Chapter 364: A Natural Cooking Place!!

“Is it okay to cut it directly?”

Lucy asked a little confused, after all, she had not been exposed to this type of operation, so she was somewhat confused now.

“That’s right, just cut it directly.”

Xia Ming nodded, after hearing this, Lucy no longer thought about it, but directly held a kitchen knife and slashed out, the weight of this one in her hand was not large.

In the past, the weight of the kitchen knife made by Xia Ming was quite amazing, but later, as his ability became more and more exaggerated, coupled with the stronger and stronger technology, he gradually began to reduce it, and now the weight of the kitchen knife can be easily picked up by normal people.

Of course, it’s just conventional, and if it’s super large like the original Melke, it still can’t work.

Lucy, who cut out a knife, found that a blade light suddenly spread out from the knife, and the corn that she thought would take many cuts to cut down was completely cut in an instant.

Tens of meters of huge corn fell straight down.

However, because the trees here are extremely thick, the corn did not fall directly after it fell, but was supported by the canopy.

“Well… That’s awesome! ”

Seeing that she had such an effect with a knife, Lucy was also stunned.

“This is just done by relying on the sharpness of the kitchen knife and the voice I attached to you, you don’t need to bother so much after you become stronger, the task is completed, you should get the gourmet cell.”

According to the urine nature of the system, the ironclad obtained by the newcomer after completing the task is the gourmet cell.

“Indeed, I have already obtained it!”

Lucy received this gourmet cell, which was the key to her foothold here in the future.

And it is also the key to her revenge, with this thing, she can disintegrate Arasaka with her own hands.

“Well, just taste BB popcorn, which is a pretty good ingredient, and there are natural cooking places here.”

Saying that Xia Ming looked in one direction, others also cast their gazes over, they naturally couldn’t see the volcano in the distance with their naked eyes, but Xia Ming could.

“That direction is where Mount Eno is located, and there are places to see specially prepared for the cooking of BB popcorn.”

Xia Ming pointed to the direction of the volcano and said, after all, it is not easy to cook BB popcorn, but it took a lot of hardship to get BB popcorn.

“E’s Volcano? I remember this place, where it was rumored that the temperature was increasing layer by layer, like a furnace that could adjust the temperature, and the volcanic ash there was also a kind of salt. ”

Everyone basically knows the situation on this side of the human realm.

“That’s right, it’s there, let’s go.”

Xia Ming said and took the lead to the Ezhi Volcano, but this way was from below, although there were still a lot of plant life along the way, but it could not have any impact on everyone.

“It seems that food luck worked, and it actually grew out of my face!”

After walking for a distance, Xia Ming looked at a plant that grew directly five meters in front of him, and he was also a little speechless.

This thing grows too fast, but this is the Forest of E, and the rapid growth of plants is terrifying, so it is not something completely incomprehensible.

The thing that grows in front of him is called Eno Hoshi sauce, which is a special sauce that Komatsu’s original book came here to find for cooking ingredients.

Only this sauce can fully bring out the flavor of the ingredients.

The original ingredient also grew in front of Komatsu, and it quickly grew completely because Komatsu stayed here.

At this time, you can see the exaggeration of food luck, the whole plant is completely grown in an instant, but there is only one mature, I have to say that sometimes food luck is really quite against the sky.

Now Xia Ming’s food luck is also the same, causing this Estar sauce to grow in front of him like this, and the sauce fruit on it has completely grown in the blink of an eye.

“Such a fast growth rate, this is Estar sauce.”

A few chef girls recognized it at a glance, and then quickly picked it, after all, this thing is a pretty good sauce, most of the time used to cook seafood.

Unlike the puzzles of Yuzu and Lucilem and others, although everyone was surprised that this ingredient grew so quickly, in this world, after seeing more strange things, they naturally didn’t feel how it was.

But the other three are all newcomers and have a half-understanding of the world, so they can be described as confused.

After that, everyone also told them about the food luck as they walked, mainly to Lucy.

During this period, everyone also encountered a lot of ingredients, which are all famous ingredients in the forest of E.

“Constantly sending myself to the door, and even being directly picked up after losing both, how unfortunate this food luck is!”

Lucy complained wordlessly, this food luck is really completely unsolvable, forcibly interfering with reality, which is much more against the sky than the luck they usually say.

“The amount of food luck is also the key, and it is precisely because I can continue to produce food luck by myself, and food luck will accumulate to a certain concentration to appear such a situation, otherwise how can I encounter 987 so many ingredients directly delivered to the door.”

After collecting the ingredients in front of them, Xia Ming and the others came all the way to the side of the volcano, “It’s so hot.” ”

Because the food cells were not fused for the first time, the current heat wave hit Lucy a little unbearable.

“Originally, I wanted you to taste BB popcorn first, but now it seems that the high temperature is difficult to resist, so let’s fuse the gourmet cells first, and then raise the cell level.”

Xia Ming said after thinking about it, he did not intend to give the environmental clothing to the other party, the environmental clothing was useful in the absence of gourmet cells, and the gourmet cells were too easy to use helplessly.

But now it’s different, now everyone has a gourmet cell, and the level is not low, the people who followed Xia Ming in the early days have basically adapted to these environments, but the people behind are completely different.

So Rem and they feel very hot now.

Gourmet cells can improve physical fitness, but they do not increase various resistance in an instant.

It’s just that gourmet cells have super adaptability, and the stronger gourmet cells adapt, the faster they adapt.

So Xia Ming didn’t come up with the idea of environmental clothing, and after raising Lucy’s cell level, let them each adapt to the environment…

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