Chapter 321: Eight Dragons Slayer Dragon Magic Guide!!

“You don’t really think that it is a deterrent caused by the magic spirit power, this thing is useless to me, let alone to those monsters over there, those monsters are strong and terrifying.”

“The reason why there was no attack at the beginning was because of the order of His Majesty the Emperor, and now, it is useless to tell you, you can go and die!”

After Selene finished speaking, he directly took action, and the huge magic power directly overwhelmed most of the people present directly to the ground.

Selene’s magic was so great that no one here could do anything except Geral’s mind body and Urutia’s Holy Tenth Level’s combat power, and they were put down in one shot.

“Huh? There are also two stronger little mice, but you are a missing body, and this group of people can’t even tell the difference between a real person and a missing body, but it is really rubbish. ”

Selene immediately recognized that Zikrein in front of him, that is, Jellal, was a thinking body.

This kind of thinking body has half of Jellal’s power, and Jellal’s power has undoubtedly reached the old Saint Ten level, so the thought body he differentiated also has the power of Saint Ten.

It’s just that he can only divide one of such a thinking body, otherwise no matter how much strength he has, he will fall to the Saint Tenth level.

“And you, this is time magic, this kind of lost magic will be, it seems that it is not simple.”

Looking at the two people in front of him, Selene showed a sinister smile, you know, he is not a good person to get along with, although he is usually a little funny, but once it is counted, it is quite terrifying.

“Although everyone has always said that the four heavenly kings of Ishugar are monsters among monsters, to be honest, I have not fought with you either, so I took this opportunity.”

At this moment, Jellal is in a period of expansion, he has heard of the horror of the four heavenly kings of Ishugar, after all, it can be named after the name of the past continent, which shows what kind of horror these four are.

But Jalal this guy is not the kind of being who is willing to live in other people’s homes

He had been thinking about completing the Tower of Paradise before, so he didn’t care about these things at all, and now that the eldest of the four kings of Ishugar had appeared in front of him, he naturally had to give it a try.

However, before Gerald could finish speaking, the man was thrown away with a direct punch.

“So fast, all the gods shine!”

After seeing Jellal being blasted away with a punch without resistance, Urrutia also unleashed her own magic.

“Although time magic is indeed good, you are too weak.”

These floating crystal balls could not cause any damage to Selene at all, on the contrary, Urudia was also blasted away.

“Meteor, Seven-Star Sword!”

On the other side, Jellal who crawled out of the ruins was also angry, and directly used celestial magic to turn into a golden light and rush into the sky, and then quickly depicted seven magic arrays, and countless golden lightsabers fell from the sky.

The coverage of the seven-star sword is very wide, and the most important thing is that the power is also huge, and at this moment, a group of councilors can only watch the ten-star sword fall on their bodies.

They don’t have much power to resist at all, there have been a total of three magic councils in the original book, and the first two have little strength, only know how to play with power, so they have always wanted to find an opportunity to cut the fairy’s tail.

Brains are a good thing, it’s a pity that they are all full of rights, nothing else, crotch-pulling will not work.

The third time was composed of the Holy Ten Great Magic Guides, and the other three of the Four Heavenly Kings were also involved, which gave it the appearance of a magical council.

Now this time, it was directly destroyed by Jellal’s seven-star sword, which can only be said to be sad.

“It’s really infuriating, then let you see it, the hot hell of the Purgatory Dragon!”

A large number of flames erupted from Selene’s body, directly enveloping the entire council into a sea of flames.

“Fire magic? No, it’s dragon slayer magic, this guy turned out to be a dragon slayer magician. ”

At this moment, Jellal and Urrutia were also shocked, and they did not expect that the other party was a dragon slayer magician.

And this attack has already made the two of them a little overwhelmed, the flame temperature is too high, even if you use magic to resist it, you can’t stop it.

“Ice Shape Rose Garden!”

Urrutia, who did not intend to use ice shape magic, was also forced to use this trick helplessly.

After all, this move belongs to ice magic, but as soon as the ice rose appeared, it was burned away by the terrifying flames, and even the ice shape used by Urrutia with huge magic power could not be compared with the local dragon slaying magic.

“What’s wrong? Is it hot? Then I will lower the heat for you, the water array of the Neptune Dragon is round! ”

Countless water gushed out, creating a tsunami on land, and countless waters rushed in all directions.

Urutia and Jalal were unable to resist at all, and were directly bombarded by the water, under the pressure of this huge water, the two were seriously injured in an instant, and they could not rise again, whether it was magic power or anything else, it was too bad.

“Two kinds of dragon slaying magic, how can there be two different attributes of dragon slaying magic?”

The two seriously injured can be described as confused.

“Two? Yes, it’s normal that you don’t know, after all, few people in this world could have imagined that I could fuse eight dragon crystals into my body. ”

Selene said something that shocked both of them, what is the concept of eight dragon crystals? You know, the danger of implanting a piece is very high, and Laxus is a typical example.

But what about Selene? This goods was implanted with eight dragon crystals, which was simply outrageous to the extreme.

“The arc of time, the end!”

Although very serious, Urrutia still threw out his big move magic, which Urrutia used seven years later in the original magic.

She wanted to turn back the world’s time, but after paying a heavy price, she could only go back one minute.

In the original work, because I don’t know where the dragon came out, Urrutia will choose a worldwide regression time, otherwise she can completely choose the partial, so that she will not pay such a heavy price.

But that minute also helped others a lot, bringing back to life those who should have died.

Now, she also used this move, but this move was only within the scope of the Chamber, and after using it, Urrutia quickly left here, she didn’t want to continue fighting with Selene, she was not an opponent at all.

People used two tricks to beat them like this, and they were not serious, otherwise it is estimated that a move can not hold up, and now there is no doubt that running is the best choice…

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