Chapter 342 is a cooking book with the contents added by Komatsu!!

After a while, the group finally came to the food pyramid, which should have been in ruins and has now been rebuilt, but there is no big problem when you think about it, after all, the ice hell has been rebuilt.

This food pyramid is just the top of the entire Nitro city, and below is a huge urban agglomeration, because the Nitro family suffered an accident, so that they all fell into a dry sleep, and eventually the whole city was buried by wind and sand.

However, there is a word that this Nitro family really likes labyrinths, and there are basically mazes in all the ruins.

This food pyramid is naturally the same, but there are not too many creatures in the food pyramid now.

There were originally many special cooking ingredients in the food pyramid, but these ingredients were cleaned up once by Ah Yu and others, and the reproduction ability of these special ingredients was not strong, otherwise Ah Yu and others would not be so little when they came over

After being swept by them once, this amount is even less, and Zebra often runs here during this period, how can there be so many special cooking ingredients for them.

As a result, the entire pyramid is basically empty inside, and as for Nitro, there were a lot of Nitro sleeps here, but it was directly eaten by thousands of people during the original war.

I have to say that Qianqian was also exempted at that time, completely regardless of these are the same race, you know, the Nitro family eating the same race is also quite taboo There is a big problem, but for the final battle, this goods are directly eaten up by the same race here.

After that, he was also eaten by others, and he was eaten by the clan fiercely, and then let others eat himself.

Although these three major kitchens are the most unsettling, he is also the most ruthless in terms of ruthlessness – one.

So there aren’t many valuable things in the city right now.

However, after coming here, Xia Ming found that the task was triggered, and the task was simple, that is, to find the cooking book left by Chef Jiji of Jin, which was taken away by Komatsu.

Qiao Ya also came here to look for it, but unfortunately it was taken by Komatsu when he came.

However, it can be seen that Komatsu put the book back, but yes, at that time, Komatsu could cook any ingredient on the earth, and there was no need to use this book at all, and he had a better cooking method.

So it’s normal to get the book back, and the book was also made with special materials, so it’s almost free from the erosion of time.

Xia Ming wondered if Komatsu had added some new cooking methods to this book that he had heard the sounds of ingredients summarize.

“The mission is already there, and there are not many dangers in this pyramid, so it’s up to you two, and this time is a good opportunity for you to get the gourmet cells.”

“We’re going to deal with the threatening creatures around you, and you need to find this book in it.”

“I will gather food luck on you, and it should be found smoothly without accident.”

Xia Ming knew the location of the book, but in order to let the two brush the contribution, so he still left it to the two to capture.

He was only responsible for adding food luck to the two people, and with his current level of food luck, the food luck added to the two people was definitely more than that of Ah Yu and Komatsu in this period.

So now these two people are also considered to be the children of destiny, plus his voice shield still protects the two people, which is completely foolproof.

The faces of the two people who heard this also became a little serious, and they were also very eager for food cells, after all, only food cells have the opportunity to catch up with everyone, otherwise they will be dragged farther and farther.

Now that the opportunity has finally come, the two are naturally very serious.

In this way, the two who received the blessing of food luck walked into the city, and the two of them did not have any means to investigate, so the search may take some time.

But with food luck, they will go very smoothly along the way.

As for Xia Ming, he originally planned to deal with the fierce beasts around them that they could not deal with, but I don’t know if it was the influence of food luck, these fierce beasts were far away from the route taken by the two, as if prompted by an invisible force.

It can only be said that food luck is worthy of food luck, it is really against the sky to the extreme, directly interfering with reality, but the object of interference cannot sense what is going on at all, that is, Xia Ming can control food luck so clearly…

Finding that there was no problem, Xia Ming also directly led everyone to find the salamander body lion-faced beast.

“This is the salamander body lionface beast that produces sweet and smooth cola, I didn’t expect that there are still a lot of them, but I can already hear the sound of the ingredients.”

Mira opened her mouth and said that the moment she saw the salamander’s body of the lion-faced beast, she had already heard the voice.

This voice told her how to cook next, to put it bluntly, through a special massage method to make the salamander body sphinx directly cry.

After all, this sweet and slippery coke is the tears of the other party.

“I heard it too, and it was clear!”

Others also spoke one after another, and now hearing the sound of ingredients is simply not too simple for them, they can only say that the realm is too high, just like Komatsu, Komatsu heard wherever he went…

The ingredients are constantly conveying cooking techniques and methods to Komatsu, and Komatsu will remember these things.

Now, everyone is the same, there are not many sounds of ingredients heard along the way, but the higher the level of ingredients, the more difficult it is to hear the sound of ingredients.

When it came to the ingredients on the Earth Full Meal menu, Komatsu heard the sound of the ingredients because of the special luck and food demons, otherwise with his own situation, he would be a little worse off hearing the sound of that grade of ingredients.

The Son of Destiny is different from a normal person.

“Since you heard it, let’s get started, I’m quite interested in this coke.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, after all, this is a fat house happy ice.

It is also a drink that I like to drink very much before the crossing, but there are too many delicious things after the crossing.

Now this sweet cola can also be tried, what can be put by Zebra in his full meal menu should not be bad.

Hearing Xia Ming’s words, several chef girls also started, and if they want to make each other cry, they must massage according to certain steps and different positions and strengths.

This salamander body lion-faced beast also belongs to special cooking ingredients, if Komatsu hadn’t gotten that book, he really wouldn’t have been able to get sweet and smooth cola, these special cooking ingredients are indeed very powerful…

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