Chapter 322: One-sided War!!

After Urutia escaped, she quickly informed Hades and the others, and as for Jalal, she didn’t care if Jalal was dead or alive, after all, Jalal was just a pawn.

On the other side, the Demon Troop of the Western Continent also landed and headed towards the entire continent, and since this time there was no defense, Irene did not use the World Reconstitution Magic.

These magicians, led by the twelve shields, could easily capture these places of Ishugar.

Later, Erin and Ougast came to the Fairy Tail, which has the heart of a goblin, which they knew, and Jelf’s disappearance was likely to have a lot to do with it, so they came here.

Now the members of Fairy Tail have fully returned to the guild.

The arrival of Ougast and Irene was also discovered at the first time, after all, these two people have not suppressed their magic now, and the terrifying magic is like two moving natural disasters, which can be easily discovered.

“Is it finally here? Such magic, I am not an opponent, I can only ask you! ”

After comparing the strength of the two of them, Miraj found that she was not a match for the two at all, even if her magic power was not weak now, and there was a second source of magic, plus food and ultimate pre-attack process.

But whether it’s Erin or Olgast, both are second only to Jerf and Akuno Lokia.

Although the use of a big move can hurt the other party, and even if it is caught off guard, it may kill in one move, but after that move is used, Mirage will not have the strength to fight again, so now he can only rely on Xia Ming.

“Rest assured, it’s not too much of a problem, but their strength is really good, and they should be the best in this world.”

Everyone also knows that Irene and Olgast are not easy to deal with, but only for the people of this world.

“Looks like you’ve been prepared, do you know Jelf’s whereabouts?”

Seeing such a scene, Olgast also knew that the other party knew about the invasion of himself and others, and then asked about Jelf, who was usually called His Majesty Jelf.

But Jelf’s identity is clear on the western continent, and it is not clear on the Ishugar continent, so he can only ask in Jelf’s name.

“Sure enough, because Jelf came, if you have to ask Jelf, Jelf is dead.”

Miraj also knew the purpose of these people.


Although they are prepared, Olgast and Irene are still a little unacceptable, after all, one is a son, and the other is a favored person, so now both of them are still a little difficult to accept.

However, these two people are very receptive, so they quickly return to normal.

“Whether these two guys kill or abolish it and watch it yourself, in addition, this guy has the breath of Jelf and Mebis, it should be the son of two people, as for this, this one has the breath of Elusha, it should be Elusa’s mother.”

Xia Ming felt that it was necessary to make it clear, this war between the Western Continent and Ishgard was completely a family chaos from the original book.

“What? The first generation and Jelf’s son?! ”

Makarov almost glared out of his eyes, he never expected that his first generation and Jelf would have a child, in fact, it is normal not to know, after all, the first generation of things Makarov does not know much.

Only Mebis himself knows these things, and Oujiast’s identity is known by only one person, and that is the second generation of the guild president.

The second generation president was the one who separated Ougast back then, but this goods had already had a brain problem at that time, and after discovering that Ougast’s magic was very terrifying, he threw Ougast away directly.

This point is actually very incomprehensible, perhaps the second generation of guild leaders at this time has been eroded by darkness.

After all, this guy is full of demonic abysses, otherwise he would not have lost Mebis’ son.

However, in terms of the degree of madness of this guy in the later stage, it was not completely unacceptable to do such a thing at that time, it can only be said that it was also a tragedy, but he encountered such a neuropathy.

So much so that Ougast spent a rather cruel childhood, and then was picked up by Jelf to meet the Western Continent, and became one of the current double walls.

“My mother?”

On the other side, Elusha was also full of confusion, she didn’t know that she still had a mother, but after being reminded, she also sent a letter that Irene’s appearance and hair color were very close to herself.

In fact, Irene is also because of the sequelae of dragonization, causing the state of the whole person to be completely different.

So much so that in the original work, there was even the idea of taking away Elusa, but in the end it failed.

If it weren’t for the last remaining bit of maternal love erupting, the final loss would have been Alyssa.

“It’s recognized, but it doesn’t matter, now hand over the goblin’s heart, we will naturally not embarrass you.”

Jeff was dead, and Irene didn’t know how Jelf had died, but she didn’t think anyone could kill Jelf with hard power.

It is more likely that Jelf himself begged for death, after all, after hundreds of years of staying by Jelf’s side, she knows Jelf’s character very well.

When it is cruel, it can be described as cold-blooded and ruthless, but if it becomes another state, it will fill the world to find death, perhaps because of this.

“Is it really true, Mr. Xia Ming, can you seal their magic?”

Makarov couldn’t help but ask, after all, it was his first child and Elusa’s mother, and it was best not to kill him.

Jelf was begging for death on his own, so if he killed him, he would kill.


Since Xia Ming promised to protect the person who protected the fairy tail, naturally he would not break his word, came directly to the two of them, and then nodded.

You only need to seal the other party’s magic source, and you don’t even need to use the Eternal Point.

Dealing with Natsu’s demon core uses the Eternal Point because that is the source of Natsu’s life, and you can’t lose even a little.

But against these two, this is simply sealing the magic, which is very easy and simple.

Neither of them reacted, and the huge magic power was directly sealed by Xia Ming, although the physical fitness was also good, but after losing the magic power, it was naturally not everyone’s opponent.

Now the two are still a little confused, they don’t know what’s going on, they were sealed without any resistance at all, and this seal is still a corpse that they can’t untie at all…

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