Chapter 367 Plan and Unexpected Ingredients!!

“Three or four ingredients, should it be said that it is worthy of Xia Mingjun? This should still be a conservative estimate, after all, with Xia Mingjun’s personality, it is impossible to say too full words. ”

Alice opened her mouth and said, she knew Xia Ming very well, so Xia Ming must have left a certain amount of leeway when he said such a thing now, and it was impossible to say too much, “Maybe!” ”

Xia Ming smiled, Alice really knows him well, yes, what Xia Ming said is a conservative estimate, because Xia Ming opened his attitude, this time he didn’t even use the body of the god ~ in the battle with the blue Nitro.

Even he killed the other party in a fairly relaxed state, just like Master Jiro calmly when he killed those blue Nitros, if it were not for Acacia to intervene, the Blue Nitro would have been directly killed by Jiro-Master at that time.

Xia Ming will always leave room and will not do things that are uncertain, after all, he does not like to give his life and the lives of others to that ethereal luck, even if he can control food luck himself.

So he made conservative estimates.

“Okay, everyone take a break, stroll around here and leave, our next destination, the Hunger Triangle.”

Xia Ming has already made plans, and the next step is to go to the most dangerous Hunger Triangle, which is also home to the old First Ecozone, and the next target is the relics of various ingredients inside, coronal sunflowers.

“Hunger Triangle, that should be one of the seven ruins of food, is there any reason for going to this place?”

After recalling it, Butterfly Kanae found that there was not much information about this place, more just one of the seven gastronomic ruins.

The food pyramid I went to before is also one of the seven places, but the Hunger Triangle is the most dangerous of these places, and it is also completely unrecorded in the information of the human world.

So even they are confused now, completely unaware of what’s going on here.

“It’s normal that you don’t know, after all, there is a very special place inside this place, this place is called the old first ecological area, also known as the kitchen of Acacia.”

Xia Ming explained simply, and then everyone was cold.

“Acacia’s kitchen? Is this guy named Acacia famous? It was named after him. ”

Lucy asked with some doubt, just like in the Night City, many bars will keep those legendary wines, which are named after them, so she is also curious to name them now.

“Acacia was called the god of food in that era, of course, not a real deity, but an honorific title, because in the historical records, because of the GOD discovered by Acacia, the constant war of mankind was stopped.”

“Only after that there was a normal order, did the IGO created by the ten dragons have a chance to develop.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, although the motive at that time was not pure, but the result was good, it was precisely because of such an opportunity that Yilong’s IGO developed, and there would be a grand situation in the hundreds of allied countries behind.

Undoubtedly, Xia Ming did not like this guy named Acacia, and would not even agree with it, but one thing is certain, that is, Acacia’s contribution to nature is absolute.

Acacia was sorry for his wife, his apprentice, and his son, but what he did was naturally recognized, because he brought enough vitality and endless ingredients to the household.

This is also the reason why when Ayu and Komatsu go to the gourmet shrine, there is an extremely rich food luck on the statue of Acacia.

This is nature’s recognition of Acacia, the world’s recognition of Acacia, no matter how unpleasant his operation is, it cannot completely change this.

“Speaking of which, we may also be able to take a look at the Food Shrine after that, which used to be a place dedicated to Acacia and is also a very famous place in the human world.”

Xia Ming suddenly remembered that it seemed okay to go to the Food Shrine afterwards to see if he could absorb some food luck.

And because of the later changes, he was also curious about whether others would be enshrined in the future, and if Ayu, Ichiryu, Sanhu, Komatsu and others would be enshrined there, then the food luck there would be terrifying to an exaggerated level…

However, now that the itinerary has been decided, it is necessary to go to the Hunger Triangle, so naturally it will not be modified.

Anyway, there is a lot of time in this secret place, and it will be the same to go back later, and there are many places they have not set foot in.

In this way, everyone strolled around the neighborhood and also looked for some good ingredients, after all, Xia Ming and others ate not only to become stronger, but also to taste this incomparable delicacy.

However, after everyone walked around, they suddenly found a smell, Xia Ming did not completely let go of his perception, he aimed at crisis perception, as for other aspects, naturally it will not.

And now, everyone has discovered this special stench.

“It stinks, why is it so smelly all of a sudden?”

You know, everyone’s sense of smell is enhanced, so they are very sensitive to various tastes, but now this smell also makes everyone frown.

Even a few people who were not fully used to it couldn’t help but pinch their noses.

“What the hell is going on here? Obviously, we didn’t smell anything when we passed here before, and suddenly it became so smelly. ”

The stench gradually becomes heavier.

“This level of stench, I haven’t observed the problem of ingredients before, sure enough, the giant smelly durian bomb, I didn’t expect this ingredient to appear here, and it happened to ripen when we came.”

Xia Ming was also very surprised, he remembered the name of this ingredient clearly, and the purpose of Ah Yu capturing this durian was to make Huifang sushi.

Xia Ming is not interested in Meifang sushi at all, of course, the ingredients are the same, as long as you don’t use wrestling to make this ingredient, it seems to be good.

The giant smelly durian bomb was a strictly controlled ingredient in that era, and no circulation was allowed, but unfortunately now the order has completely collapsed, plus there was an ingredient extinction, and after the three tigers resurrected the ingredients in the human world, the location of various ingredients has completely changed.

Therefore, the appearance of giant smelly durian bombs here does not seem to be a difficult thing to accept, and this place itself is a plant continent, which seems reasonable

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