Chapter 341 Sonic Shield!!

The domestication went smoothly, and after a few disappeared, even if everyone rode on their bodies, the water storage camel acted exactly according to everyone’s orders, without the slightest intention of resisting.

This is where the beast tamer is powerful, although Xia Ming can force the beast to submit, relying on that terrifying coercion.

But to put it bluntly, there will be hidden dangers after he leaves, and unlike the tamer, after the tamer completes the domestication, it is permanent, even if it is delivered to others for use, it is not a problem at all.

Everyone rode camels to the Red Desert at this moment, the food pyramid is located in the Red Desert, there are very few people who go to that place, and basically each of the seven wonders of food is quite dangerous.

“The temperature is already sixty degrees, do you have any problems with Rem and Miraj?”

Everyone looked at the two people who did not have gourmet cells, after all, it is not easy for no gourmet cells to resist such high temperatures.

“I can protect myself with magic, and the magic of our world is also guaranteed in terms of physical strengthening, but I can’t use the receiving magic directly, but Rem…”

Although Miraj does not have gourmet cells, the problem is not very big, after all, it is only sixty degrees, and she has no problem resisting at all.

“Rem is a ghost clan, and there is also magic in the body, don’t underestimate Rem too much Oh Rem said it’s no problem, in fact, according to the original book, Komatsu can carry it.”

If you can live it, then Rem is naturally not a problem, but this cannot be counted as such.

First of all, Komatsu in the original work has heat-proof equipment, and this thing Xia Ming and others also have, that is, environmental clothing.

But in order to adapt to the scorching heat, so everyone did not use it, originally Xia Ming planned to let Rem and Miraj change them, but they themselves are also very special, so they do not think that such a temperature will not be able to bear.

And compared to the original, Komatsu’s body in the original has long been somewhat different, and the gourmet cells have been constantly growing, but Komatsu did not participate in the battle, so he couldn’t see it.

But Chaucson’s gourmet cells are indeed growing, something that Mirage and Reim don’t have.

“It’s best to resist, I can’t bear to say it directly, especially in the red desert, heat stroke in that kind of place is not a good thing.”

Xia Ming gave a warning, and the camels of the crowd continued to move forward, during which they also encountered some other creatures, such as sharks and desert squirrels that kept swimming in the desert.

The capture level of this thing has not yet reached level ten, but due to the environmental impact in the desert, it is relatively strong.

But this is just an appetizer, what really matters is in the middle of the red desert.

After walking along the way for a while, the water-storing camels came to the edge of the Red Desert.

The desert ahead had turned red.

“What an exaggerated heat, this temperature makes the body dry in an instant, and it is good that our food cell level is not low, Mirage, Reim, how are you?”

Everyone looked at the two people who had no gourmet cells.

“I can use receiving magic to resist this heat, but the magic will continue to be depleted.”

Miraj has a way, and as for Rem, she can also use magic, but she has less magic power, and both methods are palliative.

“Leave it to me!”

Xia Ming spoke, and then the two found that the heat on their bodies suddenly disappeared, and there seemed to be an extra layer of something around their bodies.

“What is this?”

Everyone also noticed the change in the two.

“Sound shield, using sound to form a shield to protect people, this is a skill developed by the five senses of the gods, and it is also one of the skills of Zebra among the four kings of food.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that sometimes the sound trick is indeed quite useful, but because of the strength of the five senses of the gods, the advantages of the simple voice are not particularly prominent, and it can only be said that Xia Ming is really perverted.

The existence of Zebra in the original book is very important, after all, Zebra’s echolocation map can easily check the surrounding terrain, which is equivalent to directly opening the GPS satellite navigation.

Therefore, Zebra’s role is very large, originally his role should be more reflected in the original work, but Komatsu’s food luck is too anti-heavenly.

So the outstanding points that led to his ability are not very large.

You know, in an unfamiliar environment, Zebra’s sense of hearing is quite useful, even much better than Ayu’s sense of smell.

After all, although Ayu’s sense of smell can be distinguished, it needs to be known by himself, but Zebra is different, he can see directly through his own voice, so it is more convenient.

“Controlling the sound, Xia Mingjun’s five senses of God are really getting stronger and stronger, but every ability of Xia Mingjun is very against the sky!”

The crowd couldn’t help but laugh, and the more Xia Ming went against the sky, the happier they naturally became.

After entering the Red Desert, the crowd encountered a large amount of quicksand, beasts of prey, and mirages.

This mirage gives an illusory feel and turns this place into a maze of stages.

In the original work, Ah Yu also walked in under the leadership of Zebra.

Miraj and Rem are hard to spot, but in the eyes of others, it’s no different from transparency.

As for those fierce beasts, they were disposed of the moment they were discovered.

The domesticated camel naturally does not run away, which is much better than the lease of Ah Yu and others in the original book.

The beasts will not run away when they appear, and then others will sell them directly to kill them.

“Next, remember to follow us, there is a huge maze in front, and the place where you can walk is a road two or three meters wide.”

At this moment, the crowd had a complete understanding of the surrounding situation.

Then the group took the lead in forming a series of advances.

The water storage camels were also quite obedient and marched exactly as the crowd intended.

“Turning around, this place is really dangerous enough, and it is completely impossible to see what is around it, but the road that looks real is all illusory.”

Rem is getting more and more frightened as he goes, surrounded by layers of quicksand, which seems to be fine, but once he steps into it, he will go straight down.

Just now she had seen some powerful beasts not to be swallowed up directly.

So the sinister nature of this place was completely beyond her imagination.

“This is just the surface, the desert below is not simple, there are a large number of fierce beasts hidden in the desert.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, to some extent, Xiao Song is really a child of destiny, falling into this kind of place, facing countless fierce beasts directly to the end, this food luck is really exaggerated…

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