Chapter 337 After the treatment, Esdes who is doing things!!

“It is consumed so quickly, and the calories in the blink of an eye are almost drained.”

Looking at Ram, which returned to normal after injecting nutrient solution, everyone also realized the risk of people without gourmet cells using these things, which was too risky, and if it were not for the butterfly Kanae to prepare these in advance, a face Ram would have been drained.

“It’s really fast, but with me and Chana Kei here, it’s hard to have an accident.”

Xia Ming nodded, with a double guarantee, Li Mu would not have any big problems.

“What a miraculous means, and since there is no danger, I will say goodbye for the time being, Reim, and entertain the guests.”

Rozwal finished talking and left.

At this moment, Xia Ming also knew what the other party was planning to do, the reason was very simple, Xia Ming heard the other party’s voice, the ability to read minds Xia Ming generally does not use, of course, in the face of some interesting things and old Yin compared to the time is different.

Just now Xia Ming read Rozval’s inner thoughts, and the other party’s purpose was very simple, that is, to use the Gospels to determine the identity of Xia Ming and others, because Xia Ming and others came too suddenly.

Rozwal has been following the prophecies given in the Gospels and constantly guiding things in the direction of events, including the attack on the ghost village when Reim was a child.

Although it was not Rozwal who did it directly, he was also behind the scenes, because he needed to ensure that things would develop exactly like the Gospels, and let Ram and Kanmu go under their own hands.

So he planned this incident, including the matter of Cai Yueang after that, he also knows it clearly, and behind many plots is this goods in the guidance, a proper old yin ratio.

“Xia Mingjun!”

After Rozval left, Qizhihua Baqianliu spoke, and not only her and several other people also looked at Xia Ming.

The moment Rozvall left just now, they sensed the killing intent from Rozvall, yes, it was the killing intent, and Rozvall moved the killing intent on everyone.

Xia Ming is also very clear about this, because he is reading Rozval’s thoughts, and Rozvall wants to use the Gospels to determine the situation of everyone.

If the Gospels do not give an answer, or if the answer given will deviate, then Rozwar will undoubtedly find an opportunity to attack everyone, so a hint of killing intent suddenly appeared just now.

It’s just that the other party hides it very well, and this trace of killing intent is fast and fast and can’t be sensed at all.

But the people here are all people who are proficient in food and righteousness, and this kind of emotional fluctuation can be easily perceived.

“No problem, and it’s still a big problem.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, hearing this, the crowd stopped paying attention, but Emilia and Reem and Parker were a little confused, so the smartest of them, Parker, was a little thoughtful.

Although he could not sense the hint of killing intent emanating from Rozval, he knew very well that as soon as Rozwal left, the other party opened his mouth, and it was obvious that this had nothing to do with Rozval.

It’s just that he really can’t figure out what the situation is.

The subsequent treatment went quite smoothly, and in order to ensure that there were no accidents, Xia Ming and the butterfly Kanae kept staring at Ram.

For the two of them, it is not difficult to stare at a person sleeplessly like this.

“It’s amazing, it’s been a few days, sleepless, but it looks like no one else.”

After a while, Parker also admired Xia Ming and Butterfly Kanae, who did not know what fatigue was, and stayed by Ram’s side like an iron man.

Any symptoms on Ram’s body will be quickly resolved by the two of them.

I have to say that this is indeed the fastest favor, Rem is now basically full of favor for the squad members, and as for Xia Ming and Butterfly Kanae, he is a dry list.

The two did not feel that there was any problem, in their opinion, helping the members of their squad was also a show of hands, so it was not too much of a problem

Ram himself also saw the care of the two of them, and he was also very relieved that his sister could follow such two teammates, after all, the help of the two to her was indeed quite huge.

With the passage of time, Ram’s ghost horn began to gradually regenerate and regenerate, although it has not been fully restored, but the loss of mana has gradually slowed down, and there is no need to continue to replenish mana.

Until Ram’s ghost horn was completely regenerated, the loss of mana power also stopped completely, which meant that Ram’s combat power was now fully up.

“The regeneration is very smooth, there should be no more problems, but remember to protect your horns and don’t be cut off again.”

After the last check-up, Butterfly Kanae said with a smile that it was very rewarding for her to have another patient injured person.

Butterfly Kanae herself was born into a medical family, and even though she was slaughtered by a ghost, she eventually established an institution such as Butterfly House, which can be said to be the image of a doctor.

“Thank you so much.”

Ram also knows that verbal thanks are not enough to thank the other person, but to be honest, she has nothing but verbal gratitude now.

After all, she herself is only a maid, in addition to combat strength, nothing else, as for strength, although she has confidence in her own strength, but Xia Ming and others from beginning to end are too beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

During this period of time, Xia Ming and Butterfly Kanae have been staying here, but the others have not stayed here honestly.

In particular, Estes, a fighting maniac, ran to the imperial capital and gave a meal to the dish.

After all, she had also heard that Lai Aotian was the strongest in this world, and for the strong, Esther naturally planned to touch it.

Although there are many strong people in the squad, everyone knows the bottom line, and this kind of strong person who does not know the situation at all is also a pursuit.

The battle with Esdes, Leo Tian ended in a fiasco, no way, although the other party is the world’s own son, but the upper limit has exceeded the world’s Esdes is not at all something he can deal with.

After this battle, Leo Tian paid for his life, and the dragon sword in his hand was also broken by Esdes.

To be honest, Xia Ming is not very cold about this dragon sword, it sounds like a spiritual sword, but it is quite pitiful, and the most important thing is that only a strong enough dragon sword will be unsheathed.

This is even more funny for Xia Ming, how many talents can make Cai Aotian pull out the dragon sword? This dragon sword is a waste sword in his eyes.

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