Chapter 361: The Technology Mastered by Xia Ming!!

“And the body too, the movements that could be done with the help of prosthetics before, now you can’t do anything.”

Lucy shook her palm, now she felt that her body was very weak, after all, people in this world were able to do some operations that normal people could not do because they were equipped with various prosthetic bodies.

The same is true of speed, strength, etc., the top prosthetic body is quite useful to look at David in the late period, after loading King Kong, one person swept away an army.

It’s just that under the pressure of Adam’s heavy hammer, there is still not much resistance, and the top prosthetic body can indeed make people like Superman, of course, the risk is still very high.

The probability of something going wrong with David, who is equipped with King Kong, is too high.

“It’s only temporary, and when you get the gourmet cell, you can turn the world upside down by yourself.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that Lucy’s body has just returned to normal, and strictly speaking, Lucy is not particularly weak, after all, Lucy also exercised often before.

Undoubtedly, she has a lot of prosthetic bodies on her body, which can make her strength increase strongly, but her own exercise is naturally not less.

It’s just that no matter how Lucy exercises, she can’t surpass normal people, after all, there is no special energy system in this world.

Some are just various mechanical parts and other things to strengthen.

“Is it? Then I am quite looking forward to it, and when the time comes, I will leave a deep impression on Arasaka. ”

Lucy did not forget what happened to her on the Arasaka side, Arasaka did not treat them as adults at all, but as a bunch of consumables, and it has to be said that the world is indeed dark.

The executives of these companies will not care about the life or death of the people below, after all, these tools are broken, in other words.

Lucy also fought desperately to escape, and the people with her were all folded in it at that time.

In fact, now Xia Ming can easily help her complete her revenge, but Lucy does not want this, she wants to end Arasaka with her own hands.

“Now that you’re done, let’s go see how the world is, I’m quite interested in this world.”

Alice said that she herself belongs to the eccentric type, this world is a world of advanced technology, and of course, the world of captives of food.

It’s just that the captive world of gastronomy is not too concerned about technology because of gourmet cells.

And the most important point is that the existence of camping monsters makes the position of technology seem a little bit.

For example, traveling to the universe, wanting to travel in the universe, the technology required is quite important.

But on Earth, there are camping monsters that can go directly into space.

In addition, a creature in the food world, the rhino, although this creature only appeared once in the original work, but Xia Ming knew very well that this was a super base fortress.

The rhino itself belongs to the camping monster, carrying something that seems to be a mobile fortress.

The various systems, weapons, etc. are quite complete, and this power is not comparable to this side of the human world.

So in general, human scientific and technological capabilities are a bit embarrassing, but they are not completely useless, for example, the development of IGO in biotechnology is very powerful

As for food parties, a GT robot already says it all.

But there is no comparison with camping monsters, and the top camping monsters are really too tough.

When everyone entered the secret realm, the technology of the captive world of food had been almost destroyed, and it was not easy to find something complete and usable.

The world I encountered before was not such a technologically advanced world, so now everyone is very interested in this world.

Not only Alice, but everyone else also had curious eyes.

“In that case, Lucy, you should swim.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, Lucy is the person here after all.

“There’s nothing wrong with that, but the lack of prosthetics is a very troublesome thing, and now I can’t do it if I want to contact people remotely and pay for it.”

Lucy is also a little helpless, this is the difficulty of original goods in this world

Because everyone has been transformed, without transformation, everything is a little awkward.

For example, remote contact, after the transformation, you need to contact directly, no need for any phone and the like.

And the same is true of payment, which is given directly, he does not need much cash and scan code payment and so on.

And in this era, transportation and other things will use these things more or less, and Lucy is really uncomfortable for a while.

“It’s really a bit of trouble, give me a little time.”

Xia Ming said after thinking about it, you know, his mind has stored all the information of the entire human world, not only IGO side, but also the side of food.

The ability of gourmet food will be quite strong in terms of machinery, so Xia Ming now uses this part of knowledge and his own hands-on ability to quickly tinker up some high-tech mobile phones.

“The technology of this era is actually not particularly complicated, but it is just ahead of some normal worlds, and I made this thing, which is similar to the prosthetic body you usually use.”

With Xia Ming’s hands-on ability, as long as he thinks clearly about how to do it, it is too simple to make these things.

The operation that others would take a lot of time to complete, Xia Ming could complete it in an instant, so he made things extremely fast.

The technology of the captive world of food is not simple, and the GT robot can sweep the whole world here.

And it’s the original version of GT Robot, not to mention a large number of versions updated later, especially in the theatrical version! Even up to ten GT machines

The things made by Xia Ming can communicate remotely, pay directly, and query various materials just like the prosthetics used by Lucy and others, and the information base of this world is now equivalent to undefended for Xia Ming.

In short, this thing has a lot of functions, so that there is no need to worry about walking in this world will have problems.

“It’s really powerful, I don’t even doubt which of us two is the person of this world.”

Lucy found that with the mobile phone in her hand, she could easily enter the intranet of forces such as Arasaka and military technology, and the highest authority, completely unhindered can query all the information.

This also surprised Lucy to the extreme, as a hacker, although the prosthesis is gone, her knowledge will not disappear.

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