Chapter 366 The Moon? The moon has been eaten!!

“Yes, it’s a pity that this world doesn’t seem to see other stars and the like, and I don’t know what the moon looks like in this world.”

Lucy’s biggest wish was to go to the moon, of course, in the end, she was not happy because she was on the moon, she didn’t like the moon, but because she hated Arasaka and order, she wanted to go to the moon.

After meeting David and finding someone to accompany him, he realized that what he longed for was actually David and not the moon.

In the final ending, Lucy also saw David, although it was her own imagination, but Xia Ming wondered if Lucy in the original book finally went to the side of cyberpsychosis.

After all, David’s cyberpsychosis also came out like this, because he killed someone similar to his mother, so gradually his spirit began to have problems.

Coupled with the influence of various prosthetic bodies, David’s original book will die even if he does not die in the hands of Adam’s heavy hammer, and then he will die because of cybermental illness, which is beyond doubt, after all, David’s symptoms at that time were already quite serious.

Lucy may have finally appeared in the face of cyberpsychosis, in short, this is a real tragedy.

Of course, now it is different from the original, and naturally there will be no such situation.

“Moon? There is no moon in this world! ”

At this time, Xia Ming took the other party’s words.

“Nothing? Isn’t that normal? After all, there are no other stars in sight… Wait, Xia Mingjun, what do you mean? ”

Alice also spoke, but soon she realized what Xia Ming meant.

This is a secret place, naturally you can’t see any stars, there are days and nights, but you can’t see the sun and other things, and the day and night here are simulated by the system.

But Xia Ming said so now, which means that the moon is very special, and her brain melon seeds are also very useful, and she reacted directly before the words were finished.

“Very clever, what I’m talking about is that before this world became a secret realm, the moon existed in this world, but after an event, the moon disappeared, which is also what Master Shulang said to me.”

Xia Ming threw the pot directly on Master Jiro’s body.

“What the hell is going on here? Why did the moon disappear? Also, won’t there be problems on Earth after the moon disappears? ”

Lucy couldn’t help but ask, the relationship between the moon and the earth is known to everyone, once the moon is gone, the human beings on the earth will suffer a catastrophe, and extinction may only be a matter of time.

“Don’t use common sense to infer this world, the earth of this world is 659 times larger than the original earth, the size of the moon has not changed, and the rules of the normal world are useless in this world.”

“As for how the moon disappeared, it was swallowed by a creature.”

Xia Ming’s words made everyone stunned.

“Swallowed by a creature? This is the moon, about a quarter of the diameter of a normal Earth, how can this planet be swallowed by living things? ”

It is incomprehensible, even if he has obtained a gourmet cell and has the strength to destroy the world, he still can’t understand what he hears now, it’s just like listening to a story.

“Although it is difficult to understand, but this is a fact, the creature that swallowed the moon is actually familiar to you, it is GOD.”

When Xia Ming said the name GOD, everyone who knew what GOD was was directly silent.

“GOD? Oh, God? God swallowed the moon? Is this a myth? ”

Lucy’s whole person is messy, what the hell is this, why is there such a existence as God.

“It’s not God, it’s a code name for an ingredient, and the eight ingredients of the earth have different names, of which GOD is a very important ingredient and a very difficult ingredient.”

Xia Ming explained Lucy simply to understand what was going on.

“How big is this to directly swallow an entire moon.”

Knowing the moon-sized flower blooming courtyard, Yuzu Luo asked with a confused look.

“The GOD itself is not particularly large, in fact, even a hundred meters is mysterious, but the GOD’s body extension ability is very terrifying, for example, its tongue can directly circle the world and the earth in an instant.”

“In short, GOD is a very strong creature, being able to swallow the moon does not mean that it can only swallow the moon, in fact, if GOD really wants to, even the earth can swallow it directly.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, the level of GOD is 10,000 levels, what is the concept of 10,000 levels? Even if the eight kings are creatures with more than six thousand levels, as long as their strength is wanted, it will take a little time to explode the earth.

It’s just that they live on the earth, naturally they won’t do anything to the earth, otherwise don’t say more, let’s say that a laser cannon from the dragon king directly bombarded the universe and killed dozens of smaller planets.

If this shot hits the earth, the earth will be easily blasted through, and then it is only a matter of time before it collapses.

Therefore, the eight kings have such strength, and the adult GOD will naturally only become more terrifying.

It’s just that the existence of GOD is bred by the earth to recycle delicious, so it is naturally impossible to swallow the earth directly.

“So we’re going to have to deal with this ingredient later?”

Everyone remembers very well that Xia Ming’s goal is also these eight ingredients, and GOD is one of them, so it means that they will inevitably face this ingredient at that time.

“That’s right, but don’t worry, GOD is a very special ingredient after all, as long as I don’t face GOD at the beginning, as long as I eat three or four ingredients, I can definitely win GOD.”

Xia Ming is well aware of this, because the earth did not explode in the end, so these ingredients will always exist in the future, but they will only ripen once in hundreds of years.

Xia Ming also believes that this system will definitely not make them wait too long.

Although GOD is strong, Xia Ming is not afraid, give him enough time, he doesn’t need to completely eat those ingredients, and it’s not a problem to get GOD.

Just like the Three Tigers, none of the ingredients in the original Three Tigers have been eaten, but none of the three major powerhouses in the human world at that time knew the eight kings of the virtual food world.

After eating six kinds of ingredients, the combat effectiveness of the three tigers soared to the extent that they could fight against the thirty-thousand-level Acacia.

It can be seen that the level of the Three Tigers at that time has completely exceeded 10,000, according to him, he has even broken through his limits several times, and it can only be said that the Three Tigers are indeed quite terrifying.

It is also worthy of being a person who can survive in that environment, a terrifying horse.

Xia Ming is much more terrifying than the three tigers, they don’t need six ingredients, four ingredients with other ingredients, Xia Ming feels that he is completely worthy of the GOD…

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