Chapter 349: Everyone who is curious about youkai!!

“Mission accomplished!”

At the moment when Yuluo captured the ingredients in the flower blossom courtyard, the task was shown to be completed, and in addition, Xia Ming’s attention was also on the other party, so he knew it clearly.

“In this way, I really did exactly what Xia Mingjun ordered, a trustworthy partner.”

Everyone also nodded, and if you want to catch the sparkling silk-footed fish, you must follow the steps that Xia Ming said.

Before everyone, everyone also had certain guesses about each other’s natural stay, of course, if you want to lie in front of them, it is basically impossible, and everyone’s perception is quite exaggerated.

Although you can’t read minds directly like Xia Ming, you can also tell whether a person is lying.

Of course, the world is too big, and I dare not guarantee it completely, maybe what is standing in front of them is a super actor?

So now the Huakaiyuan Yuluo must be completely operated according to Xia Ming’s orders, so that the ingredients can be captured, that is, the other party is really simple and not fake

If it was 90% sure before, then now everyone is 100% sure, they are not Xia Ming after all, and Xia Ming also knows what kind of person the other party is after recognizing the identity of the other party.

Therefore, Xia Ming will choose to trust each other at the first time, but others still need time.

Soon, Yuluo, who had caught the sparkling silk-footed fish, returned, and handed the box in her hand to Xia Ming with an excited face, and she was participating in the capture of ingredients for the first time.

Summoning the light of the word, light, getting this magical ingredient made this natural girl very excited, even more excited than destroying some monsters.

“By the way, I got a gourmet cell after the mission was completed.”

After handing over the things to Xia Ming, Yuluo in the Flower Kaiyuan spoke again.

“It’s normal, after all, let you complete the task is for this gourmet cell, and you can directly fuse it later.”

Xia Ming spoke, and then the group left the Death Waterfall and found a good place to start tasting the sparkling silk fish.

“This oil is really as recorded, it is extremely clear, and even after a cooking, it can be used repeatedly except for the reduction in the amount, without the slightest impurity.”

The method of the glittering silk foot fish is fried, and after everyone finishes it, several chef girls also surround Morse oil, and the reason why Komatsu is one of the top 100 chefs in the original book is this Morse oil.

Morse oil is a very good oil, an ingredient that can be reused continuously, but unfortunately the amount is still a little less, of course, since this thing has been produced, then IGO will naturally study.

It seems that the refining of this oil was too laborious, and then the project was temporarily shelved, and then the Nitero incident was encountered, so that the project did not continue.

“It’s a pretty good ingredient, by the way, Melke’s stars with sparkling silky footfish, which should be a pretty good match.”

After that, everyone tried a variety of combinations, and there is no doubt that the taste of the glittering silky foot fish is indeed quite good.

Yuzu also fused with gourmet cells, after which it took some time to adapt to the power of the surge.

During this time, others from the Otherworld, such as Riviola, Esther, Hankukreem, and Mirage, inquired about youkai and heard all sorts of stories about youkai.

“It’s a very interesting story, I didn’t expect that our ghost clan would have such a legend in other worlds.”

Rem is also very interested in these stories, after all, there are ghost races in them, and the ghost tribes of their world are just a simple race, but in other lives

This ghost is a very special existence.

Some are incarnated by human souls, while others are born and raised very miraculously.

And the demons and ghosts in these stories are generally mysterious, which makes everyone very curious.

“If you are interested, you can go to my world to have a look, but the monsters are actually very average, and I am now tracking down the news of the Lord of the Monsters.”

Huakaiyuan Yuluo opened his mouth and said, Xia Ming also knew what time period it was, when the plot had just begun.

Hua Kai Yuan Yura ran to find out about the slippery head ghost, which was also one of the opportunities for Nura Lusheng to begin to rise.

For Nuliang Lusheng, Xia Ming felt that it was not so much an awakening as a pure dual personality.

As for his own choice, Xia Ming did not mean to look down on him, after all, Nu Liang Lu was not very old, and because his demon bloodline was only a quarter of the way, he usually had no strength, so it was normal to lead to inferiority and escape.

After all, a large number of yokai are quite strong and powerful, as far as he is an ordinary person, he is different from his mother, his mother is a real human, and he is the next generation of family members, and he still has the blood of the yokai.

Under the impact of this contrast, coupled with the fact that it is normal to be hit by the age, so I choose to escape, completely unresponsible.

Although it feels that Nuliang Lusheng in this state is very disgusting, it can be considered excusable.

“That’s a good idea, and I’m interested in ghosts and so on.”

Everyone is basically interested in these things, on the contrary, Xia Ming is not too interested, because he has watched anime, so he does not feel much.

The demons and ghosts in this are different from some horror movies, if it is like a grudge, the midnight murder bell and the old corpse of the mountain village and other ghosts Xia Ming will be interested, after all, it is a childhood shadow.

As for the slippery ghost world, there are really few scary ones, and more are based on killing people.

In this way, the group came to the world of the slippery ghost.

“Over there, there are some breaths that are much larger than others, and there are a lot of such breaths, it should be a gathering place for youkai, and the power they use is also a little different from normal spiritual power.”

The moment they entered this world, Xia Ming and the others sensed some powerful beings in this world.

“In that direction? The energy you are talking about should be fear, this is the root of the existence of monsters, and it is also the source of power. ”

Hua Kai Yuan Yura opened his mouth and said, why many youkai like to appear in front of humans, and often make some terrifying operations, is for this so-called fear.

This is the difference between monsters and humans, human beings cultivate spiritual power, while monsters use fear, which is an indispensable thing…

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