Chapter 336 Inch Head Ram!!

“What is a gourmet cell?” Can’t prepare? ”

Reem asked anxiously, although she already knew the situation of the secret place, but the time was too short, it was not very clear about the gourmet cells, and now that she repeatedly mentioned the contempt cells, she was also a little flustered.

After all, listening to this breath, if there is such a thing as gourmet cells, then the treatment will become smoother, but if not, then there will be some problems with the treatment.

“No way, gourmet cells are necessary for all members of our squad, except for Miraj and you, everyone else has them, but now we have no extra in our hands.”

“Even if there is, it will be used first on Miraj and you, and will not be used by others.”

“Although it will be more dangerous without gourmet cell treatment, but now there is no need to worry too much with Xia Mingjun, even if the life span is exhausted, Xia Mingjun can continue to extend a person’s life.”

Butterfly Kanae is well aware of Xia Ming’s point-and-point attainment, and the trick of eternal point-and-point is indeed quite perverted.

And even it can make the person who collapses easily stop, of course, if it is a person whose life span has reached the end, Xia Ming’s point needs to lock every cell of the other party.

In this way, although people can continue to live, and even live for many more years, they can only live completely unable to move, and such a life is not interesting.

But now this is just a metaphor, Xia Ming can use the point point to control the sequelae when Ram has some sequelae and cannot be treated in time, and then slowly eliminated.

“Can the exhaustion of life also allow a person to continue to live?” The brother’s means are really powerful! ”

The people from the zero world also had some feelings after listening to it, which was indeed quite a terrible means.

“Then start now, first of all, you may need Miss Ram to cover more, because you need your hair next.”

Butterfly Kanae said with a smile, and Ram was also a little confused when he heard it.

“For… Why hair? How much more is needed? ”

You know, Ram’s hair is not long, it is short, and the seed of regeneration needs a lot of hair to produce, so this length of hair is basically close to the inch after getting it.

“You need to treat you with a plant called the Regeneration Seed, which is still a seed and needs your DNA to spawn, so you need your hair.”

As soon as these words came out, Ram had nothing to say, he couldn’t let her cut the meat, and sure enough, he could only cut her hair.

Soon, Ram’s short pink hair became shorter, as if it were an inch style.

With Ram’s appearance, although such short hair is a little strange, it is not ugly or anything.

But this strange hairstyle also made everyone watching can’t help but laugh.

“You’re still laughing!”

At this moment, Ram also feels that she has nothing to love, if it weren’t for the ghost horn, she would definitely not give up her hair.

But fortunately, if you want to grow to the previous level, just stick to it for a while.

Regardless of Ram, Butterfly Kanae has put the seeds of regeneration into her hair and dripped into the nutrient solution that has spawned.

Soon, the seeds sprouted rapidly under the gaze of everyone and then flowered.

“So fast, in the blink of an eye, it will reach the point of flowering.”

Emilia, who saw this scene, also exclaimed, such a growth rate is simply not too fast.

“This is the real regeneration seed, and all the information about Ram’s body has been recorded in the seed, including the ghost horn, and now you just need to put the regeneration seed at the gap in the ghost horn.”

Butterfly Kanae carefully took the seed down.

“Huh? Does that need to make the ghost horn appear? ”

You know, usually the ghost horn is hidden.

“No, the ghost horn is a part of your body, and it is also the location where there is a gap, and the regeneration seed will directly repair here, so there is no need to show it.”

Butterfly Kanae said and put the seed in her hand on the door of Ram’s head, and then the seed quickly merged into Ram’s forehead, after all, it emitted a golden light.

At this moment, Ram seems to have become a real bald head.

“The next thing is to cure the soup and jelly, lying in this can quickly fuse the regeneration seed with the body.”

Butterfly Kanae pointed to the bubble-like thing she had prepared earlier, which was the soup jelly.

“It’s a strange touch, but it’s really comfortable to lie in it.”

Ram, who was lying in, also felt as if he was soaking in a hot spring, which was very comfortable.

“Next, you need to use these things, inject them every once in a while, and you can eat directly if there are gourmet cells, but now you can only use these.”

Butterfly Kanae has prepared a large amount of nutrient solution to prevent malnutrition.

“Eat? Why do you have to have this kind of food cell to eat? ”

Emilia asked with a puzzled face, isn’t it possible for anyone to eat?

“Because of the quantity, people with gourmet cells can eat a lot of various foods, just like now, we can eat dozens of tons of food in one meal.”

“But these tens of tons of food simply can’t withstand consumption, and without gourmet cells, they can’t eat too much food.”

Butterfly Kanae said, this is just a taste, if you really eat it, thousands of tons of things will easily go down.

As for Xia Ming, if he really eats it, the ingredients like a few mountains are not enough for him to plug his teeth now.

“The number… Tens of tons? A meal? ”

Parker didn’t know how to describe this group of people, whether it was a monster or the other party was a monster, this amount of food, it was simply terrifying to the extreme.

No wonder she needs something called gourmet cells, as far as Ram eats, she can’t eat a fraction of the amount of people’s food.

“Here we go!”

Just as everyone was talking, Ram’s body suddenly began to contract, and he looked like he had lost weight, which did not mean that the other party and Ah Yu could quickly make the seed of regeneration sprout, but because the other party’s body did not have enough calories.

After all, there are no gourmet cells, and playing is also magic, so there are naturally not many calories in the body.

In this case, the regeneration seed can easily pump Ram into a person.

However, Butterfly Kanae also quickly injected the nutrient solution into Ram’s body with nail injection, and the nail injection trick is also Tie Ping’s trick, with such a trick injection, with a point point, so it can make people absorb energy more quickly.

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