Chapter 359 Mission Rewards, Healing Water!!

There are too many coincidences in Acacia’s operation in the original work, and he can’t even control the variables in it, giving people the feeling that Acacia is simply carrying out his own plan without a plan.

He didn’t even think about how to get to the bottom after losing control, everything was supported by the protagonist aura of Ah Yu and others.

You know, there was no Ayu and others in Acacia’s original plan, so Xia Ming had to say that Acacia was really a strange.

Undoubtedly, his plan was a big gamble, but if he wanted to succeed, he had to at least make a perfect plan.

The result? As a result, the goods did not have any plan at all, and in the end, they even went crazy, completely relying on various uncontrollable variables to complete their plans by mistake.

And the condition for completing the plan is to sacrifice his own relatives, and Xia Ming will not understand this kind of person, because he feels that he cannot understand.

Of course, that was also a matter for Acacia, and Xia Ming didn’t bother to care, and at this moment Xia Ming checked the reward of the task.

“It turned out to be this thing, and the problem of the newcomer was solved, and there was an extra hole card.”

Xia Ming was holding a glass bottle only the size of a finger in his hand, which looked like it contained some kind of liquid.

“What is this?”

Alice and the others asked with some curiosity.

“Improved healing water, life-saving things, although the amount is only so little, even if half of the head or even the heart and other key things are directly bombarded, they can be regenerated in a very short time.”

Xia Ming said with a smile, this time he completed the task and obtained a total of ten bottles of such healing water, the existence of healing water is undoubtedly quite terrifying, hands and feet, head, heart and a series of injuries can be regenerated.

In the original book, when Ayu provoked Ma Wang, he was almost destroyed by Ma Wang with a sneeze, but even so, the healing water can restore Ayu, including Master Jiro’s arm that was eaten by NEO cells.

The existence of healing water is undoubtedly a super treasure, second only to the existence of the life ball, after all, the life ball can directly replace death, and the healing water is not good, but the healing ability of the healing water is also quite terrifying.

“Healing water? It turned out to be this thing, I have seen records of healing water in the inheritance of the regener, and it is rumored that the healing water is very dangerous to capture. ”

As a regenerator, Butterfly Kanae naturally knows the preciousness and effect of healing water.

“That’s right, it’s quite difficult to capture the healing water, the effect of this thing can be used on the newcomer, and the electronic parts of that body are really uncomfortable to look at.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that the appearance of healing water undoubtedly solved Lucy’s problem

Lucy has a lot of traces of transformation on her body, from beginning to end, there are electronic parts everywhere, after all, Lucy is also a hacker in that world, and it is naturally impossible to keep too many original goods as a hacker, especially the part of the head.

It is still too difficult for these things to regenerate with the current ability of the butterfly Kanae.

It is difficult for even a person with gourmet cells to regenerate, let alone a person who does not yet have gourmet cells.

“Wait, what are you trying to do?”

Lucy was a little panicked at the moment, after all, in the cyberpunk world, the prosthetic body is quite an important thing, and the people of that world do not care whether their body is flesh and blood or not.

They are more concerned about the quality of the prosthetic body they use.

Now Xia Ming and others look at the prosthetic body of this body is not pleasing to the eye, similarly, Lucy is not very pleasing to the eye when looking at the simple flesh and blood body, which is a problem in the personal world.

But Xia Ming is not entirely because she wants to give up these things,

The most important thing is that the existence of gourmet cells is to strengthen the flesh, but there are too many modifications on the body, and the strengthening of gourmet cells is not complete.

Let’s just say that this eyeball, the eyeball has been changed, and it has become an electronic instrument, is it useful? Useful, but the visual reinforcement brought by gourmet cells is completely ineffective.

And Xia Ming was not sure whether the other party would be rejected by the gourmet cells if he installed so many things in his body.

“Let’s tell you so, we all have it in our bodies…”

Xia Ming explained about the gourmet cell and his own ideas, as well as a series of things.

“If you want to break away from our squad, you can, but we won’t care much about your life or death, once we enter this secret realm, the human world that has not entered will be completely suspended, and it will not continue to operate until we leave.”

“If you don’t join, it won’t really affect us much, and when you die, it won’t have anything to do with us.”

“I’ve always invited every new person to join our squad and help them get better and stronger, because this is my squad member and I care.”

“Now there is this one opportunity in front of you, I don’t need you to give me the answer now, give you a day to think clearly, and after a day, leave it to you to decide whether to go or not.”

Xia Ming has already explained the pros and cons very clearly, how the other party decides is the other party’s problem, and Xia Ming will not force a person who does not want to join his team at all to stay.

Before that, there was no choice at all, after all, everyone would be forcibly pulled into the secret realm, but from this secret realm, that is, the freedom of entry and exit.

Anyway, if the other party does not plan to enter the secret realm, then it will be over if he stays in his own world.

It didn’t have any effect on everyone, so now Xia Ming naturally didn’t force it.

“Although Xia Mingjun is letting you think about yourself, but I still have to persuade, it is better to join, the Arasaka you said when you entered the secret realm should be your enemy or something.”

“By joining our squad, you can gain the power to change your life, of course, you can’t do anything to betray our squad, otherwise without Xia Mingjun’s action, others can solve you.”

Butterfly Kanae also dropped a sentence, now it is to let Lucy think clearly.

“Actually, you don’t need to persuade anymore, I have already made a decision, or I have no other choice at all.”

Lucy is a smart person, otherwise she would not have been able to escape from Arasaka, after all, these hackers are used as consumables.

The people of Arasaka do not care whether they live or die, they only squeeze their value.

Although she has escaped now, she doesn’t know how long she can escape now, so there is a high probability that she can get the power to resist Arasaka,

Now she has no other choice, and just now seeing Xia Ming’s god-like strength, her eyes have long been hot.

After listening to everyone’s words, she has already made a decision, as long as she is not a fool, she knows how to choose the best…

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