Chapter 357 Learning Tricks from Blue Nitro!!

“It’s the Fist of Giness!”

Everyone in the distance at the Death Waterfall could clearly see the continuous spiraling attack.

“The ground… Mantle Impact! ”

Although the blue Netero, who was attacked by the Fist of Guinness, was seriously injured, he could still move at the moment, but he could not control the attack that Xia Ming fought now.

In desperation, he could only release a blow that could withstand this attack

Hands crossed behind him, and then slammed out, and the terrifying force bombarded the power of Giness’s fist.

This trick is what Xia Ming has seen, seen in the original work, the trick that Blue Nitro used against Master Jiro at that time, this blow is enough to shake the attack of the earth’s mantle, and it was the earth of that level at that time, this is not a joke.

But at this moment, because the blue Nitro has been sealed for too long, in addition to his physical fitness, his strength has been much weaker.

This blow can offset Xia Ming’s attack, but he himself is not comfortable, he has eaten Xia Ming’s two attacks in a row, and he is now seriously injured.

“Mantle impact, very good tricks, so are there some other tricks?”

Xia Ming recorded and analyzed it through the Divine Vision at the moment of seeing this blow, the principle of this move is very complicated, it is a special power skill, but in front of the Divine Vision, it is not a problem.

Coupled with absolute adaptation, Xia Ming has already memorized this move in a very short period of time, so this makes Xia Ming not intend to directly kill the other party, don’t look at the two blows from the beginning for him, but these two blows are enough to determine the battle situation.

In the battle between the strong, few people will be afraid of dragging time, and it is impossible to fight for a few days and nights like the pirate world, because every move is a killing move, as long as you find an opportunity to make a move, it is a killer move.

Jiro’s battle with Blue Nitero is like this, the moment he finds the opportunity is a one-hit death, there will not be too much delay at all, and the battle between the three tigers and Qiao Ya is also to replicate Qiao Ya’s food luck, so it has dragged on time.

Otherwise, with the strength of the three tigers, they can easily kill Qiao Ya, instead of being sealed by Qiao Ya in the can of gold.

Unless there is a purpose, it is impossible to let the battle last too long.

Now Xia Ming is the same, two moves to let the other side fall into the downwind, which has laid the end of the battle, and then one move Xia Ming can directly take the other party’s life.

But now Xia Ming did not have the idea of ending the battle directly, but planned to learn some tricks from the other party.

The move of the mantle impact can be said to be a fairly pure physical attack, and it is terrifying to the extreme power technique.

Now this move is Xia Ming’s, so Xia Ming has set his eyes on the other tricks of the other party, and the blue Nitro family has an endless lifespan, so the tricks mastered are naturally incredible.

Every blue Nitro can be said to be a super treasure, and Xia Ming is not interested in other things, but this powerful move, Xia Ming is quite concerned.

If you think about it, as long as the body can carry it, you can use the power technique of the mantle impact to play other moves, and the power other than Zeng Jia is not just as simple as one plus one equals two.

“How? Gourmet aristocracy this is not good? It seems that my words are not wrong! ”

Xia Ming came to the other party again, this time there was no attack, he did not continue to use words to create flaws in the idea, this blue Nitro to eat two losses is stupid enough, Xia Ming does not expect the other party to suffer a third loss.

Now it’s just for provocation.

At the same time, he also showed a little flaw.

“Flaw, a light-year spiral whirlwind!”

Seeing the moment the flaw appeared, the other party also moved, and directly took out a kitchen knife and cut it.

Every blue Nitro is a super chef, there’s no doubt about that.

It’s just that the weapon on his body is not the golden kitchenware, but it’s right to think about it, after all, the golden kitchenware is made of red Nitro, using the materials of the seven beasts

This blue Nitro is not one of the few blue Nitro that came to the earth, and the kitchenware used in his hand is naturally not a golden kitchenware.

However, it can be seen that the materials used to make this kitchenware are also quite good, even if they have not been scrapped for so many years, they can still be used.

Xia Ming has also seen this trick, but in the original work, this trick was not cut to Jiro at all, and was controlled by Jiro’s spitting point…

Xia Ming also did not intend to be cut by one move.

When the other party waved this move, it quickly dodged, but the effect of this knife was indeed quite terrifying.

In the original work, because of Jiro’s breathing point point, this move was not cut out, but after it was really cut out, you could see that this power was extraordinary.

The continuous spread of knife light is quite amazing, no wonder it is named after the light year, although it is not as terrible as the light year, but it is also very exaggerated.

At least after it was completely cut out, this sword light was indeed continuing.

And the speed is extremely fast, but this move is completely useless in the face of the current Xia Ming, and for more flexible people, it cannot hurt the other party.

After passing through the sword light, Xia Ming quickly approached the blue nitro, but the next second, the blue nitro in front of him disappeared directly.

“Star core removal!”

A way of moving open the space is similar to moving the kitchen, except that this trick requires something special, and Xia Ming has also observed it, so it is impossible to replicate and use this trick.

With the help of such a method, the other party’s star nucleus removal directly hit Xia Ming.

“Destroy the point!”

The same super strong move, even if Jiro in the original book was hit, it was a bit of a trick that was unbearable, but Xia Ming is a person who is proficient in point points, and the moment the power of this move penetrates the body, he has already used the destruction point point.

Destruction points can directly move most of the attacks that enter the body out of the body, and the remaining part of the people are sealed in the body.

It’s just that this move is also flawed, that is, a weakness located in the throat, once the point is lifted by someone who is also proficient in point acupuncture through this weakness, then the sealed power will be completely released.

Master Jiro in the original book is like this, completely suppressing the huge power that can destroy several earths in his body, so that after being released by Acacia, he can no longer use the destruction point to seal this power.

To put it bluntly, it is because Master Jiro is too waved and feels that this move is invincible, otherwise a part of the accumulated damage will be released after a battle, which is completely feasible, and it will not accumulate until it is completely uncontrollable…

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