Chapter 348 Glittering Silk Foot Fish!!

In fact, after Xia Ming also plans to continue to stay here for a while, the reason is very simple, such an environment is also quite common in the food world, the food industry may be the power of a rain above this, so let the people’s gourmet cells adapt to it is no problem, although everyone can now withstand such a shock, but adaptation and non-adaptation are two concepts.

In the case of not adapting, although it can resist such an impact, it will inevitably consume a lot of strength and consume more, while adapting is different, the consumption is smaller, and there is no need to pay attention to it.

Just like poisoning, after poisoning, there is a serum and antidote that can detoxify, but there are antibodies in the body that are directly immune, that is two concepts, so after that, everyone also needs to adapt to such a water shock.

As for Xia Ming, he didn’t need to care at all, at the moment of entry, absolute adaptation had already allowed him to adapt to this impact, and Xia Ming’s body was too strong, such an impact was like a drizzle of cow drizzle on his body, and it didn’t work at all.

Now Xia Ming doubted that if he continued like this, he would definitely adapt to whether he would directly play the air and let him adapt to this kind of operation, although it sounded strange, but in this world, it seems that this kind of thing is not too much of a problem.

“It’s so good, the water flow of the waterfall is completely separated.”

Huakaiyuan Yuluo looked at the water that automatically bounced off in less than half a point and was also extremely shocked, just listening to and seeing it before, I knew how terrifying this waterfall was, and I never expected that Xia Ming would be able to do this step now.

“It’s a routine operation for Xia Mingjun, and it’s even for us.”

Everyone was not surprised, only people who had not seen the power of Xia Ming and experienced the power of food cells would be so shocked.

“No accident, in a few hours you will be able to get such power, and when you get behind the waterfall, you will need to operate it, I will completely add food luck to you, as for food luck…”

Xia Ming still explained the role of food luck, so as not to let the girl directly catch the blind.

“I know, but why haven’t you been behind the waterfall yet?” How thick is this waterfall! ”

After listening to it, Huakaiyuan Yuluo nodded, because he was not in a hurry, so Xia Ming and the others walked in directly step by step, so that they had not yet reached the end of the waterfall.

“It’s almost a kilometer, the thickness of this waterfall is no joke.”

Xia Ming explained, and soon, everyone also broke away from the waterfall and now came to a cave.

“From now on, it’s up to you, remember the method I taught you, there is no danger ahead, pay attention, do not release your god of food, and do not use the energy in your body.”

After handing over a stone that would automatically glow to the Huakaiyuan Yura, Xia Ming warned because once the power was used, then the sparkling silk-footed fish would directly blacken the end, so the power could not be used.

The stone that Xia Ming gave him was obtained from a secret realm and would emit a light that was not very strong but illuminated quite well.

It’s much better than flashlights and the like.

“I know, leave it to me!”

After speaking, Yura directly picked up this stone and walked into the cave.

“This little girl is really simple and excessive, I doubt that she will be sold and help us count the money.”

After Huakaiyuan Yuluo left, a group of people were also surprised by the simplicity of Huakaiyuan Yuluo, this little girl is not only natural, but also has a simple mind.

“It’s normal, after all, I haven’t experienced too many things, and it’s too good to be protected by the family.”

Xia Ming still knows more about the Yuluo of the Flower Blossom Courtyard, indeed she is not stupid, on the contrary, she is very smart, but she is also quite simple.

The reason is very simple, because of her qualifications, she is well protected by the Hanakaiyuan clan, although she will not leave her hand in dealing with the affairs of the monster, but her mind is too simple, and it is easy to believe what others say.

Not to mention that Xia Ming and the others had encountered a lot of beasts of prey when they came along, and this terrible waterfall was in front of them, so Yuluo basically did not have half a doubt.

Then there is the attitude of the people when they explain, and there is no doubt that everyone is quite gentle in order to make a good impression on each other.

Such an attitude is not disguised, which is why it is so easy for Yuluo to trust the crowd.

If it is in modern society, such a person will undoubtedly be gnawed to the point that there is no slag left, but in his own squad, Xia Ming would like to have such a person, after all, the mind is simply they can protect…

Just like Mira, Mira’s artificial heart is also innocent.

At this moment, Huakaiyuan Yuluo did not know that everyone behind her was talking about her, she was also constantly moving forward, food luck did work, after walking for a while, Huakaiyuan Yuluo saw a trace of light in the darkness ahead

As it got closer, this golden light became brighter and brighter.

“Found it, this is the sparkling silk foot fish, it’s really an amazing fish, and there is this living environment, is this really oil?” I can’t feel it at all! ”

After finding the sparkling silk-footed fish, Yuluo also found that the description here was exactly the same as Xia Ming and hers.

So at this moment, she also prepared the box on her body, and then reached into the morse oil.

After reaching in, these sparkling silk-footed fish seemed to sense her presence and took the initiative to move closer, which is the strength of food luck, plus the method is appropriate, so these sparkling silk-footed fish are completely undefended.

After approaching, the Huakaiyuan Yuluo also touched it according to the method taught by Xia Ming, so that the effect of the point could be achieved.

In fact, you can also use the method of point acupuncture to deal with the glittering silk foot fish, but it is difficult to use this method unless the point point is highly accomplished.

After all, this fish is too sensitive to be so easy to catch.

Moreover, Yuluo would not have clicked the hole, and she had not yet learned anything about it.

Without a lot of time piling up, she couldn’t do it if she wanted to master the point.

With a few strokes, the light on the sparkling silk-footed fish became more vigorous, and it did not resist, so it was directly captured.

And the catch of the mountain sparkling silk-footed fish must be accompanied by morse oil.

Morse oil is also a very good oil, this oil claims to be an oil that can be used indefinitely, because there is no residue or the like mixed in it, it belongs to an oil that can be constantly reused…

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