Chapter 324 Special Secret Realm, Battle Island!!

The people with the fairy tail entered the secret realm, and Xia Ming also made a clear law with them in advance, that is, it is absolutely not allowed to cause destruction, you know, the people with the fairy tail are a bunch of saboteurs.

And many times there is no need to destroy will also cause damage, and I don’t know what’s going on, Xia Ming explicitly forbidden, not allowed to destroy the Forest Eating Temple, although Xia Ming can find the invisible tree as a material to repair, but there is no need for him to do it.

This law is still very useful, if it is placed elsewhere, the goblin’s tail people may not care, but here, everything is based on Xia Ming, Xia Ming said what it is.

Once thrown out of the secret realm by Xia Ming, it means that there is no longer the qualification to enter the secret realm, and when the time comes to be directly thrown out of hundreds of streets by others, it will be a disgrace, so no one dares to regard Xia Ming’s rules as nothing.

And these rules set by Xia Ming are also very pertinent, such as not allowing sabotage, if even this cannot be done, then there is no need to continue to stay here.

However, after the fairy tail entered the Shilin Temple, the atmosphere became more lively, after all, the people with the fairy tail belong to the kind of self-cooking, very enthusiastic, and full of curiosity about the outside world.

And this group of people at the core is the best to get along with, so this is quite good, as for the other plots of Fairy Tail, it has now been messed up with a pot of ingredients.

After all, the Western Continent has called, so there is no need to care about the plot at all, but they are still magicians, so they still have to leave after a period of time.

You can’t stay here forever, otherwise the reputation of the Fairy Tail will be gone, and although Makarov doesn’t care about this, he won’t allow the Fairy Tail to lose in his own hands.

After settling the people with the fairy tail, Xia Ming began to prepare for the next secret realm, the next secret realm is called Battle Island, this island is very special, and the various fierce beasts on it have been fighting non-stop.

Battle Island is only mentioned slightly in the anime, and the reason why it is mentioned is also because of a specialty of Battle to the top, named Scare Apple

The Frightened Apple is a special cooking ingredient, the level is not available at the beginning, the cap is level 100, but the level of 100 has not appeared.

In the anime, IGO transplanted the Frightening Apple to the Frightening Island, but it needs to be cultivated by humans to make the Frightening Apple ripen, so it is definitely not okay to let it go.

So this time the secret is not the Scary Island, but the Battle Island.

After Xia Ming knew this secret realm, he almost guessed what the situation was, so he began to prepare all kinds of frightening things.

In fact, to say that there is not much preparation to prepare, he has everything that should be there, and this time what he has prepared is nothing more than a little horror movie, horror story and the like.

After the secret realm was opened, the group entered the secret realm.

“For this mission, it seems that there is something special on this island.”

Xia Ming was also very surprised after seeing the task, originally according to his guess, the task of this secret realm should be to find a way to raise the level of the scare apple to the highest.

But now the mission is not so, but to find the root of the non-stop fighting on the battle island.

This is somewhat similar to the tasks encountered in the past on Hangulila Island, originally Xia Ming thought that the fierce beasts of the Battle Island kept fighting because they were warlike, but now it seems that this is not the case.

For such a secret realm, Xia Ming must be careful, he also found a problem on this battle island, the level of fierce beasts is not low.

Even with a level of 80 Panda, Xia Ming did not expect that this thing would be on the Battle Island, but thinking about it seems to be a big problem, the Panda itself is an extremely warlike existence.

And this thing Coco also said that it is not a real panda, it is only called so because it looks like it.

This thing is so warlike that it can turn a large island into a dead field in a day.

However, the battle island does not know what is affected, the biological level is not low, and it has been fighting continuously, and even the panda cannot directly crush it in terms of battle.

Therefore, the panda has also become a link in the food chain of this island, and there is no way to turn the entire island into a dead field.

“That is… I really found it, it seems that the five senses of God are indeed very amazing to the perceived Gart. ”

Xia Ming tried to find it, and soon sent out a huge energy source, which was located a hundred meters underground in the most central position of the battle island.

Xia Ming found that this thing was completely discovered by relying on the perception blessed by the five senses of God, otherwise he would really not find this thing.

I have to say that this thing is quite deep.

“Xia Mingjun, how is it?”

After seeing Xia Ming return to his senses, everyone asked, after all, Xia Ming would choose to investigate every time he entered the secret realm, so they were also curious about what was going on now.

“There are beasts of level 80 or higher on this island, and because of the impact, they will continue to fight.”

“This is the origin of the name of the battle island, because of the continuous battle, although the level of the fierce beasts here is placed here, the real combat power is higher than the level, but with your strength, except for Miraj, you only need to pay attention to one thing.”

“Finally, I almost found the source of the mission, in the heart of the island, but I’m not sure what it is, and then I start exploring it after seven days, according to the previous rules.”

Xia Ming also took insurance measures this time, after all, before it was in the human city, there was basically no hidden danger, and it was not handled by the people at that time.

But this time, it was wild, and there was something abnormal, so Xia Ming naturally wouldn’t wave casually.

Listening to Xia Ming’s words, everyone was also temporarily relieved, but they now felt that Mirage was more tragic, this time because it was more abnormal, so in the end it must be Xia Ming himself to investigate, so there is a high probability that Mirage will not be able to get the gourmet cells.

It can only be said that it is also the creation of people, but bad luck can not blame others, you know, as the first batch of Alice to enter the secret realm, they also experienced the secret of several times.

So luck is really difficult to understand, even if Xia Ming’s food luck is bursting, but it is only Xia Ming, and food luck interferes with the choice of secret place, can only interfere with things such as ingredients, so the impact of food luck is not great…

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