Chapter 368 Deception Ingredients!!

“Giant stinky durian bomb? Is it the smelly ingredient in the human world? It is said that even a hundred kilometers away can smell the terrifying stench, and the stench will spread throughout the entire human realm the moment the fruit bursts. ”

After hearing Xia Ming’s words, Butterfly Kanae directly said the situation of the giant smelly durian bomb.

“That’s right, that’s it, and it’s close to ripe, if nothing else, as long as you walk there, the ingredients will ripen, maybe because of food luck, so the ingredients are directly ripened.”

Xia Ming nodded, food luck is indeed quite a wonderful thing, and it can always bring some surprises.

“The stench that can be smelled a hundred kilometers away, and the smell that will interfere with the entire human realm at the moment of explosion? This stinks, even here. ”

Rem said with a look of disgust, this ingredient is too smelly, and this is not the most smelly state.

“The smell of the giant smelly durian bomb is quite corrosive, and after getting close to a certain distance, even the ingredients carried will be directly corrupted by the smell.”

“The moment the giant smelly durian bomb matures and explodes, a hundred kilometers away, all plants will directly wither, as for animals, it depends on the ability to bear, if the ability to bear is strong, it will survive, and if it is not strong, it will be directly finished.”

“In addition, if you get close during maturity, even the clothes will be corrupted.”

“The most important thing is that this ingredient is still a special cooking ingredient, it must be captured without any protection, and once equipped with clothes such as protective clothing, then the result is that the fruit will directly rot and become inedible.”

Xia Ming said what he should say again in detail.

“How can there be such strange ingredients, and even clothes can rot, this is also too strange!”

Everyone felt terrified at the thought of the scene of their clothes being corrupted after they approached.

“Don’t worry about clothes, of course, Rem you can’t, your clothes haven’t been made yet, after all, you have been running around for a while, so your clothes are the clothes of your own world.”

“Although the clothes we are wearing do not look much different, the clothes on our bodies are made of the fur of the high-grade beasts of this world and some materials, and will not be corrupted by this level of stench.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, this dress was made by him, no way, everyone else has their own things, and he is very capable in all aspects, so this task naturally fell on him in the end.

As for the method of production, it refers to the technique of making the death overlord costume in the Asura Duo Thousand Hands Pill of the Shinigami World, plus the knowledge obtained in the human world, so this is naturally not a problem.

“So, what do we do now?”

Because the stench described and the stench he smelled now was so fast, Zhang Rem said that he would never catch this ingredient.

“Actually, it’s not difficult to capture ingredients, you remember the ozone grass you ate before.”

Xia Ming asked with a smile, ozone grass is an ingredient that everyone has eaten, but they did not let them eat it themselves at that time, but ate it in pairs, even those who joined later.

“Remember, that ingredient still needs two people to eat together.”

Everyone’s memory is naturally not bad.

“I see, Xia Mingjun means to cheat the ingredients, right.”

Rina suddenly tapped her palm and said, when Xia Ming led them to capture the ingredients, she had said something about cheating the ingredients, but the later people didn’t understand it, just ate it.

“Cheating ingredients?”

The person who did not understand this concept looked at Erina, who was puzzled, and then everyone quickly told everyone about the deception of ingredients.

“That is to say, as long as the speed is fast enough, you can directly eat ozone grass alone, as long as you cheat the ingredients, in the same way, as long as we can fool the giant smelly durian bomb, then even if there is protection on the body, there is no problem, right!”

Others were stunned.

“Yes, it’s actually the same thing, special cooking ingredients are like this, unless it is a technical requirement, it can be deceived.”

Xia Ming nodded, the operation of deceiving ingredients is rarely used, after all, not all ingredients can be deceived.

“So we have to do this so that the giant smelly durian bomb thinks we can withstand its stench?”

Although they knew this concept, everyone was a little confused.

“It’s actually very simple, I’ve already thought of it, the judgment of the giant smelly durian bomb is nothing more than the things and expressions that the outer layer of human skin touches, so you only need to start from these two points.”

“The sense of smell can be directly closed with points, after all, the huge smell of the giant smell durian bomb can not be completely shielded by breathing in the mouth, and it is best to use points, so that the expression needs to be realistic enough.”

“As for the other point, Xia Mingjun’s voice shield is very useful, this is a completely undetectable shield, with Xia Mingjun’s strength, it should be normal for the giant smelly durian bomb to be undetectable.”

Butterfly Kanae said with a smile that as a recycler, she naturally knows these ingredients very well, so she also knows how to operate them.

“The method is good, but you can’t ignore a few problems, one is the acting problem you said, you don’t know what expression people close to the giant smelly durian bomb will show, so the disguise is naturally impossible to talk about.”

Xia Ming clearly remembered what kind of ghost Ayu and Komatsu were stinked into in the original work, and that kind of expression was not easily simulated.

“This… It is indeed a problem, unless you have seen it, you can’t disguise it, but Xia Mingjun must have a way! ”

Butterfly Kanae asked.

“There is a way, and it’s very simple, remember how we did it when we dealt with ozone grass?”

Xia Ming naturally has a way.

“Eat it at a speed that the ingredients are completely unable to react, that is, we can also use this method to pick the giant stinky durian bomb?”

Everyone knows what’s going on.

“That’s right, picking the ingredients at absolute speed before they react, so that the ingredients can’t be corrupted.”

Saying that, Xia Ming directly disappeared completely in front of everyone, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the place where the giant smelly durian bomb tree was, and instantly cut the ripe fruit from the fruit tree and completed the point.

Immediately afterwards, the entire giant smelly durian bomb was directly shielded with a sound shield.

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