Chapter 340: Han Cook’s Beast Taming Methods!!

“The environment below looks very harsh!”

Looking at the sand-covered area below the cliff, Miraj frowned, although her combat strength is not weak now, but she is still much worse than everyone, and she can’t see through it at all.

Below is a very thick layer of wind and sand, which is equivalent to being in a sandstorm all the time, no wonder such a cable car house is built, normal people walk from the west, those hundred lives are not enough to consume.

But to be honest, even so, Xia Ming also feels that IGO is really a big business, and this environment dares to use the cable car room to show that there are no other beasts of prey except for the wind and sand, so it can be changed to an airplane.

IGO’s scientific and technological strength, the aircraft is very simple to resist the wind and sand, but the result is to make such a large cable car room.

This thing is a one-way month, and the most important thing is that if the line above this is broken, the consequences are really serious.

Although this project looks quite grand, the problems are not even half a star.

“We don’t plan to go from below, this kind of place will pass as soon as possible!”

Xia Ming used calories to hold everyone up, and then flew quickly, a month’s one-way trip is just the speed of the cable car room, the speed of the cable car room is not fast, so Xia Ming himself rushed much faster.

After spending some time, everyone finally came to the desert.

“The temperature rises at once, although the gourmet cells can withstand such high temperatures, but it is still somewhat uncomfortable.”

People are not particularly interested in such an environment, after all, it is indeed unusual.

Originally, Xia Ming planned to fly directly to the destination with everyone, but according to everyone, he stopped and walked through the desert, on the one hand to adapt to the environment, on the other hand, you can also look at the scenery and the like.

In short, you can’t rely on Xia Ming for everything, so Xia Ming didn’t say much.

“What a strange camel, there is a faucet on it,”! ”

Because it has not been long since joining, Rem has no common sense, and he is also very curious after seeing these camels with taps on their bodies in the desert.

“This is a camel specially used for walking in the desert, and the faucet on the body can directly export the water stored in the body by the camel, which should be regarded as the most basic version of the camping monster.”

Xia Ming looked at the camel in front of him and said, this is similar to the concept of camping monsters later, the camel’s body has a special place to store water, and the water will be compressed and stored, so whose stock is actually much larger than the camel seen.

In addition to the first time, the location of the hump can also store a lot of food, it can be said that this is a super small camping monster, but compared to those regular camping monsters, it is indeed missing a lot of things.

“It’s magical, it can really release water, but won’t these camels escape?”

Rem tried it with some curiosity, and the result was that the water really came out, but to her surprise, the camels did not leave.

“It’s thanks to Han Cook, who was already in touch when we found these camels, and didn’t you notice a special scent in the air?”

Xia Ming smiled and said that Han Cook, because of the means of a beast trainer, did not need everyone to move, and the moment she saw the camel, she released a perfume specially used to soothe creatures.

This perfume spread over these camels in an instant, and then Hancock also added a perfume to everyone to enhance affinity, so as long as they did not directly attack these camels, these camels would naturally not run away.

This series of actions is completed in the instant of seeing the camel.

“So powerful, did you accomplish this in just an instant?!”

Rem once again had a certain idea of the strength of everyone, and he actually completed so many operations with a single face.

And the most important point is that people have their own judgment, and they judge that this camel is useful to themselves and others after seeing it the moment they see it, so they made such a choice.

It can be said that everyone’s thinking ability is also very strong now, and they can make a lot of reactions and operations in a very short time.

This is completely impossible for ordinary people, but it is easy for them.

“It will take a little more time to fully tame, now it’s just that we are not defensive, almost a few hours.”

Hancock said that it would take a little time to domesticate these creatures, but as she spoke, suddenly the camels began to become restless.

“The restless guys below are coming, and I won’t have troubled them if they hadn’t been eyeing us.”

Xia Ming shook his head, he naturally knew that there was something in this desert, all of them were dangerous creatures, and there were quite a few of them.

Strictly speaking, this desert should not have so many dangerous creatures, which may have been reproduced later.

After all, this was a relatively remote area at the beginning, there were continuous wars, and all kinds of biological weapons were also littered everywhere, if Zebra had not been released from prison and gone here to cause the war to stop directly, it was estimated that it would be difficult for people here to survive.

This is also something that cannot be helped, after all, they are not a member country of IGO, and IGO naturally cannot interfere in the affairs of other countries.

In the final war, many people in the human world were gathered together, and it should be no accident that this place should also be abandoned.

As for the biological weapons here, naturally no one cares, plus the harsh environment, which is just suitable for the survival of these dangerous creatures, so it gradually grows.

Now there are many Yagi giant scorpions and various other dangerous creatures in this underground.

Now it was a giant two-headed rattlesnake approaching here that caused the camels to be uneasy.

“What a restless fellow, this place has completely become a paradise for dangerous creatures.”

Everyone also shook their heads, and Xia Ming directly punched a calorie into the sand, instantly bombarding the double-headed rattlesnake inside into slag, that thing didn’t taste good, so there was no need to stay, and the important thing now was these camels.

Although Xia Ming doesn’t care that he also has space, but other people are different, and they don’t want to rely entirely on Xia Ming for everything, so they naturally have to adapt now.

This camel is a good adaptation tool, naturally can not be directly let go.

After killing the snake, the camels also sensed that the disappearance of the crisis became quiet, and then Hancock’s domestication was easier and easier.

Now she could easily domesticate even eighty or ninety level creatures, not to mention this water-storing camel…

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