Chapter 365 A staggering amount of BB popcorn!!

Soon, Lucy fused the gourmet cells and raised the cell level in a very short time.

“Now you need to adapt to your own strength, after all, it is certain that it is difficult to control such an exaggerated power in one breath, but when the gourmet cell reaches this level, it will be easy to control.”

Xia Ming and the others also waited for a while for Lucy to adapt to her strength, and a high cell level has such benefits, which can easily adapt to these soaring forces.

When Lucy had almost adjusted, the group really entered the interior of the volcano.

“It’s so hot, it’s so hot here!”

The terrain around Mount E is one that is layered on top of each other, and the temperature of each layer is different, which is why it is called a natural cooking place.

However, the temperature here is also high, and even the top stone slab has a temperature of 50 degrees.

“It’s normal to think it’s hot, but then you need to get your food cells to adapt to this heat, the temperature here is the lowest, only fifty degrees, all the way to the bottom, the temperature will reach 1,200 degrees.”

Xia Ming pointed to the completely red ground below and said, the bottom temperature is one thousand two, and further down is solid magma, the temperature is one thousand four, of course, such a temperature is nothing to Xia Ming.

But for others, it’s a big problem, especially a few newcomers, who need a little bit of adaptation.

However, according to their speed, it is estimated that they can be within an hour, after all, their cell level is too high.

Food cells adapt to their surroundings all the time, but unless the environment changes too much, it must be difficult for them to detect themselves.

While a few people adapted, several girls also began to deal with BB corn, and the cooking of BB corn is easy to say and difficult to say.

The cooking of BB corn is completely impossible for normal people, because to make BB corn completely burst, it takes more than a thousand degrees of high temperature in the end.

How can normal people withstand such high temperatures, and BB corn needs to be gradually warmed, not that a high temperature of more than a thousand degrees can be directly completed.

It’s just that for a few chef girls, this is too simple, this is when the observation and control and endurance are tested.

As for Xia Ming, he did not participate in it, but directly rolled into the sky, which resembles volcanic ash in the sky is actually a special salt, which is said to taste quite good when sprinkled on popcorn.

Xia Ming also collected a lot of this salt, this world, even the types of salt are terrifying, among which the more interesting is the butt salt that Ah Yu and others took out at the Death Waterfall, I have to say that this world is indeed disgusting with some ingredients.

After collecting the salt, Xia Ming watched everyone cook BB corn, and a few girls adapted to the high temperature.

Water and other things Xia Ming are also ready, although they can quickly adapt to the high temperature, but the high temperature can also make people sweat and need to replenish water.

In this way, after a while, everyone had already descended to the bottom, that is, the temperature was as high as one thousand twelve.

BB corn also began to jump up like a tap dance, and then began to expand continuously, and the originally flat BB corn was like a round ball, and then exploded.

Countless popcorns flew into the sky, followed by rain.

This is the popcorn rain caused by BB popcorn.

“A lot of amounts, this is more than a hundred people, all almost covered the ground and looked at countless popcorn, Tassho Megumi was also a little surprised, where is this.”

What a hundred servings.

At the moment when her words fell, other people’s popcorn would also die and burst quickly, and countless popcorns kept falling.

The surrounding area had turned into a golden ocean, and Xia Ming had noticed that the popcorn was not burned at all when it fell to the ground at the highest temperature.

This means that BB popcorn itself also has a strong resistance to high temperatures.

However, Xia Ming did not continue to let these popcorns fall completely, but copied them directly, directly gathered all the popcorns, and then packed them in containers made of sound.

After all, it is something to eat, and it is not good to throw it directly on the ground.

However, Xia Ming’s voice also directly dispersed the dust and other things attached to the popcorn.

After all, there are many mice running around here, these mice have super high temperature resistance, you must know that the lowest temperature at that time is also difficult to resist, and finally use the fur of these mice to sneak over.

“Let’s try it, BB popcorn, although it is not BB corn grown in the food world, Shin should taste quite good!”

Xia Ming didn’t think that Ah Yu would casually throw some ingredients into his full meal menu.

Xia Ming didn’t have the idea of collecting menus, because he was greedy, so he wanted all these ingredients, it was as simple as that.

Speaking of which, Xia Ming and others have encountered hundreds of millions of birds before on this continent, and billions of bird eggs are also a kind of Ayu’s full meal menu, but unfortunately, Xia Ming can’t find other ingredients now.

After all, if you want to get hundreds of millions of bird eggs, you need all the ingredients in Ichilong’s full-meal menu, otherwise you can’t do it at all.

“It feels as soft as a marshmallow, and it has a playful scent.”

“The taste is similar to potatoes, it is very addictive, and I feel that I can’t stop taking it after eating it.”

“Especially with the addition of volcanic salt here, the taste is even better.”

Everyone kept talking about the BB popcorn in front of them, and several people who adapted to the high temperature also came, although they have not fully adapted to the high temperature here, but the progress is almost half.

Now it is natural to eat delicious first, but because the cell level of everyone is too high, now BB popcorn cannot activate everyone’s cells.

“If I had been in the past, I would never have imagined that there would be a way to become stronger in this world just by eating, and these foods are so delicious that they are too delicious to describe in words.”

Lucy is also extremely emotional, this world is really amazing, she has completely liked this world.

“After all, it is not the original world, after entering the secret realm, we have been following Xia Mingjun and seen too many good things in this world.”

Butterfly Kanae said with a smile, who would think so in the original world…

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