Chapter 347: Death Falls!!

It is also Xia Ming who is very familiar with the Yuluo of the Flower Blossom Courtyard and knows what kind of person she is, otherwise other people Xia Ming would not dare to play like this, after all, he knows that people know the face and do not know the heart, and only these plot characters and Xia Ming, who is well known to Xia Ming, will be relieved.

“What are you talking about?”

Huakaiyuan Yuluo asked with a confused face, and then everyone spent time telling the girl in front of them about the general situation and tasks of the food cell.

“I always feel like my brain is messed up after listening to it.”

Huakaiyuan Yuluo said that it is indeed very difficult to accept so much information for a while, but she is not stupid, you know, although Huakaiyuan Yuluo is a little natural, but the genius girl is not called in vain.

But now these things are some new things, plus the power system is too high, so that it is normal for the whole person to be a little confused, which is like telling an ordinary person that there are gods and Buddhas in this world.

Although the other party is also a mysterious person, this news is still somewhat shocking.

“Just get used to it slowly, we’re about to set off now, there will be no danger, then you only need to be responsible for capturing the ingredients.”

After everyone persuaded them, they set off again, and on the way, the curious Alice also saw the style god of the Huakaiyuan Yura, although it was not strong, but to be honest, the style god of the Huakaiyuan Yura was really good.

It is a pity that the broken army is not here, after all, the flower blossom courtyard grapefruit is not yet the owner of the family, although she can urge the broken army to be regarded as a reserve family master, but it is not possible to grow up.

Since it was already around the Death Falls, the crowd soon saw the huge Death Falls.

“What a loud voice, and what is this mist of water?”

After seeing the target, Yuluo was already stunned, not only her, but even Reim and Mirage were not much better, after all, they had just been rewarded not long ago.

And the most important thing is that there is indeed not much knowledge, and this death waterfall can be regarded as one of the super miracles in the human world.

After the huge amount of water fell, it was as if missiles were constantly bombarding the ground, and countless water vapors rose up, finally forming such a super spectacular scene like a canopy.

There is also this sound is not small, Xia Ming made a layer of sound wave shield on the body of Yuluo in the flower blossom courtyard, and also weakened the sound, otherwise this sound can make the other party’s hearing completely dysfunctional.

This is just to see, not close, once close, the sound will be even more terrifying, the original Komatsu does not know how to resist, sure enough, there are still too many things to ignore.

This sound is definitely comparable to the continuous explosion of countless missiles in the ears, and it is impossible for normal people to carry it.

“What an exaggerated flow of water, is this really a waterfall? I’ve never seen a big waterfall! ”

Huakaiyuan Yuluo said that even in the pictures and videos you see up, you will never see such a big waterfall, and the waterfall that can hardly see the head at a glance is simply outrageous to the extreme.

“This waterfall is not just big, even a giant mountain several kilometers high can be washed down, speaking of which I remember that this neighborhood is the habitat of many kilometer-level giant beasts.”

Xia Ming suddenly remembered the creatures here, and as he said, soon a huge lizard comparable in size to Lijialu’s mammoth was directly rushed down above.

Although the other party is huge and is struggling to break free from the shackles of the waterfall, the impact of this water flow is too great, and it is directly washed into the bottom of the waterfall.

The bottom of this Death Waterfall is also a very dangerous place, because of the huge water rushing down, the bottom directly becomes a super meat grinder, but whenever a creature falls into it, it is basically bombarded into a pile of slag in the blink of an eye.

Just like this giant beast, after falling to the bottom, it didn’t take long to completely shatter, and even the blood and water of everyone could not see much, and it directly decomposed completely, and the bones were the same, all shattered into powder.

“Well… Such a terrifying place, and such a big beast is too exaggerated. ”

What is the concept of kilometer-level behemoths? That is the moving mountain, and it is quite a huge kind, and the appearance of such a large behemoth in the real world is absolutely terrifying.

But it is such a terrifying creature like a natural disaster, stunned by this water flow, instantly shattered to bones, this visual impact is too great…

“Don’t get too excited, small scenes, there will be many more exaggerated scenes than this in the future.”

After Xia Ming reminded him, a group of people also looked at him speechlessly, even the people who followed Xia Ming rarely saw such a terrifying scene, so the description of him was also very speechless.

“I remember that the silver-white Hades seemed to have swam from here in the Four Beasts incident.”

Suddenly, Tian Sohui clapped his palm and said.

“It seems that indeed, this guy really picks places.”

After everyone thought about it, they also nodded, and Xia Ming was also a little funny.

Because the Four Beasts Incident is a very important event, the scene will naturally be a little bigger…

These four beasts are doing things everywhere, destroying many areas of the human world, and forcing them to be naturally a little higher.

So Silver White Hades also swims directly from this huge waterfall.

Although the impact of this current was not small, it could not have much impact on the body of Silver Hades.

“What is Silver White Hades?” It was named after Hades. ”

Huakaiyuan Yuluo asked with some curiosity, after all, this is the name of a god, and it is also a powerful god, and the creature named after the god should not be too simple.

“A fierce beast with a capture level of more than a hundred, and then slowly talk to you, now we have to go first.”

After Xia Ming finished speaking, he led everyone forward.

The power of this waterfall flow is quite huge, and even Ah Fu’s eighteen nail fists have been bounced back.

But if you think about it, there is no problem, Ah Fu’s tricks are all one-shot trading, and after the fight, the stamina is insufficient, this water flow is endless, and if you want to block this water flow, you can only continue to use tricks.

At that time, only Sani’s tricks worked.

Xia Ming did not make any commotion, but used sound waves to levitate in the air to form a shield, this trick is a little better than simple calories, so now Xia Ming also likes to use this trick to defend.

In fact, except for the flower blossom courtyard grapefruit, no one else needs Xia Ming’s help, but there is no need to waste time here…

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