Chapter 335: Preparation for Regenerating Ghost Horns!!

The group appeared in Rozval’s manor at this moment, so many people appeared, but they did not cause any commotion, because the aura of everyone was too well hidden, unless the naked eye saw it, it could not be found at all.

And this is still the case that everyone does not do their best to hide themselves, if they do their best to hide themselves, then the sense of existence will also be weakened, unless the five senses reach a certain level, even if the naked eye sees everyone, it will be directly ignored.

Soon, Rem entered the manor with a group, and suddenly saw so many people appear here, and they were still staying with his sister, and Ram was also a little puzzled.

“Rem, what’s going on? Who are they? ”

Ram couldn’t help but ask.

“This is Rem’s new friend, and they have a way to cure my sister’s ghost horns, so I brought them here.”

Rem also said with some excitement after seeing Ram, after all, she has always attributed the problem of Ram’s ghost horn to herself, so now she is very excited to think that Ram’s ghost horn can complete the regeneration.

“Healing ghost horns? Rem you won’t be deceived, right? ”

Ram couldn’t help but ask, not that she didn’t trust her sister, but she knew very well that her sister often lost proportion when it came to her ghost horns.

She knew her ghost horn problem herself, even Rozvall couldn’t handle it, let alone others.

“Don’t worry, sister, there is absolutely no problem this time.”

Rem also believes in Butterfly Kanae, after all, what he experienced before is not false, how can a strong person like others casually lie in front of him?

“I seem to have heard something very unbelievable, and there are so many guests coming.”

At this time, a strangely talked, clown-like man appeared, and this person was Rozval.

He also heard the movement in the hall and came over, and then heard the conversation between Rem and Ram.

“Lord Rozval, I’m sorry Reem is causing you trouble again.”

Reem suddenly came to the manor with so many people, after all, this was the territory of Rozval, they were just maids.

“No problem, if you can really cure Ram’s ghost horn, it is undoubtedly the best!”

Rozwal was also a little confused at the moment, after all, the appearance of Xia Ming and others was not actually in the future shown in the gospels, which also made Rozwal very curious about what would happen next.

“The treatment requires some preparation, but in terms of the size of the ghost horn, the treatment should be completed in a month or two.”

Butterfly Kanae opened her mouth and said, treating Ram’s ghost horn is not too much of a problem, with the size of the ghost horn, compared to the arm, it does not take too long.

It’s just that this is also a step that needs to be taken, and the most important thing is that there are no gourmet cells in Ram’s body, so this requires everyone’s attention at all times, without gourmet cells, the regeneration rate will naturally be affected to a certain extent.

If it is replaced by someone other than Miraj in Xia Ming’s team who needs to regenerate limbs, it will be completed soon, because the level of everyone’s food cells is not low.

But the biggest problem now is that Ram has no gourmet cells.

“Then prepare first, I’ll go to the country of healing and bring some medicine bees over.”

Xia Ming knew that the treatment of the butterfly Kanae was to be treated in the same way as the treatment of Ah Yu in the original book, after all, this is a treatment specially for people with low cell level.

Since the regeneration of seeds will cause some sequelae, it needs to be suppressed by medicine bees.

Medicine bees need to be alive, although the capture level has reached level 23, but they have no edible value, they are all used for treatment, so Xia Ming naturally cannot prepare to see such creatures here.

Fortunately, you can enter the secret realm at will, and this thing is a horde of things on the side of the Healing Nation.

After dropping a sentence, Xia Ming disappeared directly in the same place.

“Space magic?” I can’t see any traces, what an amazing guest! ”

Rozwar was even more surprised, the speed at which it disappeared was so fast that he didn’t even sense the magic fluctuations.

For Rozwar’s surprise, others did not pay much attention, and Rem naturally would not casually say the matter of the secret realm, after all, she has a request for people now, although Rozvall is also kind to her.

But she was still clear about what to say and what not to say.

“Well, although I also wanted to make some preparations, but something didn’t give me how to do it!”

Butterfly Kanae is also a little speechless, everything is in Xia Ming’s space, so if you want to prepare, you also need to wait for Xia Ming to return.

“Well, I can help with something I need to prepare!”

Rozval opened his mouth and said, he naturally planned to participate in this matter and see what the situation was.

“There is not much to prepare, everything is on Xia Mingjun, Mr. Rozvall can prepare a room for us, and then it needs to be used by Miss Ram, after all, it cannot be treated in the hall.”

Butterfly Kanae and the others know the situation of Rozwar, and the people in the manor Rem have introduced it before.

This matter was naturally prepared by Rem, and soon, Emilia and Parker, who heard the news, also came.

For the treatment of ghost horns, both Emilia and Parker are quite curious.

After that, Xia Ming also returned to Rozval’s manor with a large number of medicine bees.

“Are curious creatures, like syringes, and carrying such special hats on their heads, part of their bodies?”

After seeing these medicinal bees, people from the Zero World were very curious, especially Parker, who also flew directly to look around.

Of course, Parker at this moment is also very special in the eyes of others.

Mirage, in particular, should know that the goblin’s tail has a flying cat, that is, Harpy, although there are some differences, but the current Parker is also in cat form.

“This is a medicine bee, it has drugs that inhibit various symptoms in its body, and there will be some sequelae in the process of regenerating ghost horns, which need to be treated with medicine bees before it can be tailed.”

Xia Ming explained it simply, and then took out all the drugs according to the needs of Butterfly Kanae.

At this moment, Butterfly Kanae is not only preparing regeneration seeds and other things, but also preparing a large number of nutrient solutions that can be quickly absorbed by the human body, which is to make up for the disadvantages of not having gourmet cells.

“These things are ready, and then you need Xia Mingjun’s help to look at a little, after all, it is very difficult to treat without gourmet cells, and once there is a problem, you need Xia Mingjun’s point to help.”

After getting ready, the butterfly Kanae said hello to Xia Ming again…

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