Chapter 326: Blue Nitro’s Spaceship!!

“This is it, close to see clearly, this thing should be a spaceship.”

Xia Ming was a little surprised, he had only sensed the huge energy source here half an island before, but not anything else, and when he got closer, he could clearly see that it was a spaceship.

It’s not that Xia Ming’s five senses of God pull the crotch, but because this spaceship is also very special, this spaceship is a little strange and can shield perception, but if you think about it, it doesn’t seem to be too much of a problem.

No matter who this spaceship belongs to, you know, navigating the universe is quite dangerous.

The captive world of food, the most dangerous is the universe, don’t look at the original plot is carried out on the earth, but the earth is a larger novice village to put it bluntly.

The strongest creatures on Earth are Ah Yu and others, but the level has not reached 100,000.

As soon as they entered the universe, hundreds of thousands of creatures appeared.

And part of the creatures in the universe are spit out by NEO, and part of them exist in themselves, after all, the snake king often runs to the universe to hunt, of course, it can only hunt 857 lower than it.

Only by looking for targets near the earth, otherwise the snake king cannot prey on high-level creatures.

A spaceship that can sail in the universe naturally needs to have such concealment, and Xia Ming’s five senses of the gods have not yet developed to this extent, so he discovered this thing after getting closer.

“There seems to be something around here that prevents beasts from approaching, which is really interesting!”

Xia Ming was a little surprised, after he approached here, he did not find other creatures, but it seemed to form a harmless circle around the spaceship, and Xia Ming did not feel anything when he approached.

But after these beasts get close to here, they will inexplicably shift their direction, as if this is a forbidden area, and they will never get close to here, even if this thing is buried a hundred meters underground.

Xia Ming is now very curious about what this thing is.

A hundred meters underground is very tricky for ordinary people, but it is much simpler for Xia Ming, directly blasted the ground, and Xia Ming came to Xia Ming’s spaceship.

The spaceship was not closed at all, but directly open, Xia Ming went directly from the position of the entrance, but he was also cautious, God knows if this spaceship will have any defense mechanism.

But obviously, Xia Ming thought too much, this thing has no defense mechanism at all, so Xia Ming touched the location of the main control room all the way.

“Nitro, if you can control a spaceship, this won’t be Blue Nitro!”

Xia Ming looked at a dry sleeping Nitro lying on the ground of the main control room with some surprise, this Nitro did not die, but simply fell into a dry sleep.

Soon, Xia Ming found something again, it was a notebook, Xia Ming was also a little surprised, this guy actually used a notebook to record things, but if you think about it, there doesn’t seem to be a big problem.

The Nitro clan often made various relics, and many things were indeed recorded in books or stone tablets.

The material of this notebook is very special, and I don’t know how long it has been until now, and this thing has not been damaged.

All the above records are Nitero’s words, but Xia Ming can read this kind of writing.

“It turns out that this guy is doing experiments, what is this?” The crazy scientist of the Nitro clan? ”

Xia Ming looked at this dry sleeping Nitero with some surprise.

As Xia Ming thought, this guy was a blue Nitero, but he had come to this universe very early, before NEO had become stronger.

The reason why the blue Nitero in the original book appeared on Earth is entirely because NEO swallowed up their universe completely, and they chased it all the way to this universe for revenge.

It eventually landed on Earth and gave birth to the Red Nitro family.

But before that, there were actually very few blue Nitros who had left their universe.

With such technology, the Nitro family will naturally not completely shrink into their own universe.

This blue Nitro came to this universe in the very distant past, and this blue Nitro found something special in the universe.

This thing was named the rage spore by this blue Nitro.

When he discovered this thing, it was in the starry sky, and according to Blue Nitro, the fury spores emitted a special energy when they were discovered.

That is, the red energy that Xia Ming sees, but the blue Nitro himself can’t see it, but he can detect it through special technology.

After repeated testing of Blue Nitro, this energy has come to the conclusion that the energy of furious spores can invade living organisms, but adult creatures do not, only in juvenile.

That is, when some organisms are pregnant, at this time the energy will directly invade the organism.

Creatures born after that will come of age directly at a strange rate, and the adult creatures have been completely affected, except that they will not be attacked by their own creatures, and the others will directly attack no matter what they encounter.

And the kind of creatures that are not dead endlessly, the first generation of affected creatures, once pregnant, then the speed of rebirth will become extremely fast.

After that, the cycle continued and repeated, and this is the origin of the battle island.

The battle island itself is not like this, but because Blue Nitro experimented to become like this.

After coming to Earth, Blue Nitro was experimenting on this island at that time As for why the other party became dry sleeping, Xia Ming had some guesses, because on the last page of this record, it was recorded that the blue Nitro intended to further study the fury spores.

Because this is something that has not been found at all in the records of Blue Nitro.

Nothing like that, so he plans to study it further.

The record was broken at this point, Xia Ming didn’t know what this guy had done, it would actually become a dry sleep, but there was no doubt that this guy was dead.

Therefore, it is risky to study these things, and it is indeed very surprising that this thing constantly exudes terrifying energy.

After that, Xia Ming came to the room where the fury spores were stored.

He didn’t plan to die and touch this thing, after all, the blue Nitro is a typical example, but Xia Ming must find this thing, although now he knows that this thing does not have much impact on everyone, but it is too weird here.

So Xia Ming plans to get out of this secret realm as soon as possible…

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