Chapter 316 Natsu and Jelf!!

“What’s wrong? Why did it suddenly stop? ”

Seeing that Xia Ming originally planned to attack but stopped it, the strange man was a little puzzled.

“This guy can’t be killed for the time being, just now I detected that this guy has a lot of magic and some other life links in his body, and one of them seems to be the fairy tail, once you kill this guy, these linked people will also die.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, he naturally wouldn’t say Natsu directly, this kind of link Xia Ming can indeed sense, the god vision in the five senses of God makes Xia Ming easily see this connection.

So now Jelf can’t die directly, he needs to deal with this hidden danger.

“Members of our guild? How could a member of our guild be with Jelf. ”

What a link to produce…

Mirage was also shocked, and originally wanted to refute it, but suddenly remembered one thing, that is, why Jelf appeared on Sirius Island.

There are so many islands on the sea, but the other party appears on Sirius Island, and the most important thing is that at the same time, there are people in their guild and have contact with each other, which is very strange.

“Control this guy first, and then go to the person in your guild to find out.”

Speaking, Xia Ming used the sound to form a barrier to directly seal Jelf’s action, the five senses of the gods allowed Xia Ming to do a lot of things, and the sound barrier he released was naturally not so easy to break through.

After wrapping Jelf in a barrier, Xia Ming led the crowd to the dock, which was now the time when Naz and Lucy met, and Naz was fighting the red Bora.

To be honest, although Xia Ming’s impression of Natsu is okay, but the destruction of the fairy tail is indeed speechless, if it is a local resident, then Xia Ming must be most disgusted by people like Natsu.

And the most important thing is that if the strength of the two sides is similar, then it is understandable to destroy this, after all, he is not Aihara Dragon, not so pedantic, but there is obviously a qualitative gap between Natsu’s strength and Bora’s strength.

With Natsu’s strength, Bora couldn’t make any attacks under the full force of the explosion.

But what about Natsu? It’s like a cat and mouse to tease each other, and it was basically Bora who really destroyed the buildings in that battle, but Natsu watching from the side really made people speechless.

Fairy Tail is avoidable in many of the destruction of the original plot, but their operation is indeed unacceptable.

This is the biggest problem with the fairy tail, and it is absolutely impossible to wash off.

“Is it Natsu? How did Natsu get involved with the Dark Wizard Jelf? ”

Miraj doesn’t understand that Natsu’s origin is strange to them, because Natsu says that he was raised by dragons, and dragons taught him dragon killing magic.

At first, no one believed this at all, but after a long period of contact with Natsu, everyone knew that Natsu’s personality would never fake this kind of thing.

However, they still felt unbelievable, after all, except for the black dragon recorded in the apocalypse, the other dragons had not appeared for hundreds of years, and now Natsu told them that he was raised by a dragon, which was somewhat incredible.

But now Miraj couldn’t understand why Natsu was involved with Jelf again.

“Just bring it back and ask.”

Xia Ming’s calories turned into a big hand and directly slapped Bora into the sky, that kind of force, Bora will definitely not survive, and the soldiers of the Senate are also rushing here, so there will be no problem.

After that, Xia Ming’s calorie big hand directly grabbed Natsu, Lucy, and Harpy and went to the Fairy Tail Guild.

Due to the extremely fast speed, by the time Natsu and the others reflected it, they had already returned to the side of the Fairy Tail Guild.

“Male… Guild? Just now in Harugion, how did he suddenly return to Magnolia? ”

Now Naz was still full of confusion, and Lucy and Harby were similar, completely confused about what was going on.

“Naz, go inside, there’s something to ask you.”

After Mirage had finished speaking, the group went to the underground library, and Makarov heard the news, and as for the people in the underground library, they also went out because the people had something to say.

“What the hell is going on here? And who are they? ”

Makarov asked with some confusion, acquaintances are all right, but now there is a Jelf who does not know who it is, and a stranger Lucy.

“This should be Lucy, I saw Lucy in the tail of the goblins of the continent of Adelas, and I didn’t expect Lucy to join the guild now, but yes, it is normal for you to be a newcomer here as a big sister over there.”

Miraj also recognized Lucy, after all, she had seen it when she was on the continent of Edras, and Lucy was the eldest sister at that time.

People from the two worlds are reversed in some ways, so it’s normal for Lucy to be new now.

“Huh? Are you Miraj? You know me! ”

Soon Lucy recognized Miraj as well.

“That’s right, I know you, and you are welcome to join Fairy Tail!”

Miraj also smiled and said that it was inevitable for Lucy to join, and to hear that she had joined the fairy tail, Lucy was also very excited, after all, this was something she dreamed of.

“Lucy go out for a while, now it’s time to talk about this person, Makarov also heard Mirage’s meaning, it is obvious that Lucy is bound to become a member of the guild, so he did not say more, but let Lucy out.”

“This man is the famous Dark Magician Jelf, and Xia Ming has solved some of the threats in our world after detecting them.”

“The Acuno Lokia the Black Dragon in the Apocalypse has been killed, and the Dark Mage was found on Sirius Island.”

“He was supposed to be killed at the time, but in the end it was discovered that his life was connected to Natsu, which means that once he is killed, Natsu will also die.”

“I don’t know what’s going on, so that’s it!”

Miraj said the matter again, and this directly confused Makarov, and it took a while to slow down.

“You said you killed Akunolokia?”

At this moment, a dull voice sounded.

“Iguniru? It’s the voice of Iguniru, where are you?! ”

Natsu heard this voice and suddenly stirred…

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