to your teammates, so that the magic that is sung is more powerful, but look at the magicians of the goblin’s tail.

Even if they have ranged ability, they must rush up to engage in hand-to-hand combat, which is pure melee magic.

The two are not systematic at all, but to be honest, Riveria prefers the magical genre of this world.

After all, in this way, you can completely omit the protection of your teammates, and your combat effectiveness can become stronger.

So Riveria feels that the magic system of this world is very good, but unfortunately, the power of people in their world comes from the favor of the gods, and there is no way to learn magic in this way, so this is very helpless.

“Each has its own advantages, after all, this world plays magic, so many magicians in this regard, it can be said that they have developed an extreme, and there are not only eleven professions in your world.”

Xia Ming shook his head, in the goblin tail world, as long as you use magic to fight, you are called a magician, basically the same, the division is not so clear, so the two worlds can not be so contrasted.

“The magic is restored, then fine, and Lisana, welcome home, little ones, ready for the feast to celebrate the return of the loved ones!”

At this time, Makarov also came out and directly announced the information of the banquet, and suddenly the entire people of Fairy Tail cheered, undoubtedly, this is indeed a big family.

This cohesion is also very good.

However, although many people have a sense of belonging to the fairy tail, this sense of belonging is not particularly strong.

After the incident on Sirius Island in the original book, many people chose to leave the fairy tail.

You know, although the fairy tail does not have the main force, there are many A-level magicians.

In the entire Ishugal continent, there are always very few S-class magicians.

So these people leaving, undoubtedly making the fairy tail worse.

However, people are selfish, it is not good to say anything at all, and if you leave, the cohesion of the goblin’s tail will become stronger.

“As Mirage said, a very nice place!”

Butterfly Kanae couldn’t help but smile as she watched this scene.

“Mirage, introduce these people you brought back!”

Makarov came to the crowd and said flying.

“President, this is my squad mates, but not the guild teammates, things are more complicated, and when the party is over, I will tell you, but only for you.”

Although there is no need to hide, but Mirage is not good to let these things be known by too many people, otherwise it is easy to be targeted, trouble this kind of thing, can be less naturally a little less is better…

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