Chapter 363 Unhappy Everyone!!

Arasaka’s information was made public and caused the world to be in turmoil, and everyone was too lazy to care about it now, and began to visit the world under Lucy’s leadership, but after visiting, the world left everyone with only a sense of disgust.

“The world… It’s really unpleasant, and I don’t want to stay in this world anymore. ”

Each world has its own good and bad worlds, but in this world, people see more bad, in the final analysis, it is because this is the city of night, and it is also one of the most chaotic places in the whole world.

In other worlds, which are also orderly, everyone is completely accustomed to it, and the people here are all in a positive way, except for Estes and Yachiryu who don’t care, the others are more disgusted.

“This can’t be helped, our world is such a garbage world.”

Even Lucy called her world garbage, after all, Lucy’s initial idea was to the moon, and she was extremely disappointed in the world, or anyone with a normal brain would dislike the world.

Of course, people like Esders who advocate the law of the jungle do not have this kind of problem, after all, the world of chopping red is not much better than this world.

“In that case, let’s leave directly, there is nothing worth staying in this world, I have all the information.”

Xia Ming got all the data in this world, of course, not directly in his mind.

So when everyone is interested in anything, he can basically build it.

As long as there are materials, he himself can be much stronger than those instruments, and those parts that must be made with high-precision instruments can be rubbed out by hand, which is the strength of gourmet cells.

With such a degree of control over the body and energy, any mechanical device can be thrown aside.

After that, everyone left this world directly, and Arasaka was busy up and down at the moment, and even many people were trying to jump ship.

After all, all of Arasaka’s data is exposed, and it will soon be killed by other companies, although it can be supported for a period of time now, but it is only the length of the support time, and it is impossible to survive.

Therefore, the people of Arasaka naturally also want to jump jobs, and now it depends on how long they can last.

Not to mention everything that happened in this world, on the other side, Xia Ming and the others also returned to the side of the Forest of E.

Since the continent of E was fought in an instant when fighting with the blue nitro before, plus the continent of E itself belongs to the plant continent, the stability is good, but there is not much damage.

However, the destruction of the entire secret realm is also more than half, no way, who calls their combat power level too high?

“Fortunately, there is no big problem, and the mission has been triggered, but some assistance is needed now, otherwise BB corn is not so easy to catch.”

Because BB corn itself is an ingredient belonging to the food world, it is just a fall

It’s just a matter of taking root and germinating in the human world, and this is the case with plant-type ingredients.

And BB corn is not aggressive compared to other ingredients, but BB corn is very hard.

When Ah Yu saw BB corn in the original work, he did not cut the outer skin with a hand knife, but continued to attack to open the outer layer.

After that, it was bombarded with a nail fist on the other side to forcibly shake out the horror of BB corn’s high hardness, which is actually very clear, after all, this burst can become a hundred people of super popcorn, and this hundred people of popcorn is calculated according to the amount of food eaten by people in this era, which is terrifying

Not to mention that now that Lucy doesn’t have a prosthetic body, even if she has a prosthetic body, she can’t cause any damage to this BB corn, so Xia Ming needs to give her some help.

“It’s true that the capture of BB corn is definitely impossible for normal people, but Xia Mingjun has those kitchen knives in his hand, just give Lucy a hand, and Sonic can also assist.”

Butterfly Kanae also nodded, there are many ways to help Lucy, and Xia Ming can do it casually.

And the sonic enhanced attack is not fake, after Komatsu fell into the food pyramid in the original book, Zebra once put a shield on him to ensure Komatsu’s safety.

At the same time, this layer of shield also enhanced Komatsu’s attack power, and it was precisely because of this knife that a red Nitro was released.

Now Xia Ming’s attainment in this aspect is not known how many times stronger than Zebra, naturally he can do the same thing easily.

Prepare a knife sharp enough for Lucy, and then put on a sonic shield to increase the amplification.

In fact, Xia Ming can also give Lucy a point, but there is no need for this.

“I remember in some novels and movies where elves can get close to nature, so will these creatures attack Riveria?”

After seeing the plant life, Rina Hirina was also a little curious and asked, elves are the darlings of nature, and the elves in many works can use the power of nature.

Now this should be part of nature.

“It should be unlikely, first of all, the dungeon world where Riveria is located is itself is also relatively special to other other worlds.”

“The second is that there is no such concept in this world.”

Xia Ming looked at the plant life in front of him and said.

“It’s really impossible, I’ve seen some of those works, but the elves of our world are not so special, just a simple race.”

Although Riveria and the others have some of the characteristics of elves, there is nothing else in her world except the power given by the gods.

So there is a difference in itself, she sees that the elves of other worlds are created by the goddess of nature, and they are all kinds of natural magic, which is also quite envious of Riveria.

The elves of their world also have some simple characteristics, and as for the ability, most of them do not.

“This way!”

Everyone was stunned, and then the group quickly passed through these plant life to the top, where BB corn grows.

The root system of BB corn is very developed, and the BB corn that grows out of absorbing nutrients is also quite huge.

This tens of meters of huge corn also shocked Lucy and the others, who had not fully adapted.

“Lucy, I’ll leave it to you next, and you should be able to cut off the roots of the corn.”

Xia Ming handed a kitchen knife to Lucy, and the task still needed Lucy to complete by herself…

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