Chapter 323 Return to the Forest Temple!!

Xia Ming directly heard the voices of the two at this moment, this is the effect of God’s hearing, after simple development, you can hear their hearts, and redevelopment, then hearing the voice of all things is also a very simple and easy thing.

It’s just that Xia Ming rarely uses this trick in normal times, after all, he is not a voyeur.

But now these two are enemies, so he also listened curiously, and as a result, he heard the puzzled voices of the two, and Xia Ming was also a little funny after hearing it.

You must know that the point point method he uses can be said to be a very powerful sealing technique, and this point point method is not in their cognition at all, naturally it is impossible to detect what is going on, let alone break free.

This kind of point point can only be solved unless the energy is dozens of times higher than Xia Ming, or if you find someone who is more accomplished than Xia Ming in terms of point pointing, otherwise it can only be solved.

The calories implanted by Xia Ming were enough to seal the magic of the two for decades.

In fact, Xia Ming’s sealing of the magic power of the two is not a bad thing for Irene, because Xia Ming seals the magic power while sealing the entire mana source, and the mana source is the source of Irene’s power.

It is also the source of magic, and now the source of magic is sealed, causing Irene’s magic to be completely invalidated, and the side effects of magic are naturally the same, such as dragonization.

Irene’s dragon side effects are better than Akunolocia’s, that is, they lose their sense of taste and can’t sleep, and they cost a lot less than Akunnolokia who becomes neurotic.

But this loss of taste and the inability to sleep is not just that, losing the sense of taste is fine, but the inability to sleep is one of the reasons why Irene has become crazy.

Because Irene is not sleepy, but no matter how sleepy she is, she can’t sleep.

This, coupled with being tortured for several years before dragonization, led to dragonization during despair, so that Erin’s personality changed drastically.

This side effect stemmed from the source of magic, which is now completely blocked, and although she has lost her power, Irene has also regained her sense of taste and can fall asleep.

You know, this kind of thing even Jelf can’t do, because even Jelf can’t completely block a person’s mana source, plus the use of magic seals, can not be completely suppressed.

This point Xia Ming’s point can be done perfectly, so now that there are no sequelae, Irene also found a strong sense of sleepiness attacking.

Originally, he was still mentally trying to figure out what was going on, but he soon couldn’t help falling asleep directly.

“What’s going on?”

Seeing that Irene suddenly lay on the ground, Elusha also quickly picked up Irene, although she didn’t know why she was separated from her unmasked mother, but it was her relative, so she naturally wouldn’t look at it.

“Maybe it’s because of the magic problem, but it’s just a simple sleep, but in this state, it is estimated that it will take several days to sleep.”

Xia Ming said.

However, he did not explain clearly, but Olgast explained it clearly, after all, Erin knew exactly what state Olgast knew.

Erin is now like this, and it is obvious that the side effects have disappeared because the mana source has been sealed.

Because he has no strength, he naturally does not have much hostility now, no way, now hostility is undoubtedly looking for death.

And his father is gone, and there is a mother, and he also longs for maternal love and fatherly love.

After that, the group returned to the guild, and as for the affairs of other places, because the people of the Western Continent acted recklessly here, in the end, even the butterfly Kanae and others couldn’t stand it, so they simply took action to rectify it.

More than half of the people of the twelve shields were killed, and finally they could only retreat in panic, and the most important thing was that the double walls in the twelve shields of the protector had disappeared, and they naturally could only think of a way after retreating.

Even if everyone did it, the entire Ishugar continent suffered heavy losses, and a large number of magicians died in battle, but this was already a good ending.

As for Olgast and Erin, Olgast also saw his mother, but it was sealed.

Xia Ming also finally helped and sealed the source of the curse in Mebis’ body, so that there was no need to worry about the death hunt breaking out.

After that, Mebis’s soul also woke up from the side of Sirius Island and returned to his body

After learning of Jelf’s death, although it was a little uncomfortable, Mebis accepted this statement, and then poured everything into Ougast…

After all, Oujiast is her son, and although the two now look like grandpa and granddaughter, this does not prevent her from pouring out her motherly love, so that Olgast is not used to it.

After all, he was so old, and he had come alone for so many years, that Olgast, who had longed for maternal love, even sometimes hid from Mebius.

This is also no way to do things, after all, Mebis also likes to sell cute, a girlish heart, in fact, strictly speaking, although Mebius sounds very old, but most of the time she is sleeping, coupled with personality reasons, resulting in often selling cute.

Everyone almost laughed to death about Olgast’s last helpless run, and when she woke up, she found that the after-effects had disappeared, and she didn’t care about herself

The strength of the self, as long as the sequelae disappear is a good thing.

Later, Irene also expressed her apologies to Elusa, after all, she was back then.

Elusa did not blame Irene after learning the cause and effect, after all, Irene was indeed tortured in order to protect her, and finally chose to leave because she wanted to save Elusa’s life.

It was at the right time that she was finally dragonized, and although she was born hundreds of years pregnant in order to attach herself to 1.1, Alyssa did not care very much, because in her opinion, all this did not succeed.

It is fortunate that this cheap old mother of her own family has not become a madman.

In exchange for other people who have such an encounter, it is estimated that they have long become crazy, Irene is simply blackened, not completely crazy, and it is indeed quite incredible that she still retains maternal love in the end.

Such a thing as a family reunion also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and the affairs of this world were almost handled, and the group returned to the Shilin Temple again.

This time, the core members of Fairy Tail also followed, but for these guys, the entrance examination of the Shilin Temple was even more difficult.

After all, the personalities of these guys are too jumpy, and it will take a lot of time to enter the Shilin Temple…

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