Chapter 317: Sealing Natsu’s Demon Core!!

“You are the dragon hidden in this kid’s body, I found you since I saw this kid, it seems that Akunolokia has something to do with you.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, he knew that Iguniru was hiding in Natsu’s body, and he could also sense that such a large force was hidden in Natsu’s body, even if he didn’t use the ability of the five senses of God.

“Iguniru in me? I don’t remember eating Igunilu! ”

When Natsu heard this, he was directly blindsided, and then said something that left everyone speechless.

“Natsu, shut up.”

Even Iguniru couldn’t listen anymore, and his voice revealed helplessness.

“Iguniru, you are really in my body, what is going on, how did you run into my body, and why you suddenly left back then, you explain it to me.”

Natsu couldn’t help but ask.

“I’ll explain this clearly, but there’s one thing, Jelf must not die!”

Iguniru opened his mouth and said, after all, Natsu is END, once Jelf hangs up, Natsu will also be directly finished.

“It’s not completely impossible to solve, just seal the connection point between this kid’s body and Jelf!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that he could indeed do this, using the point hole, the point hole could directly ignite a person who was about to turn into powder, so that the earth that was about to explode would stop moving.

Although he couldn’t reach that level now, it was possible to directly seal the demon core in Naz’s body.

As long as this thing is sealed, this thing cannot sense the death of Jelf, and even if Jelf hangs up, this thing will remain in its current state.

With Xia Ming’s strength, it is not a problem at all to let this thing exist for hundreds of years, and his points will only get stronger and stronger, and permanent sealing can also be done in the future.


Igunilu’s voice became a little excited, and he didn’t want Naz to be in trouble, after all, he really regarded Naz as a son.

“Of course it can be done, and besides, Acuno Lokia is indeed dead.”

Xia Ming also reminded that because the problem involved Natsu, as a result, Iguniru didn’t even care about Acunolokia.

“I can’t give you any proof, after all, Akuno Lokia was beaten by me to the point that there is no slag left.”

Xia Ming couldn’t give any proof.

“No, I don’t doubt this, after all, it is not completely impossible to control Jelf so easily.”

Iguniru is not stupid, and now there is another Jelf here, and it is completely controlled, so the probability of Xia Ming lying is too small and too small.

“Hey, don’t ignore me, so what’s going on!”

Natsu is a little crazy, how can these people completely ignore themselves? And what does he have to do with this strange-looking guy?

“I didn’t plan to tell you so early, but now I don’t have a choice, listen to Natsu, about you…”

Iguniru told everything about Natsu’s life, including Natsu being Jelf’s younger brother, and all the things about END, even the Eclipse Gate project.

“So, Natsu was a man from four hundred years ago? No, the devil from four hundred years ago? ”

After listening to Iguniru’s narration, everyone else present except Xia Ming was a little shocked.

Although these girls have experienced a lot of secret realms with Xia Ming, it does not mean that they will not be shocked by this kind of thing at all.

You know, this plan sounds very powerful no matter how you look at it.

Create life, travel through time, this is very awesome no matter how you look at it, after all, even the late captive of food cannot travel through time, but it can achieve relatively static time.

It can only be said that the magic of the world of Fairy Tail is indeed very special, of course, such things do not apply to other worlds.

Just like the legendary kitchenware can prolong life, this requires the rules of the world as a foundation.

By the same token, the Eclipse Gate was developed by Jelf, but it wasn’t that he mastered the magic of time and could play with time at will.

This is something that is produced by the laws of the world, not by the captive world of food, which ultimately subsumes this ability to stand still time into itself, and space and time can be mastered by itself…

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a demon or not, it’s enough that Naz is a member of the Guild, I really didn’t expect so many things to happen four hundred years ago, but can you deal with the hidden dangers in Naz now?”

Makarov looked at Shamin and asked.

“Of course, since it can be solved, it can be solved naturally.”

Xia Ming walked over to Naz, and then his hands slammed out.

“Eternal Point!”

Thinking of the hands on Naz’s body, the space around him shook violently, everything seemed to lose its color, and even everyone could clearly feel as if everything had stopped.

This feeling came and went quickly, just for a moment.

The move of eternal pointing, even the physical burden on Master Jiro is quite huge, and now Xia Ming is naturally the same, but he only clicked the demon core in Naz’s body for a hundred years, not eternal, so it is not a big problem.

“The core of the demon stopped, as if everything was completely still, it’s incredible!”

Iguniru, who was inside Natsu, could clearly sense that the demon core in Natsu’s body had completely stopped.

Although Natsu no longer has demonic powers, the Honey Core has always operated.

Iguniru can’t change that either, after all, Natsu is Jelf’s creation

But now, the entire demon core seemed as if time had stopped, and Iguniru could clearly feel the change.

“I stopped the operation of the demon core in his body for a hundred years, although it can be longer, it will bring a great burden to my body, and a hundred years is enough.”

Xia Ming said.

“It’s enough, I don’t think this kid can live to be more than a hundred years old.”

Igunilu’s voice came and made everyone a little amused, but it could only be said that with Naz’s death-making character, it would be basically impossible to live to be more than a hundred years old if it were not for the protagonist’s aura.

“Then there’s this guy next, and since Naz is okay, he can just dispose of it.”

Alice and the others looked at Jelf, after all, this guy has a bad name…

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