Chapter 325: The Furious Beast!!


Just as everyone was about to set up camp, suddenly a huge strange fish came out of the sea and its huge mouth bit into everyone.

However, the people here are not weak, and they directly dodged at the moment of the other party’s attack, and after the huge monster fish smashed on the beach, they did not rush back to the sea, but constantly chased after everyone to bite.

That kind of posture, there is a feeling of not biting people and vowing not to give up, giving people a very crazy feeling.

Xia Ming also noticed a little, the fish’s eyeballs were red, as if there was no reason at all, generally high-level biological intelligence was not low, this monster capture level should be more than fifty levels, but there was no reason at all.

“Should it be said that it is worthy of being a battle island? It’s crazy enough. ”

Xia Ming punched the head of the strange fish, this strange fish does not exist among the known creatures of Xia Ming, which means that this is a new species, which is not surprising to Xia Ming at all.

In the normal world, new species will continue to be discovered, not to mention the world of food captives, where a large number of new ingredients are born every day, even if Xia Ming remembers the knowledge of the entire human world, it cannot include all creatures.

So this monster is not recorded, but the level can still be predicted.

“There are no toxins, and the meat quality is very good, it can be eaten!”

After Xia Ming killed the strange fish, he said, whether he smelled or heard or saw and touched him, he could determine the situation of this fish for the first time.

This is the five senses of God, which can determine in an instant whether this fish can be eaten or not.

“It looks like it’s a brand new ingredient, but we still need to find a place to camp, and it’s not safe here.”

Butterfly Kanae said that it would also be attacked here, so it was not possible to camp on the spot as usual.

“I know the situation on the island, come with me!”

Xia Ming said and took the lead to set off, and everyone also encountered many creatures along the way, but the creatures here are not afraid of everyone at all, and they are all crazy to death, and even a little, coercion is useless.

That’s right, even the coercion released by Xia Ming could not frighten these creatures, which also surprised Xia Ming to the extreme.

You know, the coercion he releases is not only mental, even physical.

But these fierce beasts are completely different, even if the body cells continue to tremble under his coercion, they will continue to attack them, as long as they are not incapacitated, the attack will not be broken.

This made Xia Ming confused, the failure of coercion meant that they could only take turns to keep vigil, otherwise these creatures would attack endlessly once they found them, which was very troublesome.

“What the hell is going on with the creatures here?” If you tremble all over, you will want to rush over to attack us, and deterrence has no effect at all, unless you kill directly, even if you only have one breath, the body will continue to attack. ”

Everyone was also numbed by the fierce beasts here.

Just like Sister Hua, just now she slashed a giant wolf creature of more than forty levels, but after being cut off, the other party did not die at the first time, but dragged half of her body to attack directly, which was simply outrageous.

Anyway, as long as there is still a breath, as long as it can still move, these creatures will not die when they see other creatures.

Xia Ming and the others also saw the battle between a large number of creatures, and the entire island roared and roared.

And the bloody aura is also constantly spreading, but the creatures on this island are not completely dead, Xia Ming observed the entire island, and he found that the creatures of this island were born to grow up extremely quickly.

This strange speed makes the battle here non-stop, and the creatures on the island are obviously constantly fighting, but there will be no reduction at all.

So much so that the whole island is full of blood, and as for the smell of putrefaction, there is basically no smell, and after the victory of one side, the body of the losing party will be directly devoured

Even if both sides die, it will attract other beasts, and this island is a huge meat grinder.

“It’s crazy, these guys don’t know anything but fighting, it’s outrageous.”

After seeing the situation on this battle island, everyone was also a little frightened, as for Xia Ming, he was also studying these things, and he planned to try to perceive through the five senses of the gods.

The strange growth speed of these fierce beasts, as well as this strange fighting posture, are all problematic, Xia Ming plans to investigate in the next few days, if the reason cannot be found, he does not plan to stay in this secret realm.

After all, he wasn’t sure if the crowd would be affected and become like this, so the task was best accomplished as soon as possible, and this time must also be within seven days.

Of course, if he finds the reason, then naturally there is no need to leave so quickly.

Combined with absolute adaptation, when Xia Ming wants to develop the five senses of God, the five senses of God will automatically and quickly increase, and now Xia Ming puts all his energy on vision.

Now the whole world is in a process of constant change in Xia Ming’s eyes, and it can be said that what Xia Ming sees will continue to change over time.

When the time came to the third day, Xia Ming saw a special red energy.

The source of this kind of thing is the core location of the island that Xia Ming found to be problematic before.

After these red energies enter the body of the organism, even the creature can quickly complete the conception of the cub, and after fusing into the body of the cub, the cub will grow rapidly.

But also under the influence of this kind of thing, these creatures will show a characteristic violent nature even when they grow up.

In addition to fighting directly with each other, other creatures will directly enter a berserk state.

Later, Xia Ming also discovered that this red energy was not actually integrated into everyone’s body.

Red energy is also around everyone, but after getting close to everyone, these energies will directly avoid madness.

After discovering this, Xia Ming also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as these red energies would not affect everyone, but Xia Ming was also wondering what kind of thing this was.

But now the time has not come, so he will not die, although his strength is strong enough, but the situation here is somewhat weird, he does not dare to casually touch the mildew.

In this way, Xia Ming kept observing these red energies until the time reached the seventh day, when everyone could already get out of here, Xia Ming began to act…

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