Chapter 358 The Big Bang!!

By destroying the point, Xia Ming directly transferred a large part of the blow on his body, and the biggest feature of star core removal was that it concentrated on one point.

This point was transferred to the earth at this moment, and an entire continent was instantly blasted through, and the entire continent became unrecognizable like a broken mirror.

“It’s a pretty good move.”

Xia Ming, who saw this scene, also had some emotion, the power of this move is very strong, especially in the single attack.

If it weren’t for the destruction of the point, Xia Ming estimated that he would also have to pay some price for eating this trick at this moment.

“It’s this kind of point-and-point trick again!”

At this moment, Blue Nitro was also extremely angry, he remembered what happened before he was sealed, there was such a point master, and these point points were also quite exaggerated, causing him to suffer a lot of losses.

Now again, and it seems that Xia Ming’s acupuncture technique is even better than those he encountered at the beginning, and all kinds of acupuncture methods have emerged one after another, which is completely worthy of any of his attacks.

Up to now, he has thrown a bunch of big tricks and consumed a lot of calories, but Xia Ming is like a nobody.

“Won’t that work?”

Xia Ming looked at the somewhat gasping Blue Nitro and asked, this sentence once again stimulated the Blue Nitro.

The battle between the two sides began again, but it was not so much a battle as a simple joke, Xia Ming did not have the idea of killing the other party at all, and Blue Nitro was constantly throwing out various big moves.

I tried to find a trick that could deal with Xia Ming among many tricks, but unfortunately, this move to destroy the point was really completely unreasonable, and the power was constantly transferred and sealed.

However, Xia Ming is also calculating the damage he sealed at the moment, after all, if he seals too much damage like Master Jiro, then the consequences may be a big problem, and he does not have a life ball in his hand to replace death.

So now Xia Ming dodged the opponent’s attack as much as possible, and with the continuous adaptation, the weird way of moving Xia Ming has also completely adapted, and now the blue Nitro’s tricks have no effect on Xia Ming at all.

“Looks like you don’t have any other tricks to use!”

A few minutes later, although the time has only passed a few minutes, but these few minutes have been exchanged for their kind of existence I don’t know how many times, the speed is too fast.

So in a few minutes, the battle was nearing its end, because of the continuous release of this big move, the blue Nitro at the moment could no longer hold on.

As for Xia Ming, he has already learned enough tricks, and there are no other tricks worth learning on the other party.


Blue Nitro is now a bit of a lamp drained, and now he doesn’t have many calories to squander.

The most important thing is that fighting with Xia Ming, there is no gap at all so that he can supplement calories, and this is still in the human world, how can it be so simple to replenish the calories consumed.

“Big Bang!”

In the end, Xia Ming directly hit the Big Bang and slammed into Blue Nitro’s chin.

The other party is already at the end of the strong crossbow, Xia Ming’s calories are not consumed much, unless the point is to use eternal points, point moments and other tricks, otherwise the simple destruction of points consumption is very small.

In addition, Xia Ming’s cells themselves are very special, and the horror of storing more calories is also terrifying, on the one hand, it is a labor-saving playing method, on the other hand, it is a profligate play, and the physical strength of both sides is still similar, and now the problem naturally comes out.

Blue Nitro’s combat effectiveness is not weak, but it can only be said that Xia Ming has opened too much, and under the combination of all aspects, even Blue Nitro is not an opponent

A big explosion in the universe, the ground exploded, and the body of the blue Nitro soared into the sky, if it was in a normal world, then now the blue Nitro has flown to the space of the house.

But now this place belongs to the secret realm, and the outer layer of the secret is something like a shield, and Xia Ming can’t break this kind of thing, so that in the end, this product directly hit the shield.

“You… You can’t kill me, as long as my appetite is still there, I will be resurrected, and next time, I will definitely slaughter you! ”

This blow directly knocked Blue Nitro to the level of dry sleep, but before dry sleep, Blue Nitro also released cruel words.

“Standard villain remarks, and ruthless words at the end, but when you are resurrected, I can crush you with one finger.”

Xia Ming was a little disdainful while carrying the blue Nitro who had completely slept, with his current strength, he only needed to eat a few ingredients from the Earth Full Meal Menu, and his strength would climb above the Blue Nitro.

Blue Nitro’s strength cap is more than five thousand and less than six thousand, it can’t break the limit at all, although the time of resurrection is not clear to Xia Ming, it should not be very short, moreover, this is the secret realm, where is the other party after resurrection?

Therefore, Xia Ming is completely worthless, and the next time he comes, he will also send him ingredients

After putting away the blue Nitro, Xia Ming returned to the Death Waterfall.

“The battle is over, Xia Mingjun can obviously solve this guy faster, why did he fight with him for so long?”

Although they can’t fully see the battle between Xia Ming and Blue Nitro, people with good strength can also see that Xia Ming is releasing water and has been letting Blue Nitro attack.

Finally, consume the opponent to the point of weakness to kill the other party with one blow, according to Xia Ming’s strength, it should not be like this.

“This guy’s tricks are good, after all, Blue Nitro is an immortal creature with an endless lifespan, and although they are arrogant, they are quite good in terms of combat skills.”

“This time, I learned a lot of the combat techniques he used just now.”

Xia Ming said with a smile, in this way, everyone was stunned, it turned out that Xia Ming was learning the other party’s combat skills, but think about it, the blue Nitro’s combat skills just now really made everyone a little shocked.

That destructive force was too strong, and the entire secret realm was constantly shaking during the battle between the two, as if it was a super earthquake.

It can only be said that at this level, the aftermath of the battle is too great, and the battle everywhere on the earth in the original work can last until the end because these people have left their hands.

Otherwise, if Acacia had played for real, the earth would have exploded long ago.

Acacia’s purpose is to save NEO, not really to kill the earth, but this guy’s operation is really unpleasant.

At least Xia Ming won’t understand Acacia, for NEO, this goods killed his apprentice, killed his wife, and even killed his son if it weren’t for the protagonist’s aura…

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