Chapter 362 Collect a little interest first!!

“I didn’t expect that Arasaka still hides such a project, upload the consciousness, so that although the data is retained, is this still me?”

Lucy looked at the information about the oracle that had been rummaged out of the barren saka, unable to tell if it was a person or not.

“Of course not, simple memory is not the whole of a person.”

Xia Ming shook his head, after a person has amnesia, then is he still him? This is a big problem, you say yes, he has no previous memories, no one can remember.

In this case, this person seems to be a stranger, but you say he is not, he is still that person.

So the body and memory and the soul are very important, these two pieces are indispensable in Xia Ming’s opinion, although the original book of Saburo Arasaka is resurrected, but is he still him? Even Johnny.

Even if he occupies V’s body, he is still not him, he is now a new Johnny, not the original Johnny, he is just a blob of data.

This world has not studied the level of the soul, so the resurrection in this way is only equivalent to creating a new life, a new life with its own memory, so it is simply doing useless work.

This point is the most vocal in the eight thousand flowers, and the soul is no longer the original one, but a simple consciousness occupies ~ according to the body.

“I actually want to achieve eternal life in this way, but unfortunately, it does not touch the soul level, so it is all for nothing.”

Yachiryu also shook his head, this is not a soul, naturally there is no eternal life.

There may really be people in other worlds who can save themselves in the form of data, but this world can’t do it, and the technology level is not enough.

“Don’t get entangled in these, to put it bluntly, it’s just the self-righteousness of a group of clowns, maybe in their cognition, this can be regarded as immortality, which is a problem of cognition.”

Xia Ming said with a smile, just like people in this world value prosthetic bodies, cognitive aspects are different.

“Perhaps, I originally planned to retaliate after gaining power, but now I can also charge a little interest.”

Lucy suddenly spoke, she suddenly felt that it seemed too cheap to destroy the Arasaka company so simply.

“What are you going to do?”

Everyone looked at Lucy with some curiosity.

“It’s very simple, because of the captain’s relationship, so now I can easily enter the internal network of major forces, all the content is not defended, you know, these things are quite critical to the operation of a company.”

“As long as all the core technologies of Arasaka Company are fully exposed, then other forces will surround them like sharks that smell blood, all core data will be exposed, and Arasaka will have no secrets to speak of.”

“In addition to the pressure from the bottom, other forces will not miss this opportunity.”

“Arasaka will then fall into a situation where it is attacked by a group, but Arasaka itself is also a giant, so it is not so simple to fall, and when I gain strength, I will personally deal with them.”

Lucy repeated her thoughts.

“Nice idea, then this chaotic city will become even more chaotic.”

Xia Ming can already imagine the despair of Arasaka, and there is also a prince inside Arasaka who wants to bring down Arasaka all day long, and he will definitely not let go of this opportunity at that time, and it is a normal thing for Arasaka to finish playing.

When Lucy released these things, Xia Ming was not idle, and he quickly found the information of several people on the Internet.

I have to say that it is indeed quite simple to find people along the Internet in this era, and as for the people he is looking for, it is naturally David, V, and a series of characters who have appeared in anime games such as Jack and Victor.

These people he did not intend to let them have accidents, after all, for Xia Ming, this villain is also a familiar character, and it is not bad, so he bought an insurance for these people.

Compressing his own voice and throwing it into the other person’s body, his voice can now remain for a long time.

This layer of sound will directly form a shield to protect the other party when it senses enough to threaten the lives of these people.

The amount he left behind can be used dozens of times, enough for these people.

Of course, in order to prevent these people from using this thing to do things and finally waste themselves to death, Xia Ming sent an email to everyone about the number of uses…

Although they don’t care when they see the email, after all, this kind of thing seems to them to be prank and funny.

But as soon as they are seen, once in effect, they will know the importance of these things.

This can also be regarded as Xia Mingren’s righteousness, and he is also a familiar character

In other worlds, Xia Ming would not have done this, but this world is too chaotic, and because of their current interference, this world will become more chaotic, maybe another company war will begin.

That’s why Xia Ming gave these people a wave of insurance.

“That’s it, I’ve completely made all the core content of Arasaka publicly available, and then I need your help from the captain so that these files will not be deleted.”

Although Lucy is also a hacker, she now lacks some prosthetics, so many operations cannot be completed.

And even if it is whole, her hacking level is not the top kind, and Arasaka will directly delete these things after reacting.

The documents for these things are so huge that it will take time for other corporate powers to fully get their hands on them.

So now Lucy needs these things to stay on the network all the time and not be deleted by Arasaka.

And among all the people who can do this, only Xia Ming can.

“It’s simple.”

Xia Ming was also happy to see something happen to Arasaka, so he quickly put these public materials on a lock.

Soon, with the advent of these materials, the whole world boiled.

“God, what the hell is going on, Arasaka’s core data is completely public, which legend did this?”

The hackers in Night City quickly noticed this huge amount of data and saw its contents.

All of a sudden all hackers boiled, and with it, the reaction of all large companies and forces and the boiling among the common people.

In short, the entire Night City, including the entire world, was in a boiling state in a short period of time.

All of Arasaka’s core information is fully exposed, which is not a joke, which means that Arasaka is going to be unlucky…

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