Chapter 360 Travel to Lucy’s World!!

“Wise choice, then the next thing is to tear these things down on you.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, he knew Lucy’s person, although he pit David at the beginning, but later after liking David, he was also a real virtuous inner helper, but unfortunately he was pitted by the inner ghost.

Lucy is also a person who cares about her companions, or the person she approves, and after she identifies a person, she will also follow the other party and help the other party.

Knowing what kind of person Lucy is, Xia Ming will choose to invite the other party to join.

“Then go to my world, these things on my body need the help of a prosthetic doctor to disassemble them.”

Lucy opened her mouth and said, since she has already made a decision, there is naturally no turning back, and now she has no other choice than to believe that Xia Ming and the others will not pit herself.

As for whether Xia Ming will pit her, this probability is too small, you know, Xia Ming’s strength is terrifying, in her world, one person can destroy the earth.

Such a strong person naturally did not need to pit her as an ordinary person, so Lucy chose to believe Xia Ming.

“Actually, it doesn’t have to be so troublesome, I can use a point to suppress your pain, even if I forcibly rip these things off you, it’s not too much of a problem, or it will make it a little bloody.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, disassembling these things is very simple, the point can control the pain, and at the same time, the other party will not die due to excessive blood loss, plus healing water, it can be easily recovered.

“Xia Mingjun, let’s go to her world, I’m also quite interested in this kind of thing, and it’s too bloody and not good, there is no need to do this step.”

Butterfly Kanae opened her mouth and said, indeed, the method Xia Ming said is feasible, but to make a person so bloody, there is no need, it is best to find a special person to deal with it.

“In that case, let’s go to Lucy’s world, but before that, Lucy, tell me more about your world.”

Although Xia Ming knew how the situation was, it was necessary to discuss it with Lucy, after all, that world was not a star and a half.

After that, Lucy also quickly explained the situation in her world, including the situation in Night City.

“The chaotic world is just like disorder, how do these people survive?”

After listening to Lucy’s explanation, everyone was stunned, the world was too chaotic, although there was order, but the so-called order was almost the same as nothing

It can be said that the cyberpunk world is indeed a world of cannibalism, which is too exaggerated.

“And according to Lucy, most of the prosthetic doctors in this Night City are very pitted.”

Tian Suoe was also shocked, although her strength is not weak now, but that world is really too pitted, maybe it will be pitted by others, the prosthetic body is dismantled and sold for money, and even people are handed over to the scavenger, not only to be quacked, but also to become the protagonist of Black Mewdream, this pit is simply not a star and a half.

“This is simple, don’t forget about me, it’s not easy to find a reliable prosthetic doctor?”

Xia Ming said with a smile, it was too simple for him.

After that, the group came to the cyberpunk world, and there was still some trouble in this world, if it was a normal world, their ability to suppress the breath could completely make an ordinary person completely unaware of themselves.

But now the problem is that most of the eyes of people in this world have been modified, and each one has the ability to scan.

The breath suppression of Xia Ming and others is to eliminate the sense of existence, and it is impossible to disappear under the monitoring of this kind of thing, so it has become a little troublesome.

In desperation, everyone can only do some dressing up to cover themselves, after all, such a group of beautiful women walking on the street is indeed very eye-catching.

After that, Xia Ming found a reliable female prosthetic doctor, and then asked her to dismantle all the prosthetic bodies on Lucy’s body.

As for the money, there is no need for Xia Ming and others to come out, and Lucy herself has a lot, which are obtained by selling various stolen chips and doing tasks.

The current Lucy has not fully joined the Mann team, but has also worked together a few times, so she has made a lot of money.

After all, a hacker of Lucy’s level is still very popular.

People in this world have too many mechanical products and electronic products on their bodies, so that a hacker can easily burn some people’s equipment and directly kill each other.

Top hackers are quite popular in this world.

Although he was puzzled by the request of Xia Ming and the others, the other party still completely dismantled the prosthetic body on Lucy’s body according to the requirements of Xia Ming and others.

Even the neck interface was completely removed.

In the eyes of this prosthetic doctor, dismantling these things, the girl in front of him will undoubtedly become a solid waste.

She may not even live for a few days, but this is what the girl herself requested, although she also persuaded, but she didn’t have much to say about people’s own decisions.

So in the end, I chose to do it, this prosthetic doctor will not be incompatible with money, although she is okay, but it is impossible to find completely kind people in Night City, because this kind of person is dead.

Even David in the original book killed many innocent people on the way to the mission.

There is money to earn, plus persuasion, it is useless, the other party naturally also started to tear down those things on Lucy’s body.

“Hey, after dismantling the prosthetic body, it really doesn’t look like a person, the people in this world are too crazy!”

After complaining, Xia Ming took out the healing water and sprinkled it on Lucy’s body, and the parts that were dismantled quickly grew to zero.

Xia Ming’s healing water is an improved type, and the original healing water is only useful for gourmet cells, stimulating gourmet cells to make gourmet cells constantly active, so as to regenerate.

But ordinary people do not have gourmet cells in their bodies, so normal healing water is useless for ordinary people.

The improved type in Xia Ming’s hands is a system product, and it is also completely useful to ordinary people.

After consuming a small bottle of healing water, Lucy also returned to her normal human form.

“It’s really a little uncomfortable, the whole world feels changed.”

In the past, Lucy looked at everyone with data because of the prosthetic body on her body, but now, the complete flesh and blood made her feel a completely different world.

After all, people in this world have been transforming since childhood, and it is completely impossible to find an adult original…

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